Saturday, March 28, 2009

NTU Y1S2, Week 12 In Review

E Learning Week

EVERYTHING is over!!!




Except for the Final Exams that is.


Microprocessor Programming

5 Labs are all done~

But the E Learning is really terrible.

The material is really "unequaled"...

Hash tables...

I like.


But I prefer the le...


Software Systems & Models
Cleared all the labs and quizzes finally...

Nothing much to say...

Looking forward to John Turner E Conference Tutorial next week...

Since I've never been in one before.

Maybe I should Screen-shot his face and tag him on Facebook?



> . <

Software Engineering

Finally cleared the demo!

My tutor looks quite "satisfied" with our work...

But I really don't know.

I have no confidence at all.


Technical Communication


Guess what? Yesterday was the day I completed this module.

And it was the my HAPPIEST DAY in this entire semester (academically).



During week 2, I made my GREATEST mistake (academically) of this entire Semester.

And I paid dearly for it.

I suffered so much.

Gritting my teeth and hope that I'll pull through it one day. I have no one I can depend on except myself. Every night I think of this I can only blame myself for being so stupid.

And yesterday, I finally atoned for this mistake.

I finally relive myself of all the pain, all the sufferings...


I swear to the skies, to the earth, to myself,

That I will never do something dumb like this again.

Never, ever, EVER!


It's over!!!



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