This is the final piece of record retrieved from the period of Kay Kingdom...
This record lists the major terms, cities, locations and characters in the Kay Kingdom...
Major Locations In Kay Kingdom
Savage Waters (黑暗水域)
Located in the North of Kay Kingdom. The legendary Chilling Serpent (寒冰蛇妖) had long been vanquished, and peace have return back to this area... for now.
Joyless Ghost Lands (亡魂之地)
Located to the west of the Kay Kingdom. Consists of 3 main locations, the Sweet Mountain (糖果山), Sweet Turnabout (糖果弯) and the Main Fort (主营寨). Again, the dark enemies have withdraw most of their forces...
Evil Mortuary Road (黄泉之路)
Situated just south of the Joyless Lands... This is the only remaining place still heavily under attack...
Necromancers Berth (巫师泊)
Located at the far south-west and far east of the Kay Kingdom where the enemies attack from the sea.
Cranberry Cities (啃玻璃城市)
The capital of Kay Kingdom... Inside it lies the infamous...
Pentagon Divine Fortress (五角天堡)
Consists of 6 major areas...
1. Royal Palace / God Tower (宫廷神塔) - This is where the God and Kings and Royal Officials lives... stay far away from this place.
2. Imperial Stables (宫廷马厩) - Situated upon a hill.... The Kay Knights residence.
3. Imperial Kitchen (御膳房) - As its name suggest... provides food for the residents.
4. Scholar's Academy (御书房) - The place where the scholars gather... to plan for greater cause...
5. Imperial Pharmacy (太医院) - Practitioners of the Arts of Survival love to visit this place...
6. South Heaven Gates (南天门) - Entrance into the Fortress.
South Pool (南池)
This place is the origins of the Kay Knights... This is where it all begins... Also known as the Chef Stables.
Island Of Terror (恶魔岛)
An unmarked island on the Kay Kingdom map. No one knows where it is, but it is one greatest fortune to escape from that island.
Mt. Happiness (极乐山)
This is a place where the Kay Knights would visit if something happens to their steed... Most pray they never have to visit this place...
Great Dungeon (天牢)
Decades ago, a great evil being escaped from this place. It was not until recently he was recaptured.
Martial Art Manual of the 4 Schools (四大门派绝学秘籍)
The Faculty of Ninjas (忍者学院) - Art of Ninja (忍者术)
LV1: 探子回报 - Deploys a scout to gather information about incoming danger.
LV2: 眼明手快 - Gains greater movement speed & eyesight.
LV3: 耳听八方 - Detects danger from afar using extraordinary senses.
LV4: 一触即发 - Able to move right away when danger arises.
LV5: 掩人耳目 - Conceal himself, gains the ability to use Smoke Grenade.
LV6: 凌波微步 - Gain superhuman speed and agility.
LV7: 千里传音 - Make it seems like he is there, when he is actually not.
LV8: 瞬间转移 - Relocate himself instantly in another location.
LV9: 无影无踪 - Ultimate art of vanish. Unlocatable, Undetectable.
The Supreme Kitchen (天下第一厨) - Art of Cookery (烹饪学)
LV1: 选购材料 - Gains ability to recognize good ingredients.
LV2: 虚张声势 - Uses fake reputation to cook dishes.
LV3: 慢火清蒸 - Uses a small fire to gradually steam the ingredients.
LV4: 一刀两断 - Hack a piece of fresh meat and vegetable into half.
LV5: 烘烤油炸 - Baked and deep fried the ingredients.
LV6: 煽风点火 - Light a fire out of nothingness, or make it even bigger.
LV7: 借刀杀人 - Uses another chef knife to cut the ingredients...
LV8: 尚方宝刀 - The Imperial Gold Knife from the Emperor lets you cut almost anything.
LV9: 死无全尸 - No carcass, no mercy.
The Taiji Establishment (太极馆) - Art of Taiji (太极功)
LV1: 推三阻四 - Shift away an attack.
LV2: 生东击西 - Use a distraction on someone, in order to attack another.
LV3: 以柔克刚 - Use a soft-approach against someone vicious attack.
LV4: 举一反三 - Uses 3 ways to block an attack.
LV5: 借力使力 - By momentum, redirect the attack to the next person of lower level.
LV6: 铜墙铁壁 - Impregnable shield against external attacks.
LV7: 以牙还牙 - Reflect damage back to the source.
LV8: 双倍奉还 - Doubles the attack back to the source.
LV9: 扭转乾坤 - When it seems like all is lost, this skill can change everything.
Illusionist Cult (幻影魔教) - Art of Illusion (幻影术)
LV1: 散播谣言 - Spread rumors.
LV2: 装疯扮傻 - Pretend to be oblivious to anything...
LV3: 舔吸吞喝 - As its name suggest...
LV4: 自导自演 - Ultimate art of acting.
LV5: 笑里藏刀 - Ultimate art of backstabbing.
LV6: 妖言惑众 - Spread evil rumors that confuse and psycho people.
LV7: 暗箭伤人 - Assassinate a person without exposing oneself.
LV8: 东方不败 - Damage oneself to gain damage immunity.
LV9: 移魂大法 - Mind-control/Manipulate another being of higher power.
Being proficient in the 4 arts is essential to survival in Kay Kingdom, and mastering any one of these will place the person within the ranks of the 8 Immortals...
Kay Knights Character List
8 Immortals (八仙)
Refer to 8 very powerful individuals in the Kay Circle during "Pre 8th Eclipse" days...
1. Immortal of Cookery (食神)
2. Immortal of Darkness (暗魔)
3 The Cannon Immortal / Big Cannon Fairy (大炮仙)
4. Drunkard Immortal (醉仙)
5. Love Immortal (情仙)
6. Illusion Immortal (幻仙)
7. The Ghost (鬼臣)
8. The Assassin (刺客)
7 General (七剑)
Refer to the 7 forces who uphold the law and order in the Kay Kingdom...
Vulture (风将) - Controls the Element of Wind. Peaceful, cooling, does not like conflict. Love beautiful creatures and wealth. Obsessed with things which move fast...
Raven (火将) - Controls the Element of Fire. Fiery, powerful, hot-tempered and dangerous. Offend him and you're dead... Befriend him and he can be your most powerful ally.
Cougar (土将) - Controls the Element of Earth. Usually peaceful... so don't ever make him angry. If he does, he will unleash his earth-shattering powers upon the land. All will feel his wrath. and no one will be able to stop him.
Jaguar (雷将) - Controls the Element of Thunder. A Powerful and mysterious ancient power... The oldest among the 7 Powers, so it's best to keep your distance...
Koala (水将) - Controls the Element of Water. Peaceful, neutral, ignores everything and everyone... Is happy to be in his own world.
Nighthawk (冰将) - Controls the Element of Ice. Quiet, peaceful and keeps to oneself. Beneath his cold exterior is actually a warm heart...
Cannibal (主将) - Controls the Element of Light & Darkness. Sometimes good, sometimes evil. Totally Unpredictable. The original leader of the 7 Generals.
As of this record, General Jaguar, Nighthawk and Cannibal have left the Kay Kingdom... General Cougar will be leaving very soon...
Chief Kingfisher (鱼王族长) - The founder of the Kay Knights.
Chief Quadz (四誉族长) - The new chief of the Kay Knights.
Kay Kingdom Brief Timeline
Time in the Kay Kingdom is calculated from the Moon cycles. This term is known as an "Eclipse".
7th Eclipse 12th Year - Zelda escaped from the Island of Terror and was found by the tribal people of South Pool.
7th Eclipse 1st Year - 13 men (later known as the 13 Chariots) joined the tribal village lead by Chief Kingfisher. In those days, the 7 generals and chief were rarely seen. The Immortal of Cookery and Darkness reigns supreme.
7th Eclipse 4th Year - Chief Kingfisher received the Imperial Edict to move to the capital city... The first generation of the Kay Knights was formed. The 10 Crusaders joined the Circle shortly after.
7th Eclipse 5th Year - Full Scale War begins... The 3 routes into Kay Kingdom came under heavy fire..
7th Eclipse 10th Year - Chief Kingfisher left the Kay Knights... replaced by Chief Quadz. General Cannibal became possessed by a deadly demon and became the greatest evil in the land...
8th Eclipse 1st Year - The evil spirit finally left General Cannibal body... but it mutated itself into something more terrible...
8th Eclipse 7th Year - The 13 Chariots fought their last battles in the Kay Kingdom...
8th Eclipse 11th Year - The Dark Legion withdraw most of their forces from Joyless Ghost Lands and Savage Waters...
9th Eclipse 5th Year - After nearly 24 years... The Dark Forces finally launch their first attack by sea...
9th Eclipse 6th Year - The new generation of Kay Knights. The external war have died down... but the internal war is just about to escalate beyond control. Only 4 of the 7 original general remains... and so the legacy of Kay Kingdom continues...
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