Saturday, October 11, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 10 In Review

Random Quotes Of The Week:

"Can I have silence please?"
- Dr Amitabha (Most used phrase)

"All qualified strings will still be qualified. All unqualified strings will still be unqualified. So, is it n-1?"
- Dr Shi
(Every lecture on recursion)

In The Class:
This week, I saw the incompetence of many... And I am finally enlightened on this dark and ugly system...

... Anyway...

We're nearing the end of some subjects already...

Can't wait for the "E-Learning Week"...

Computer Systems
Got back the results for the first test... Hmm... there was a lot of controversies surrounding the test though. Different markers, no fixed marking scheme, 2 same answers can received different marks...

Dot dot dot... nothing to say. When is the last topic coming?

Logic Design
We seen to have develop a "keen interest" for Logic Design... almost every break are spent at the Logic Lab. Sometimes, I don't even know what we're doing. Just messing around I guess. Finally complete the report which took up so much of my time...

Data Structures Programming
Trees! Trees! Trees! It's good to learn something new...

But sometimes, there is really no need to repeat the obvious. It's OK if you emphasis it once or twice, but to repeat it over and over and over... -_-

And of course, Lab Test No.2.

Much better.

Much much better.

That is all I have to say.

Discrete Maths
Finally, we're at the last topic - Recursion.

Can still recall during the first few lectures, when Dr Shi said the last topic is going to be the hardest of them all.

And it truly lives up to its name.

Whether it's finding how many valid words are there in a lost language or how many consecutive male babies you can conceive, the questions never failed to surprise me.

I thought I've gotten the correct answer, but there is almost some kind of "secret" condition that can pop up. Up till this point of time, I still haven't manage to complete a single recursion question correctly on my own.

Foundation Maths
Differentiation is over.

Here comes integration.

Before I even catch anything, we're already at the summary page.


What the... ?!

And Monday is the tutorial.


What you expect me to do? Integrate?

I think before I can integrate all the questions,

I might have disintegrated myself.

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