Saturday, August 29, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 3 In Review


I've finally gotten WINDOWS 7!!!


You can click here for a list of all new features.

Operating Systems

I attended a "tutorial".

After the class, it felt that I've just finished 1 hour of hardcore lecture.

"Alright? Alright? Alright?"

"Java Washing Machine..."

Database Systems

Bobby~~~ is my tutor!

Wow... he looks really "different" during the tutorial, as in different from what I remembered during the lectures.


Maybe seeing someone "close-up" really makes a difference.

Anyway... this subject is tougher than I expected... OMG... I think I need like HOURS just to complete Tutorial 2.

It's A LOT of "tedious thinking".

I have no idea why we have to learn Relational Algebra.

Isn't learning the QUERY itself good enough?! Why do I have to learn something which has HORRENDOUS syntax and rules?

It will all eventually be converted to SQL queries anyway...

So dumb.

It's like after you know how to use Windows XP, they forced you to go back and use MS-DOS. (Not the perfect example but you get the idea)

Computer Graphics & Applications

Of course, this is my biggest concern this semester.

During the first lesson this week, as students start entering the lecture room.

Alexei (The Lecturer) started shaking his head...

"I see you guys have not taken up my advice to drop this course. You all are going to regret it."


Programming Languages

Still mangable for now.

According to the lecturer, EBNF (Extended Backus Naur Form) is the easiest topic in this module.

Next topic is C#.

HR Management & Entrepreneurship

Richard is cool.

That's all I have to say.

At least he tried his best to make a boring module interesting.


Forensic Science

Hmm... only interesting thing this week is the lecture on "Blood".

By seeing the blood pattern and the angle, you can re-construct what happen during a violent attack.

Other then that, it's a lot of boring Chemistry stuffs.

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