Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Exercise Is Good For Health!


I'm glad I'm back to exercising regularly now, since the start of the holidays.

I'm really proud of myself for being able to pull myself together and "re-cultivate" this habit again. It takes a lot of determination and self-motivation when you're not "forced" to do it...

For the past 2 to 3 weeks, I've been running/cycling/swimming etc every 2 or 3 days, which is really good. Unfortunately, it seems that I'm still a long way from regaining the ability to run 10KM... Haha.

But that's secondary. Most important is the workout itself.

I've always had this insomnia problem, especially now during the holidays. I just can't make myself sleep anytime before 2am . If I go to bed any earlier than that, I'll spend like more than an hour "flip flopping" in order to get to sleep.

So, instead of wasting that 1 hour, I just use that time to exercise. It helps me sleep better at night, makes me feel better, and it's just a great way to pass time. And it definitely beat sitting in front of the computer all day long.


But alas! I can't seem to find many people who's "enthu" about it and can company me... at least those living in Woodlands...

Those people living in Woodlands are ALL SO LAZY lah... too tired, sleeping, doing housework, working, floor wet... what the hell...

Some people, the stadium is just RIGHT AT THEIR DOORSTEPS... also don't want to come out.


Then those who do exercise stay so far away...



I just try out a new exercise plan today - cycling to the stadium to run! (instead of taking bus)


Not only save money, but I also get to tour pass Republic Poly on the way to the stadium...


Really not bad...

Got Cornetto, Magnolia, Walls...

Hope can get some "Ben and Jerry" next time...


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