It's finally over...
<--- The timer on the left has finally run out. I've really left the Kindergarten! (P.S: I've already secured a 1 month part time job for my summer holidays)
Kindergarten... For The Last Time
I went back this morning, and was actually quite reluctant to go up... however, I still gathered my courage to do so. I received an "overwhelming welcome" I guessed, if that is what it is. I don't really have any business there, but I just feel that it would be quite odd if I just leave like that.
Went to say goodbye to the principal, to most of the teachers around, and of course my classmates. Nothing much lah... some handshakes, some hugs~ Regret going up to the 2nd floor though, nearly got raped by SK gang. Neh Neh...
Seems like Jimmy been passed down to YZ... WTH -_-... May misfortune comes to him swiftly if he tries to harm Jimmy. And Baba been given to some new guy too. Aha... I guess that will be his fate from now on, changing a new owner every 3 months. Haha... also good lah, else his long term owner will be super pitiful.
And so... I took my last look at the Kindergarten as I descended down the stairways... into freedom & light.
My Pinky
Unfortunately, I had to made an extra trip down to the MOE to get back my pinky; for some special reason. I got tricked by the flying red dragon again, and alighted at the wrong MRT stop. Fed up... took a cab there.
I passed my "greenie" to the clark in exchanged for my"pinky"... It was like seeing an old, long lost friend. As I passed the first floor reception towards the entrance, I couldn't help but turned left... and take a look into the next area.
There, I saw dozens of people, guys. Sitting on the chairs, waiting for their medical checkups, waiting to take photos...
More than 30 months ago, I was one of them, sitting there. Today, I revisited this place for the 2nd time, and so much have changed.
The Memorable Events List
I shan't bored you with the details (neither can I), but these are some of the most memorable days/events that occurred during my 23 months.
1. The First Day
The day we were ferried across to an island like blur sotongs, as we take the oath with our lives... The separation, the tears and the sleepless first night...
2. The First Time Out
Is that a car?! Is that a building?! Is that a girl?! The absolute amazement of being back in civilization, and the feeling of being teleported back to present from the ancient world. I can't even use a mouse properly when I reached home... I gave my mum a big hug that day~
3. The 7 Days In Jungle
The ultimate test. Wow... Looking back, I wondered how I survived this. I made a lot of good friends and learnt a lot of things from this...
4. The 24K
I've never been closer to death than this. NOTHING in my entire life can compare to this. Thanks for the IMMENSE moral support from everyone.
5. The Day We Throw Our Caps
The most memorable one liao loh... so many things happened, from the previous night till the end of the day. Good things, bad things and things that couldn't be disclosed. Hahaha... the feeling was indescribable.
6. First Time I Met Avy
Sounds extremely embarrassing now that I think back about it. Hahaha. Really dumb sia... I was scared out of my wits when I went inside. And the first time bringing her for "walk" is unforgettable too.
7. The Rope Skipping Incident
Hahaha... Only those that are from my batch will know this. What can I say leh? Screw that WH lah...
8. Choo Got Burnt
This is just what it is loh... kanna burnt by CD Burner.
9. Rommel's Demise
One of the saddening moment in 2 years...
Hmm... some memorable ones I can recall from the top of my head...
A) The Thunderstorm Night - I don't remember exactly who the people were (I think it was Choo, Wei Hao & Kenny), but it took place at the "Underwater World". It was way back when Mr Kok was still around. During midnight, there was a super huge & severe thunderstorm. Me and Choo chiong down to "save our pets". In the end, we tried using all sort of means to sheltered them from the storm. Haha...
B) First Night With Win Win - LOL... the title doesn't sounds right... but it isn't' what you think. Win and me did the FIRST EVER 15 hours Oil excursion together. Yep. The first time it was changed from 2 hours to 15 hours, we were the ones who made history. You couldn't possibly imagine the stress I was having. And to top it off, something terrible happened that night. If you asked him now, I doubt he'll remember;but I'll remember it for life. It left me scarred for the rest of my days in the Kindergarten.
C) Chasing Out The Instructor - I think this was at the Underwater with Qi Qi and WH. We chased the instructor out of the room, and we didn't realized it until the next day... -_-
D) Mid Autumn with Soh - I spent my Mid Autumn night together with one of the greatest character in the Kindergarten at the Oil site, enjoying the moon. My heart nearly stopped beating, but for an entirely different reason compared to the one with Win.
E) My Last Battle with Qi Qi - OK Lah... I decide to put this in, just for old times sake. I told Ah Qi, this is our "最后的战役". This remains one of the most challenging excursions I had at the Kindergarten...
F) The 2 Chinese New Year - 1st year, I was looking after the pets until overtime, and some basket never come took over. Those who know will know lah. 2nd year, YZ that &$^@#$@ snatched my Saravanana from me... GRRR. All my Kindergarten CNY are filled with bad memories.
G) The Last Excursion - Admit it, who can have a more memorable one than me? I did this with the Vice Principle, WH AND the RED DRAGON. Now, find me a better combo than that.
Ok lah... that is all I have to say. Haha. I think I left the place on good terms with everyone, right? Hahaha...
For 20 months, I have never even once failed to attend an excursion that belong to me. I dare to say that I've never 对不起 anyone already. Even when I'm ill, I still forced myself to attend the excursion. I've never landed anyone into trouble, nor did anything bad towards the Kindergarten.
我对这里,真的可以说是鞠躬尽瘁, 死而后已 liao.
There is so much things to say, and I can go on and on about the Kindergarten. I can write stories after stories about it, but I think it's about time for this to end. It's time I put all of this behind me and start anew.
Hopefully, this will be the last post about the Kindergarten, at least anytime in the near future.
May life at the Kindergarten gets better with each passing day, and I give my blessings to all those still working towards their graduation!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
NTU, Freshmen Welcome Day! (Part 2)
This post is a continuation from Part I.
Zhi Wei's phone rang and the caller displayed is me... meaning someone called him using my phone.
Well, I picked it up ASAP of course, and a guy answered. Spare the details, it appeared that my phone is with him! And so yeah... I met with this kind man (he's a staff there) who returned my lost phone to me after confirming that I'm really the owner of the phone. Whew... a sigh of relief...
I tried finding out what happened, but this man is not the person who picked up my phone. He said someone passed it to him this morning, and he held onto it thinking that its owner will call the phone. However, he only realized the phone was switched off till the afternoon...
So whatever it is, I guess I will never know how my phone manage to "walk out" of my bag. Only the person that picked up my phone will know where I dropped it, but no one knows who he is now.
Lame right?
If you think that's the end of the story, you're wrong.
At the end of the day, when I was going home (walking towards bus stop), I received another call. It was from a staff who helped me searched for my phone earlier. She said she found a phone and thought it might be mine. I told her I already got my phone back, and she was like, "Oh Ok...".
So, who lost the 2nd phone? Maybe it's the person who was sitting at the cursed place during the afternoon session?
Whew... creepy... Regardless, I think I'm very lucky to get back my phone. Whoever the kind man is, I give him my greatest gratitude.
I think I spent too much time on this supernatural occurrence already, so back to the orientation bah.
We went to our individual school talks after that... For my side, it's basically nothing much... just a lot about academic matters. Like adding & dropping of courses, taking minors, the different electives, the SCE Club, etc...
The "opening speech" of Professor Angela really... "inspires" me a lot though. Even before coming to the course, I've already heard of its "great name" as being one of the toughest, but what she said confirmed it. I don't remember the exact words, but this is basically what she said.
"Last week, we just saw the graduation of our Computer Engineering 08' batch, and they were asked to write their opinions on the courses they took... Some of the kinder ones, they wrote things like 'challenging', 'not that tough'. The ones that are more frank, however, described it as the 'killer course'."
Another speaker said, "Students usually performed more badly during the first semester due to being away from books for so long. Every year, boys tell me that 'wearing green' brought their IQ to 0, which is why they couldn't adjust in the first semester..."
Wow. What a great prelude to the school first semester. Now I'm really "dying" to study. Went home after that lo~
My block is just directly opposite of Ah Wei~ so I think we'll be seeing each other quite often. And of course, I'll wait with open arms for the arrival of my Kindergarten friends next year!
Zhi Wei's phone rang and the caller displayed is me... meaning someone called him using my phone.
Well, I picked it up ASAP of course, and a guy answered. Spare the details, it appeared that my phone is with him! And so yeah... I met with this kind man (he's a staff there) who returned my lost phone to me after confirming that I'm really the owner of the phone. Whew... a sigh of relief...
I tried finding out what happened, but this man is not the person who picked up my phone. He said someone passed it to him this morning, and he held onto it thinking that its owner will call the phone. However, he only realized the phone was switched off till the afternoon...
So whatever it is, I guess I will never know how my phone manage to "walk out" of my bag. Only the person that picked up my phone will know where I dropped it, but no one knows who he is now.
Lame right?
If you think that's the end of the story, you're wrong.
At the end of the day, when I was going home (walking towards bus stop), I received another call. It was from a staff who helped me searched for my phone earlier. She said she found a phone and thought it might be mine. I told her I already got my phone back, and she was like, "Oh Ok...".
So, who lost the 2nd phone? Maybe it's the person who was sitting at the cursed place during the afternoon session?
Whew... creepy... Regardless, I think I'm very lucky to get back my phone. Whoever the kind man is, I give him my greatest gratitude.
I think I spent too much time on this supernatural occurrence already, so back to the orientation bah.
We went to our individual school talks after that... For my side, it's basically nothing much... just a lot about academic matters. Like adding & dropping of courses, taking minors, the different electives, the SCE Club, etc...
The "opening speech" of Professor Angela really... "inspires" me a lot though. Even before coming to the course, I've already heard of its "great name" as being one of the toughest, but what she said confirmed it. I don't remember the exact words, but this is basically what she said.
"Last week, we just saw the graduation of our Computer Engineering 08' batch, and they were asked to write their opinions on the courses they took... Some of the kinder ones, they wrote things like 'challenging', 'not that tough'. The ones that are more frank, however, described it as the 'killer course'."
Another speaker said, "Students usually performed more badly during the first semester due to being away from books for so long. Every year, boys tell me that 'wearing green' brought their IQ to 0, which is why they couldn't adjust in the first semester..."
Wow. What a great prelude to the school first semester. Now I'm really "dying" to study. Went home after that lo~
My block is just directly opposite of Ah Wei~ so I think we'll be seeing each other quite often. And of course, I'll wait with open arms for the arrival of my Kindergarten friends next year!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
NTU, Freshmen Welcome Day! (Part I)
Aha! The big day's finally here. This is going to be a long post, because something supernatural happened... so bear with me.
And so I woke up at 0630 in the morning to the ringing alarm of my phone. Been ages since I woke up this early. Went to Boon Lay interchange to meet up with...
Tada! A~go~go~!!
I"ll address him as Zhi Wei now. Only in green places do we address each other by their surnames, so we should do away with that. And the Kindergarten is the only place in this world where we address each other by their "pet name + surname". (e.g Jackie Goh) It is a "unique" tradition that we should leave behind after we left the Kindergarten... seriously. This is our common sentiments.
Well anyway... talked about lots of things lo. Like what has he been doing this past few months~ how Jackie is so "ke lian" now, being abused constantly by his mad owner and SK always looking for a chance to give him some "love education" (in his own words).
Haha...been months since I seen him, and my feeling this time round is completely different. I remembered when he left, I told him I'll see him again after 6 months. I kept my promise :P
We reached the place quite early... not even opened yet... Hang around a bit until 0915... Finally can go in...
And so we headed inside the auditorium... I asked him want to sit where... so he choose lor. Right side, in front. So everything just went on as normal.
Arrival of guests, some speech by some of the VIPs (all of them recounting their "days in NTU", saying how "seeing you reminds me of myself in the past"...), some introduction program.
And then...
Something caught my eye.
Something that HORRIFIED me...
Out of THOUSANDS of seats, somehow me and Ago happened to sit behind this?! I swear this wasn't intentional. We didn't even realized the seats are labeled until halfway through the programme...
Man... I have a bad feeling about this...
Is my past coming back to haunt me?
So we recite the pledge of NTU, and somehow I am glad that the pledge doesn't end with "with my life!"...
We went through the "lighting up" sequence, which is said to signify a new stage in our lives, etc... Watch some performance...
End of morning session. Went out for lunch/refreshments.
AND IT HAPPENED. My handphone... IS GONE!
... WTF?!
I remembered taking it out to switch to silent mode, putting it into my bag and NEVER opening it again. The bag was lying beneath the chair ALL ALONG. HOW THE HELL IT DISAPPEARED?!
I searched all over the place for it. I went back into the auditorium, searched high and low near the place I sat, asked the staffs (1 of the staff help me called my HP, but transfer to voice mail)...
Still no signs of my phone. IT VANISHED inside my bag!
Wah Lau... I tried calling using Zhi Wei's HP, but it kept transferring to voice mail immediately. Kept trying... but still the same result. Haiz... I gave up.
I remembered VERY VERY CLEARLY I only switched it to silent. I DID NOT OFF IT, and IT WAS IN MY BAG ALL ALONG. By now, I'm convinced someone has somehow taken my HP, switch it off/took out the sim card.
Anyway... bo bian. What to do? HP disappear into thin air by itself.
Think so much also no use... Haiz... preparing to cancel the line liao.
Time's up. Afternoon session starts.
So we went in, and Zhi Wei said, "want sit back same place?"
I said, "NO, I dont' want sit at the cursed place."
He insisted though, so we went back to check it out, but the seat has been taken already...
Bo bian... went to sit in the middle, back portion. The R-25 or R-26 I think.
Then, out of nowhere, he said this, "lucky we never sit R-21."
AHHHHHHHHHH! Tio stunned! Since when he became so "cold"... -__-
Anyway, sitting through another series of speeches.
And then... Zhi Wei's HP rang, and it's a call from
To Be Continue...
And so I woke up at 0630 in the morning to the ringing alarm of my phone. Been ages since I woke up this early. Went to Boon Lay interchange to meet up with...
Tada! A~go~go~!!
I"ll address him as Zhi Wei now. Only in green places do we address each other by their surnames, so we should do away with that. And the Kindergarten is the only place in this world where we address each other by their "pet name + surname". (e.g Jackie Goh) It is a "unique" tradition that we should leave behind after we left the Kindergarten... seriously. This is our common sentiments.
Well anyway... talked about lots of things lo. Like what has he been doing this past few months~ how Jackie is so "ke lian" now, being abused constantly by his mad owner and SK always looking for a chance to give him some "love education" (in his own words).
Haha...been months since I seen him, and my feeling this time round is completely different. I remembered when he left, I told him I'll see him again after 6 months. I kept my promise :P
We reached the place quite early... not even opened yet... Hang around a bit until 0915... Finally can go in...
A Bad Omen
And so we headed inside the auditorium... I asked him want to sit where... so he choose lor. Right side, in front. So everything just went on as normal.
Arrival of guests, some speech by some of the VIPs (all of them recounting their "days in NTU", saying how "seeing you reminds me of myself in the past"...), some introduction program.
And then...
Something caught my eye.
Something that HORRIFIED me...
Out of THOUSANDS of seats, somehow me and Ago happened to sit behind this?! I swear this wasn't intentional. We didn't even realized the seats are labeled until halfway through the programme...
Man... I have a bad feeling about this...
Is my past coming back to haunt me?
Taking The Pledge
So we recite the pledge of NTU, and somehow I am glad that the pledge doesn't end with "with my life!"...
We went through the "lighting up" sequence, which is said to signify a new stage in our lives, etc... Watch some performance...
End of morning session. Went out for lunch/refreshments.
The Curse
AND IT HAPPENED. My handphone... IS GONE!
... WTF?!
I remembered taking it out to switch to silent mode, putting it into my bag and NEVER opening it again. The bag was lying beneath the chair ALL ALONG. HOW THE HELL IT DISAPPEARED?!
I searched all over the place for it. I went back into the auditorium, searched high and low near the place I sat, asked the staffs (1 of the staff help me called my HP, but transfer to voice mail)...
Still no signs of my phone. IT VANISHED inside my bag!
Wah Lau... I tried calling using Zhi Wei's HP, but it kept transferring to voice mail immediately. Kept trying... but still the same result. Haiz... I gave up.
I remembered VERY VERY CLEARLY I only switched it to silent. I DID NOT OFF IT, and IT WAS IN MY BAG ALL ALONG. By now, I'm convinced someone has somehow taken my HP, switch it off/took out the sim card.
Anyway... bo bian. What to do? HP disappear into thin air by itself.
Think so much also no use... Haiz... preparing to cancel the line liao.
Time's up. Afternoon session starts.
Afternoon Session Begins
So we went in, and Zhi Wei said, "want sit back same place?"
I said, "NO, I dont' want sit at the cursed place."
He insisted though, so we went back to check it out, but the seat has been taken already...
Bo bian... went to sit in the middle, back portion. The R-25 or R-26 I think.
Then, out of nowhere, he said this, "lucky we never sit R-21."
AHHHHHHHHHH! Tio stunned! Since when he became so "cold"... -__-
Anyway, sitting through another series of speeches.
And then... Zhi Wei's HP rang, and it's a call from
To Be Continue...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Awakening From A Dream...
Today, I woke up and did something that I thought I wouldn't be alive to do again.
I actually login into NTU website to check my "SCHOOL TIMETABLE"...
Even now, I still find it unbelievable. It's like, I woke up this morning and actually realized that I am REALLY leaving the life I've been living for the past 23 months.
It actually dawn on me that in just less than a week time, I'll be doing something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
I still find it "hard to accept" at this moment. Don't get me wrong though, I'm extremely elated.
It's like waking up from a dream. A long dream.
Very long.
Damn long.
Frigging long. (Maybe a nightmare)
Everything, everything from the past 23 months will soon fade away just like a dream. It'll be liked it never happened before...
It'll be like... I just graduated from SP and will be going on to NTU in the same year.
Yeah... that's how I would like to think of it.
"Everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Now, the dream is over. Now, our soul is ours again. Working together, now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild our life. The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today "
" Just, one more thing... the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."
I actually login into NTU website to check my "SCHOOL TIMETABLE"...
Even now, I still find it unbelievable. It's like, I woke up this morning and actually realized that I am REALLY leaving the life I've been living for the past 23 months.
It actually dawn on me that in just less than a week time, I'll be doing something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
I still find it "hard to accept" at this moment. Don't get me wrong though, I'm extremely elated.
It's like waking up from a dream. A long dream.
Very long.
Damn long.
Frigging long. (Maybe a nightmare)
Everything, everything from the past 23 months will soon fade away just like a dream. It'll be liked it never happened before...
It'll be like... I just graduated from SP and will be going on to NTU in the same year.
Yeah... that's how I would like to think of it.
"Everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Now, the dream is over. Now, our soul is ours again. Working together, now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild our life. The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today "
" Just, one more thing... the people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Pair Of Glasses
I've been blinded for too long. Way to long.
My sight have been screened off from reality. Everything was concealed under the cover of darkness and corruption. Everything was distorted.
For far too long, I was blinded from the truth. I couldn't see what's really important, what really matters.
I love my new glasses. They made me see the world in a new light.
When I brought the old pair to the optical shop, the optometrist was shocked. The lens was covered with scratches all over, the protective coating were long gone, and it was just in a terrible state. And I've been wearing it for more than 5 years!
I couldn't believe it. Why didn't I realize it all along? Why didn't I notice it sooner? How much have my eyes suffered under this pair of lenses?
This reminds me of a story someone told me, the story of "The Boiling Frog".
Do you know that if you put a frog into boiling water, it will jump out (escape alive). However, if you place it in cool water, and slowly heat up the water till boiling point, the frog will never jump out (die).
Isn't it true and applicable to many things in life? When things around you starts to deteriorate and turn bad slowly, little by little, day by day, you don't notice it. You don't do anything about it... until the point when it's too late.
Many things don't just plummet from great to terrible in an instant, but decline slowly and gradually. That's why we can't detect it, just like the frog. By the time the frog knows the water is boiling, he's already dead.
For example, a new-smoker doesn't start smoking 20 sticks a day instantly. A overweight person don't just gain 100 pounds overnight. If that happens, it will immediately hit them that they got to do something about it.
Same for positive things... who do you think feels richer? Someone that receives 1 million overnight in his bank, or someone that receives 1 million over 20 years? They both got the same amount, but the first person will probably feel the joy much more.
It's the same for many things; Relationships, bad habits, finance, health...
If you see a person every single day, you don't see him changing; If you haven't seen him for 5 years, he'll be totally different from what you remembered.
...What the hell... how come can lead to so much stuff...
Everything is now clearer, and brighter~
I think I'm transforming back into someone... "normal" again. My biological clock is back to that of a normal human being. I'm much more stable emotionally, and I can't wait to embark on this new quest~
Ahh~ Life is great~! ( <--- Not a "Great Eastern" promo)
My sight have been screened off from reality. Everything was concealed under the cover of darkness and corruption. Everything was distorted.
For far too long, I was blinded from the truth. I couldn't see what's really important, what really matters.
I love my new glasses. They made me see the world in a new light.
When I brought the old pair to the optical shop, the optometrist was shocked. The lens was covered with scratches all over, the protective coating were long gone, and it was just in a terrible state. And I've been wearing it for more than 5 years!
I couldn't believe it. Why didn't I realize it all along? Why didn't I notice it sooner? How much have my eyes suffered under this pair of lenses?
This reminds me of a story someone told me, the story of "The Boiling Frog".
Do you know that if you put a frog into boiling water, it will jump out (escape alive). However, if you place it in cool water, and slowly heat up the water till boiling point, the frog will never jump out (die).
Isn't it true and applicable to many things in life? When things around you starts to deteriorate and turn bad slowly, little by little, day by day, you don't notice it. You don't do anything about it... until the point when it's too late.
Many things don't just plummet from great to terrible in an instant, but decline slowly and gradually. That's why we can't detect it, just like the frog. By the time the frog knows the water is boiling, he's already dead.
For example, a new-smoker doesn't start smoking 20 sticks a day instantly. A overweight person don't just gain 100 pounds overnight. If that happens, it will immediately hit them that they got to do something about it.
Same for positive things... who do you think feels richer? Someone that receives 1 million overnight in his bank, or someone that receives 1 million over 20 years? They both got the same amount, but the first person will probably feel the joy much more.
It's the same for many things; Relationships, bad habits, finance, health...
If you see a person every single day, you don't see him changing; If you haven't seen him for 5 years, he'll be totally different from what you remembered.
...What the hell... how come can lead to so much stuff...
Everything is now clearer, and brighter~
I think I'm transforming back into someone... "normal" again. My biological clock is back to that of a normal human being. I'm much more stable emotionally, and I can't wait to embark on this new quest~
Ahh~ Life is great~! ( <--- Not a "Great Eastern" promo)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Taiwan army using dummy soldier as sentry guard
(Due to lack of manpower, Taiwan camp uses dummy soldiers.)
Lack of manpower than can use dummy?!
What's this? "Empty City Strategy"?
(Due to lack of manpower, Taiwan camp uses dummy soldiers.)
Lack of manpower than can use dummy?!
What's this? "Empty City Strategy"?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bye, Kindergarten!
Regardless of good or bad, I got to stay in the Kindergarten for my last 2 nights. Thanks to those who came back to company me so I don't have to face the 4 walls alone. First night was still alright. Second, some psychopath came back and destroy the peace and serene. I think he should go see a psychiatrist, seriously. It's free for all students at the Kindergarten.
I was actually feeling quite "emo" on the 2nd night, knowing that I'm about to do the things that I've been doing for the past 500 plus days for the last time. Touring the "backyard", writing the excursion forms, updating the attendance board, answering the calls and playing with the pets...
My Thanks
I hereby sincerely express my gratitude and thanks to anyone who has helped me in ANY way for the duration I was at the Kindergarten, no matter how small or insignificant it is.
First of all, I sincerely thank the Principal for his encouraging words, and his awesome farewell gifts for me. He is truly a great and generous person, and life in school wouldn't be the same without him. Next, I would like to express my utmost appreciation and gratitude to my form teacher for his assistance in helping me achieve such wonderful results.
I would like to thank all the "alumini" of the Kindergarten for their "motivation" they've given me when they left school. Without them, I would not have persevere till today.
Of course, I give the greatest thanks to all my classmates and schoolmates. Each and everyone of them made the Kindergarten such a "culturally diverse and fun-filled" place. Everyone of them are unique individuals that are fun to be together with, with people from all different backgrounds. We have the westerners, the oriental and the gangsters. We have the psychopaths and the maniacs, the silent (silent killer) and the loud-spoken, the timid and the fearless.
Exciting Life At The Kindergarten
The result of having so many different personalities meant that our daily lives were filled with so much "excitement" and "challenges". Everyday is a different one, and I just know everyone simply looks forward to school.
You have to constantly be on a lookout for "exciting nominations" from the teachers. Being "nominated" is such a wonderful feeling, because it gives you the satisfaction and fulfillment of being "trusted" to do tasks that no one else wanted to. When you are "nominated", it means you are contributing to the Kindergarten, which is simply a "wonderful feeling". Your peers and friends rely on you to help them, and helping them gives you the utmost satisfaction.
In here, what matters most are friendship. Friends should help each other out with their homework, right?
Fun Filled Memories
I will really miss washing the backyard and scrubbing the floors with my classmates. I never feel bored when I'm spending time with them.
I love it even more when my classmates leave me behind and let me clean the entire backyard by myself. It meant that they trust my abilities and I really really appreciate that. I love to do chores myself because I can learn to be independent, and even train up at the same time. It is truly the most wonderful job in the world.
When I am left to do everything by myself, I feel that I'm truly contributing to the school, and only then do my life has meaning.
Times Together
When I return to my room and find things misplaced or missing, I would be so delighted. It meant that I can now play the "detective game" which I love so much. I can go around the whole school hunting for my item, which is just so much fun!
I love it when during my showers, water will just splash down from the skies for no reason at all! It's so unexpected that you can't help but laugh. Life is so much fun back then.
I love it when when visitors came to the Kindergarten, we get to rehearse 100 times beforehand. It is a life-time experience to be able to perform in front of the school's guests.
I love it when I'm forced to stay in school, because nothing can be more fun than staying in school! It's like living in a president suite! I don't feel like I'm being punished at all!
I love it when the school conduct "physical fitness" lessons, because we get to run around the compound! We take this chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and stay healthy at the same time! It's the best of both worlds!
The best thing is when school-bell rings, we don't have to go home. Instead, we get to play with our pets! It's the best school rule ever!
Variety of Educational & Challenging Excursions
I love taking the "free air-con" bus at 5pm for external excursions. Different classmates accompany you each time, and to different places, which meant more variety and more fun!
I am eternally grateful to the MOE for organizing so much excursions for us (up to 10 per month!). Not only do they provide top-rated dinner, we also enjoy royalty-like treatment there. And we don't even have to pay a single cent!
The best thing happens when they organize excursions for me during weekends and holidays. Who needs to celebrate Chinese New Year or Christmas? Nothing can be more fun than going on excursions! Students gained so much from those educational tours, they learn vital life skills that they would never have know elsewhere.
I am overjoyed each time when I know that someone decides not to attend an excursion, because then there'll be a chance that our teachers may "nominate" me to go. I am over the moon whenever something like that occurs.
Excursions are simply the best things at the Kindergarten. They made me learn so much more about life. My intelligence stats have increased by at least 100 from the countless excursions during my stay at the Kindergarten.
(YK, YZ: Please continue to persevere and uphold our honor, even as the minority.)
The Best Place
As you can see, the Kindergarten is simply the BEST PLACE in this world.
I will definitely miss my life at the Kindergarten!
It is where I spend the best years of my life doing the most meaningful things I've ever done.
I will miss everyone at the Kindergarten!
I was actually feeling quite "emo" on the 2nd night, knowing that I'm about to do the things that I've been doing for the past 500 plus days for the last time. Touring the "backyard", writing the excursion forms, updating the attendance board, answering the calls and playing with the pets...
My Thanks
I hereby sincerely express my gratitude and thanks to anyone who has helped me in ANY way for the duration I was at the Kindergarten, no matter how small or insignificant it is.
First of all, I sincerely thank the Principal for his encouraging words, and his awesome farewell gifts for me. He is truly a great and generous person, and life in school wouldn't be the same without him. Next, I would like to express my utmost appreciation and gratitude to my form teacher for his assistance in helping me achieve such wonderful results.
I would like to thank all the "alumini" of the Kindergarten for their "motivation" they've given me when they left school. Without them, I would not have persevere till today.
Of course, I give the greatest thanks to all my classmates and schoolmates. Each and everyone of them made the Kindergarten such a "culturally diverse and fun-filled" place. Everyone of them are unique individuals that are fun to be together with, with people from all different backgrounds. We have the westerners, the oriental and the gangsters. We have the psychopaths and the maniacs, the silent (silent killer) and the loud-spoken, the timid and the fearless.
Exciting Life At The Kindergarten
The result of having so many different personalities meant that our daily lives were filled with so much "excitement" and "challenges". Everyday is a different one, and I just know everyone simply looks forward to school.
You have to constantly be on a lookout for "exciting nominations" from the teachers. Being "nominated" is such a wonderful feeling, because it gives you the satisfaction and fulfillment of being "trusted" to do tasks that no one else wanted to. When you are "nominated", it means you are contributing to the Kindergarten, which is simply a "wonderful feeling". Your peers and friends rely on you to help them, and helping them gives you the utmost satisfaction.
In here, what matters most are friendship. Friends should help each other out with their homework, right?
Fun Filled Memories
I will really miss washing the backyard and scrubbing the floors with my classmates. I never feel bored when I'm spending time with them.
I love it even more when my classmates leave me behind and let me clean the entire backyard by myself. It meant that they trust my abilities and I really really appreciate that. I love to do chores myself because I can learn to be independent, and even train up at the same time. It is truly the most wonderful job in the world.
When I am left to do everything by myself, I feel that I'm truly contributing to the school, and only then do my life has meaning.
Times Together
When I return to my room and find things misplaced or missing, I would be so delighted. It meant that I can now play the "detective game" which I love so much. I can go around the whole school hunting for my item, which is just so much fun!
I love it when during my showers, water will just splash down from the skies for no reason at all! It's so unexpected that you can't help but laugh. Life is so much fun back then.
I love it when when visitors came to the Kindergarten, we get to rehearse 100 times beforehand. It is a life-time experience to be able to perform in front of the school's guests.
I love it when I'm forced to stay in school, because nothing can be more fun than staying in school! It's like living in a president suite! I don't feel like I'm being punished at all!
I love it when the school conduct "physical fitness" lessons, because we get to run around the compound! We take this chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and stay healthy at the same time! It's the best of both worlds!
The best thing is when school-bell rings, we don't have to go home. Instead, we get to play with our pets! It's the best school rule ever!
Variety of Educational & Challenging Excursions
I love taking the "free air-con" bus at 5pm for external excursions. Different classmates accompany you each time, and to different places, which meant more variety and more fun!
I am eternally grateful to the MOE for organizing so much excursions for us (up to 10 per month!). Not only do they provide top-rated dinner, we also enjoy royalty-like treatment there. And we don't even have to pay a single cent!
The best thing happens when they organize excursions for me during weekends and holidays. Who needs to celebrate Chinese New Year or Christmas? Nothing can be more fun than going on excursions! Students gained so much from those educational tours, they learn vital life skills that they would never have know elsewhere.
I am overjoyed each time when I know that someone decides not to attend an excursion, because then there'll be a chance that our teachers may "nominate" me to go. I am over the moon whenever something like that occurs.
Excursions are simply the best things at the Kindergarten. They made me learn so much more about life. My intelligence stats have increased by at least 100 from the countless excursions during my stay at the Kindergarten.
(YK, YZ: Please continue to persevere and uphold our honor, even as the minority.)
The Best Place
As you can see, the Kindergarten is simply the BEST PLACE in this world.
I will definitely miss my life at the Kindergarten!
It is where I spend the best years of my life doing the most meaningful things I've ever done.
I will miss everyone at the Kindergarten!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Red Cliff
YET another movie... god. How much have I spent?
Not many people, only Edwin, Benja, Jia Yun and myself. Why leh? You have to ask "Mr Aeroplane Flyer Yao Peng".
This is going to be long, so pardon me. I have a lot to say about this movie.

Not many people, only Edwin, Benja, Jia Yun and myself. Why leh? You have to ask "Mr Aeroplane Flyer Yao Peng".
This is going to be long, so pardon me. I have a lot to say about this movie.
Tada! One of my most anticipated movies...
but turn out to be a disappointment. It's not bad, but maybe my expectations were too high.
I'm a real hardcore 3 kingdoms fan; I watch documentaries on it, I read articles about it, I have 2 sets of comic collection on it and I've played at least a dozen different games based on it. I can almost say I know the "Romance" (the novel) and the "Records" (actual history) extremely well, so I held really really high expectations for this one.
But alas! It turned out to be quite a joke. Not totally, but almost.
The Beginning
Awesome opening sequence. I like how they took quotes from the actual history, like when the Emperor tries to stop Cao Cao from attacking Liu Bei, Cao Cao said refuted:
"If I'm not here, there would be countless self-proclaimed kings and emperors!"
It meant that Cao Cao is the one that is keeping the Han Dynasty alive due to all of the warlords being afraid of him. I love the power and impact of such words.
Everything at the beginning was near-perfect...
but good thing doesn't last...
Battle at Changban
This battle features 2 major events: Zhao Yun rescuing A Dou, and Zhang Fei stopping the Cao Cao army at the Changban bridge. They screwed up a bit, but it's nothing too serious.
Zhao Yun's part was alright, but they replaced Zhang Fei "roar striking fear into enemies" portion with a full fledge, drawn out battle, which is OK.
I like the part where they turned their shields around to use the reflecting rays, but it went on for a bit too long. I think they don't know how to gauge... there are numerous battles I can think of that went on for way longer than needed.
And what's up with the "Guan Yu Opera Pose"? I know they want to introduce Guan Yu and make him show his superhuman powers, but HE IS NOT INVOLVED in this battle. What's with the Guan Yu single-handedly fighting off Cao Cao army part at the end? This portion is totally unneeded. This is not a dynasty warrior game.
Zhuge Liang Visit Wu
I had huge expectations for this part. In Romance 3, there's this portion where Zhuge Liang meets the scholars and had an spectacular debate (known as 舌战群儒), but they toned it down so much here. It isn't bad, but this portion could have been so much better.
And then, Zhuge Liang meets Zhou Yu. OK, this scene dragged on for way too long. Liang visits the training camp, then it shows some kid blowing a flute, and the music just went on... and on... and on... I really don't see the need. At least the water buffalo part is still alright, as it potrays how Zhou Yu enforce discipline in his army.
There are some humor elements here that actually surprises me. Zhuge Liang's "我需要保持冷静" and his "略懂" to everything are nice additions.
And then, Xiao Qiao (Miss Lin Zhi Ling) gets introduce for the first time in a really... really no link scene. In fact, judging from the entire movie, EVERY SINGLE SCENE that involves Xiao Qiao IS UNNCESSARY. Don't believe me? Read on.
So, they had this horse giving birth scene, and Zhuge Liang came along to help deliver. WTF? Someone tell me what is this scene doing in here? And the next one, Zhuge Liang playing music with Zhou Yu, and Xiao Qiao brewing tea (I think). Again un-needed.
In this movie, Zhou Yu is portrayed as a upright and righteous man, unlike in Romance 3 where is he a cunning and unscrupulous person. So, I can understand why they omitted the part where Zhuge Liang provokes Zhou Yu into battle using Xiao Qiao...
But I still think the music scene went on for way too long. On the other hand, they decide to cut the "oh so important" sex scene between Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao. At near the end of the movie (after 8 Tiagrams Battle), they had another Xiao Qiao intimate scene with Zhou Yu (helping him dress his wounds).
Tell me, is this Xiao Qiao character and all the scenes really needed? Do they add even anything remotely useful to the story? Do they even add anything to Zhou Yu character? NO, just no. Xiao Qiao is just there to increase the box office.
The 8 Tiagrams Formation Battle
This Sun Quan "hunts for tiger" part concept is ok, but it took WAY WAY TOO LONG. This is the most OVER-EMPHASIZED portion of the movie. And then there's this Cao Cao mesmerize with a girl (fantasizing her as Xiao Qiao) portion, which is really stupid in my opinion.
Anyway, the battle is... what can I say. IT'S GOOD. I like the massive scale of the battle. I like how they show the formation move and shift about. Everything is just pure magnificence... pure greatness... until...
Guan Yu appears ALONE and starts fighting the enemy single-handedly. Then Zhao Yun appears and fight them in the formation single-handedly. Then Zhang Fei. Then Zhou Yu...
I repeat, THIS IS NOT A DYNASTY WARRIOR GAME. Why must they fight alone? It just ruins the whole thing. So, Zhuge Liang set up this massive formation and trap the Cao Cao armies inside, so that they can send 1 GENERAL down into the formation to kill them? WHAT'S THE LINK?
Some people may like this, but I don't. I just can't accept this. It's like,
"OK, we'll trap the Cao Cao army inside the formation using 1000 troops. After that, We'll send in Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun to eliminate them all."
It ruins the epic feel. They did try to compensate a little at the end and actually make the alliance troops fight, but still... :(
Once again, no Dynasty Warriors please. No one general killing 100,000 troops by himself.
The End
So... the story continues in the next episode. We haven't even got to the meat yet.
I understand they had to modify the plot from Romance 3 (to make Zhao Wei and Lin Zhi Ling play bigger roles), but they need to focus on the right things. They drag some unneeded, and possibly boring scenes for way too long.
In the US, The Red Cliff is actually just a single movie, but in Asia they released it as 2 seperate portions. This shows how much "crap" they manage to stuff inside.
Rating: 3 / 5
(It's good, but my expectations were too high)
but turn out to be a disappointment. It's not bad, but maybe my expectations were too high.
I'm a real hardcore 3 kingdoms fan; I watch documentaries on it, I read articles about it, I have 2 sets of comic collection on it and I've played at least a dozen different games based on it. I can almost say I know the "Romance" (the novel) and the "Records" (actual history) extremely well, so I held really really high expectations for this one.
But alas! It turned out to be quite a joke. Not totally, but almost.
The Beginning
Awesome opening sequence. I like how they took quotes from the actual history, like when the Emperor tries to stop Cao Cao from attacking Liu Bei, Cao Cao said refuted:
"If I'm not here, there would be countless self-proclaimed kings and emperors!"
It meant that Cao Cao is the one that is keeping the Han Dynasty alive due to all of the warlords being afraid of him. I love the power and impact of such words.
Everything at the beginning was near-perfect...
but good thing doesn't last...
Battle at Changban
This battle features 2 major events: Zhao Yun rescuing A Dou, and Zhang Fei stopping the Cao Cao army at the Changban bridge. They screwed up a bit, but it's nothing too serious.
Zhao Yun's part was alright, but they replaced Zhang Fei "roar striking fear into enemies" portion with a full fledge, drawn out battle, which is OK.
I like the part where they turned their shields around to use the reflecting rays, but it went on for a bit too long. I think they don't know how to gauge... there are numerous battles I can think of that went on for way longer than needed.
And what's up with the "Guan Yu Opera Pose"? I know they want to introduce Guan Yu and make him show his superhuman powers, but HE IS NOT INVOLVED in this battle. What's with the Guan Yu single-handedly fighting off Cao Cao army part at the end? This portion is totally unneeded. This is not a dynasty warrior game.
Zhuge Liang Visit Wu
I had huge expectations for this part. In Romance 3, there's this portion where Zhuge Liang meets the scholars and had an spectacular debate (known as 舌战群儒), but they toned it down so much here. It isn't bad, but this portion could have been so much better.
And then, Zhuge Liang meets Zhou Yu. OK, this scene dragged on for way too long. Liang visits the training camp, then it shows some kid blowing a flute, and the music just went on... and on... and on... I really don't see the need. At least the water buffalo part is still alright, as it potrays how Zhou Yu enforce discipline in his army.
There are some humor elements here that actually surprises me. Zhuge Liang's "我需要保持冷静" and his "略懂" to everything are nice additions.
And then, Xiao Qiao (Miss Lin Zhi Ling) gets introduce for the first time in a really... really no link scene. In fact, judging from the entire movie, EVERY SINGLE SCENE that involves Xiao Qiao IS UNNCESSARY. Don't believe me? Read on.
So, they had this horse giving birth scene, and Zhuge Liang came along to help deliver. WTF? Someone tell me what is this scene doing in here? And the next one, Zhuge Liang playing music with Zhou Yu, and Xiao Qiao brewing tea (I think). Again un-needed.
In this movie, Zhou Yu is portrayed as a upright and righteous man, unlike in Romance 3 where is he a cunning and unscrupulous person. So, I can understand why they omitted the part where Zhuge Liang provokes Zhou Yu into battle using Xiao Qiao...
But I still think the music scene went on for way too long. On the other hand, they decide to cut the "oh so important" sex scene between Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao. At near the end of the movie (after 8 Tiagrams Battle), they had another Xiao Qiao intimate scene with Zhou Yu (helping him dress his wounds).
Tell me, is this Xiao Qiao character and all the scenes really needed? Do they add even anything remotely useful to the story? Do they even add anything to Zhou Yu character? NO, just no. Xiao Qiao is just there to increase the box office.
The 8 Tiagrams Formation Battle
This Sun Quan "hunts for tiger" part concept is ok, but it took WAY WAY TOO LONG. This is the most OVER-EMPHASIZED portion of the movie. And then there's this Cao Cao mesmerize with a girl (fantasizing her as Xiao Qiao) portion, which is really stupid in my opinion.
Anyway, the battle is... what can I say. IT'S GOOD. I like the massive scale of the battle. I like how they show the formation move and shift about. Everything is just pure magnificence... pure greatness... until...
Guan Yu appears ALONE and starts fighting the enemy single-handedly. Then Zhao Yun appears and fight them in the formation single-handedly. Then Zhang Fei. Then Zhou Yu...
I repeat, THIS IS NOT A DYNASTY WARRIOR GAME. Why must they fight alone? It just ruins the whole thing. So, Zhuge Liang set up this massive formation and trap the Cao Cao armies inside, so that they can send 1 GENERAL down into the formation to kill them? WHAT'S THE LINK?
Some people may like this, but I don't. I just can't accept this. It's like,
"OK, we'll trap the Cao Cao army inside the formation using 1000 troops. After that, We'll send in Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun to eliminate them all."
It ruins the epic feel. They did try to compensate a little at the end and actually make the alliance troops fight, but still... :(
Once again, no Dynasty Warriors please. No one general killing 100,000 troops by himself.
The End
So... the story continues in the next episode. We haven't even got to the meat yet.
I understand they had to modify the plot from Romance 3 (to make Zhao Wei and Lin Zhi Ling play bigger roles), but they need to focus on the right things. They drag some unneeded, and possibly boring scenes for way too long.
In the US, The Red Cliff is actually just a single movie, but in Asia they released it as 2 seperate portions. This shows how much "crap" they manage to stuff inside.
Rating: 3 / 5
(It's good, but my expectations were too high)
Friday, July 18, 2008
No More.... No More... NO MORE!!!
1. Waking up at 6am every single morning.
2. Waking up as a zombie, feeling ultimate boredom.
3. Wearing uniforms.
4. Enduring the stench and sight of ice cream.
5. Scooping ice cream.
6. Doing the same things over and over again.
7. Fearing other people will all sick.
8. Staring into blank space for hours.
9. Seeing my "good buddies, friends and concubines"
10. People addressing me by surname.
11. Emotional instability and mood swings.
12. Acting like a violent manic for no good reason.
13. Doing things that I hate, yet I can't control myself from doing.
14. Being branded as an abuser.
15. Being afraid of the ringtone of my own handphone.
16. Feelings of madness and anger.
17. Having no goals and nothing to look forward to in life.
18. Risk of hearing loss.
19. Praying for rain.
20. Backaches and shoulder pains.
21. Sleep deprivation
22. Burning weekends and holidays.
23. Playing Taiji
24. Evading Arrows
25. Scrubbing green stuffs.
26. Squeezing
27. Guard Tutu
28. 5 Star Hotel
29. Good Boy
30. 189
31. Climbing the stairways every morning
32. Having to get a haircut every 3 weeks.
33. Free lunch
34. Free medical services
35. Running 5KM
36. Anybody not feeling well
37. 200 Buddha Palms
38. Feeling insignificant.
39. Learning the "Dog Bashing Skill"
40. Aaarh!
41. Nasi Lemak for breakfast.
42. Commando Cutlets
43. Permission to carry on.
44. Playing tug of war.
45. Sleeping with guys.
46. Trigene.
47. Having someone mess around with my cupboard and drawer.
48. Exchanging cold jokes
49. Standing God (Refers to a person)
50. Nudity (Refers to 2 persons)
51. Cannons (Refer to a person)
52. Craziness, Abuse and Noise Pollution (Refers to 3 persons)
53. Being able to "suan" someone and his husband
54. 20 counts of 4
55. Nintendo Wii
56. 1000 to 2359
57. 1200 to 2359
58. Having my life controlled by a piece of paper.
59. None camera phones.
60. Tucking in shirt.
61. Regular afternoon naps.
62. Playing with pets.
63. Threatening and Blackmail
64. Black markets.
65. Seeing 20 people crowding into a small room.
66. Sleeping on the table, waking up with half of my body numb.
67. Sleeping on hard ground.
68. Risks of losing an arm, and being "Yang Guo".
69. Mosquitos bites.
70. Feelings of guilt and fear.
71. Kindness
72. Seeing him :)
73. Risk of nipple injury.
74. Being called ridiculous names.
75. Witnessing horrible stuffs.
76. Arguing over what I think are stupid matters.
77. Having to keep bad secrets.
78. Being at the mercy of others.
79. Big hugs.
80. Firmness
81. Collecting pet food.
82. Free air-con bus at 5pm.
83. Mercedes Benz
84. Letting my brain rot.
85. Bringing my pets for walk.
86. Waking up in the middle of the night at 3am.
87. Channel Newasia
88. Sweet Candies
89. Fear The Unknown
90. Patience
91. 121
92. Poking backside
93. Night become day, day become night.
94. Talking in a act cute voice
95. Crazy shower sessions
96. Under the stars
97. Editing the lyrics of songs.
98. Kiwi
99. Seeing him... :(
100. Kindergarten 9
1. Waking up at 6am every single morning.
2. Waking up as a zombie, feeling ultimate boredom.
3. Wearing uniforms.
4. Enduring the stench and sight of ice cream.
5. Scooping ice cream.
6. Doing the same things over and over again.
7. Fearing other people will all sick.
8. Staring into blank space for hours.
9. Seeing my "good buddies, friends and concubines"
10. People addressing me by surname.
11. Emotional instability and mood swings.
12. Acting like a violent manic for no good reason.
13. Doing things that I hate, yet I can't control myself from doing.
14. Being branded as an abuser.
15. Being afraid of the ringtone of my own handphone.
16. Feelings of madness and anger.
17. Having no goals and nothing to look forward to in life.
18. Risk of hearing loss.
19. Praying for rain.
20. Backaches and shoulder pains.
21. Sleep deprivation
22. Burning weekends and holidays.
23. Playing Taiji
24. Evading Arrows
25. Scrubbing green stuffs.
26. Squeezing
27. Guard Tutu
28. 5 Star Hotel
29. Good Boy
30. 189
31. Climbing the stairways every morning
32. Having to get a haircut every 3 weeks.
33. Free lunch
34. Free medical services
35. Running 5KM
36. Anybody not feeling well
37. 200 Buddha Palms
38. Feeling insignificant.
39. Learning the "Dog Bashing Skill"
40. Aaarh!
41. Nasi Lemak for breakfast.
42. Commando Cutlets
43. Permission to carry on.
44. Playing tug of war.
45. Sleeping with guys.
46. Trigene.
47. Having someone mess around with my cupboard and drawer.
48. Exchanging cold jokes
49. Standing God (Refers to a person)
50. Nudity (Refers to 2 persons)
51. Cannons (Refer to a person)
52. Craziness, Abuse and Noise Pollution (Refers to 3 persons)
53. Being able to "suan" someone and his husband
54. 20 counts of 4
55. Nintendo Wii
56. 1000 to 2359
57. 1200 to 2359
58. Having my life controlled by a piece of paper.
59. None camera phones.
60. Tucking in shirt.
61. Regular afternoon naps.
62. Playing with pets.
63. Threatening and Blackmail
64. Black markets.
65. Seeing 20 people crowding into a small room.
66. Sleeping on the table, waking up with half of my body numb.
67. Sleeping on hard ground.
68. Risks of losing an arm, and being "Yang Guo".
69. Mosquitos bites.
70. Feelings of guilt and fear.
71. Kindness
72. Seeing him :)
73. Risk of nipple injury.
74. Being called ridiculous names.
75. Witnessing horrible stuffs.
76. Arguing over what I think are stupid matters.
77. Having to keep bad secrets.
78. Being at the mercy of others.
79. Big hugs.
80. Firmness
81. Collecting pet food.
82. Free air-con bus at 5pm.
83. Mercedes Benz
84. Letting my brain rot.
85. Bringing my pets for walk.
86. Waking up in the middle of the night at 3am.
87. Channel Newasia
88. Sweet Candies
89. Fear The Unknown
90. Patience
91. 121
92. Poking backside
93. Night become day, day become night.
94. Talking in a act cute voice
95. Crazy shower sessions
96. Under the stars
97. Editing the lyrics of songs.
98. Kiwi
99. Seeing him... :(
100. Kindergarten 9
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Dark Knight
I think I'm about to break my personal record for the most number of movies watched in 1 month...
Participants include Jia Yun, Benjamin, Karl, Leon, Edmund, Kenny, Samuel and Timothy.
Storyline: A psychopath known as the Joker (archenemy of Batman), is about to bring chaos and destruction to the city. Someone will have to stop him...
First: It's actually quite difficult for me to rate this movie as I didn't watch the first one. In fact, I know jack**** about Batman. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone that has NO background knowledge of the characters or villians. As a result, I might be slower in catching the plot. (E.g - I didn't know Rachel know Batman is Batman)
Confusing Fight Scenes: Like I said, I'm actually quite confuse with the plot. I know generally what it is all about, but the actual details are very blurry. The horribly confusing "battle scenes" just makes it worse. Some are all right, but some just shows the camera SHIFTING ABOUT RANDOMLY EXTREMELY FAST. WTF? I can't even see what's going on clearly.
I'll list out some major fight scenes from start to end I can recall off the top of my head...
1) Rob Bank - This is good. I like the part where Joker says "I was told to kill the driver", and eventually walking out as the final winner.
2) Road Chase - This one is just plain confusing. Basically it's just "BOOM! BOOM!", show the inside of the car shake, show Joker holding the bazooka, fire a few blasts, then "BOOM! BOOM!" again. I don't know what's going on.
3) Capturing Joker at the Building - This one is even worse. Basically, the hostages turn out to be Joker and the Jokers turn out to be the hostages. You see some blue wireframe figures, then you switch to reality. Then Batman start hitting the SWAT soldiers, then more blue wireframe.
The Surprise: When Joker was "captured", I thought (and I bet most people that didn't know the movie running time) it was over. Surprisingly though, it was just about done. The entire thing was actually set up by the Joker himself... Wow... a REALLY LONG MOVIE.
My View: Intriguing thriller with lots of twists and turns. There are some morale behind the story. The part where the 2 people on the boat gets to choose each other fate is good, but the one where they decide to preserve the upright image of their hero is even better. Joker is an awesome villian, that's all I have to say. Let's go with 3.5 Stars.
Participants include Jia Yun, Benjamin, Karl, Leon, Edmund, Kenny, Samuel and Timothy.
Storyline: A psychopath known as the Joker (archenemy of Batman), is about to bring chaos and destruction to the city. Someone will have to stop him...
First: It's actually quite difficult for me to rate this movie as I didn't watch the first one. In fact, I know jack**** about Batman. Keep in mind that this is coming from someone that has NO background knowledge of the characters or villians. As a result, I might be slower in catching the plot. (E.g - I didn't know Rachel know Batman is Batman)
Confusing Fight Scenes: Like I said, I'm actually quite confuse with the plot. I know generally what it is all about, but the actual details are very blurry. The horribly confusing "battle scenes" just makes it worse. Some are all right, but some just shows the camera SHIFTING ABOUT RANDOMLY EXTREMELY FAST. WTF? I can't even see what's going on clearly.
I'll list out some major fight scenes from start to end I can recall off the top of my head...
1) Rob Bank - This is good. I like the part where Joker says "I was told to kill the driver", and eventually walking out as the final winner.
2) Road Chase - This one is just plain confusing. Basically it's just "BOOM! BOOM!", show the inside of the car shake, show Joker holding the bazooka, fire a few blasts, then "BOOM! BOOM!" again. I don't know what's going on.
3) Capturing Joker at the Building - This one is even worse. Basically, the hostages turn out to be Joker and the Jokers turn out to be the hostages. You see some blue wireframe figures, then you switch to reality. Then Batman start hitting the SWAT soldiers, then more blue wireframe.
The Surprise: When Joker was "captured", I thought (and I bet most people that didn't know the movie running time) it was over. Surprisingly though, it was just about done. The entire thing was actually set up by the Joker himself... Wow... a REALLY LONG MOVIE.
My View: Intriguing thriller with lots of twists and turns. There are some morale behind the story. The part where the 2 people on the boat gets to choose each other fate is good, but the one where they decide to preserve the upright image of their hero is even better. Joker is an awesome villian, that's all I have to say. Let's go with 3.5 Stars.
The Light & Freedom
Even though I'm "technically" still 14 days away from the last day...
In reality, it makes little difference.
I think...
I think I finally see the light.
I finally found the meaning of freedom.
In reality, it makes little difference.
I think...
I think I finally see the light.
I finally found the meaning of freedom.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Legend Of Kay Kingdom VIII
IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is purely fictitious. Any resemblance to reality (people living or dead, places past or present) is purely coincidental.
"Pushed to your mental and physical limits, this is the time when everyone reveals their true self. All your masks and pretensions are torn from your psyche and what is left is only the real you.
Sometimes you can be selfless and noble, but often you are just weak and selfish like almost every other person is when pushed to the breaking point - it all depends on how far you can be pushed before you start to break..."
In this place, you'll learn the truth...
How some people can be so uncaring, unloving... and so ruthless...
How some people can continuously and repeatedly hurt the people they fight alongside with...
How can they feel absolutely no remorse and guilt for doing things that hurt their own friends.
How can they just stand around, doing nothing while watching their comrades fight a losing battle against evil.
Simply the sight of this place brings much grief and despair.
The people lament the happiness that they've lot.
They cry for the ones living and suffering, and they mourn the unrestful spirits of the dead....
Now, the people come together to witness the end of a dynasty, the fall of a great kingdom...
The fall of the Kay Kingdom.
The 3 Pillars (三大支柱) - The original upholders of law and order during the early tribal days of the Kay Knights. They were removed from power and reincarnated during the " 7 Eclipse", which indirectly lead to the beginning of the Circle internal strife.
The Warden (守望者) - Inherited most of the power after the collapsing of the 3 pillars. The mastermind behind a majority of changes in the Kay Kingdom at the start of the Great War...
Black & White Trio (黑白无常) - Some of the oldest masters of the Kay Kingdom. They are the last 2 persons to be reincarnated in the 7th Eclipse.
Blade Dancer (舞将) - Practises a powerful swordplay art derived from a folk dance.
13 Chariots (十三军骑) - The last group of knights inducted during the village days. They went through a lot of hardship and can be considered to be the ones to lay the foundation for the New Circle in the Imperial City after the move. On the other hand, they were also the root of most troubles..
10 Crusaders (十烈士) - The first group of knights to be inducted into the New Circle. Without them, the Kay Kingdom wouldn't have last for this long...
6 Dragoons (六旗兵) - The 6 dragoons arrived just before the start of the Great War and went through the exchange of leadership...
4 Swordsman (四剑客) - The last group of knights before the 8th Eclipse.
5 Gardeners (五园丁) - First knights of the "New Order".
9 Fighters (九战士) - The main group of knights to replace those of the "Old Order"... The future fate of the Kay Knights will depend on them...
After Chief Kingfisher left the Kingdom, the power and unity of the circle declined rapidly. One of the Kay Generals, possessed by evil spirit, seized the chance to usurp power during the exchange of leadership. He rose to the position of the Kay Minister within months and brought about great sufferings to its people. Higher taxes, more violence and slavery. Countless homes were destroyed and thousands of lives were lost.
This was the tumultuous Warring States Period (春秋战国). The Kingdom split into 4 States from this division of power and the people of the circle were separated into each of them. Not only did they have to defend themselves against the external evil force, they had to deal with their own people as well...
The greatest Illusionist of that time was banished into the depths of the Great Dungeon after his plot was revealed. More and more of the knights fell as the enemies continued their relentless assault. It spells the ultimate downfall of the kingdom.
During the 8th Eclipse, a powerful wizard managed to purge the evil spirit from the dark minister body, or so the legend says. What exactly happened is unclear; Some said the Evil Spirit was eradicated. Others said it possessed another being... The scariest theory was that the Spirit had transformed itself into another human being... and continues to wreck havoc within the Kay Kingdom...
To this date, no one can confirm whether the Kay Kingdom actually exists or not. It sounds totally like a fantasy tale, but records do show signs of its existence. Unfortunately, no one can verify in which era or which part of the human timeline it actually occurs. Some experts speculate that the civilization may actually have been formed in another world, or more specifically - another dimension.
They refer to this world as the "Nether" or the "Stygian" dimension. (Translated as "Dark Hell")...
It appears that when a person meets a certain set of criteria, he will be "teleported" to this Dimension. Upon reaching this dimension, his soul will be drained from his body, and he will stay in this world until he completed his "mission".
When the moment arrives, the person will walk through the "Portal Of Reincarnation", and returned to the real world...
"Today, I fought my final battle, and breath my last. I can no longer fight alongside my comrades anymore.
My mission is over, and soon, my time in this world. But the fight against evil will continue on...
The Kay Kingdom will continue its epic & relentless battle against evil.
My story has ended.
My legend has ended.
But the story of the Kay Kingdom will continue on...
The Legend of Kay Kingdom will live on...
Till eternity..."
IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is purely fictitious. Any resemblance to reality (people living or dead, places past or present) is purely coincidental.
"Pushed to your mental and physical limits, this is the time when everyone reveals their true self. All your masks and pretensions are torn from your psyche and what is left is only the real you.
Sometimes you can be selfless and noble, but often you are just weak and selfish like almost every other person is when pushed to the breaking point - it all depends on how far you can be pushed before you start to break..."
In this place, you'll learn the truth...
How some people can be so uncaring, unloving... and so ruthless...
How some people can continuously and repeatedly hurt the people they fight alongside with...
How can they feel absolutely no remorse and guilt for doing things that hurt their own friends.
How can they just stand around, doing nothing while watching their comrades fight a losing battle against evil.
Simply the sight of this place brings much grief and despair.
The people lament the happiness that they've lot.
They cry for the ones living and suffering, and they mourn the unrestful spirits of the dead....
Now, the people come together to witness the end of a dynasty, the fall of a great kingdom...
The fall of the Kay Kingdom.
The 3 Pillars (三大支柱) - The original upholders of law and order during the early tribal days of the Kay Knights. They were removed from power and reincarnated during the " 7 Eclipse", which indirectly lead to the beginning of the Circle internal strife.
The Warden (守望者) - Inherited most of the power after the collapsing of the 3 pillars. The mastermind behind a majority of changes in the Kay Kingdom at the start of the Great War...
Black & White Trio (黑白无常) - Some of the oldest masters of the Kay Kingdom. They are the last 2 persons to be reincarnated in the 7th Eclipse.
Blade Dancer (舞将) - Practises a powerful swordplay art derived from a folk dance.
13 Chariots (十三军骑) - The last group of knights inducted during the village days. They went through a lot of hardship and can be considered to be the ones to lay the foundation for the New Circle in the Imperial City after the move. On the other hand, they were also the root of most troubles..
10 Crusaders (十烈士) - The first group of knights to be inducted into the New Circle. Without them, the Kay Kingdom wouldn't have last for this long...
6 Dragoons (六旗兵) - The 6 dragoons arrived just before the start of the Great War and went through the exchange of leadership...
4 Swordsman (四剑客) - The last group of knights before the 8th Eclipse.
5 Gardeners (五园丁) - First knights of the "New Order".
9 Fighters (九战士) - The main group of knights to replace those of the "Old Order"... The future fate of the Kay Knights will depend on them...
After Chief Kingfisher left the Kingdom, the power and unity of the circle declined rapidly. One of the Kay Generals, possessed by evil spirit, seized the chance to usurp power during the exchange of leadership. He rose to the position of the Kay Minister within months and brought about great sufferings to its people. Higher taxes, more violence and slavery. Countless homes were destroyed and thousands of lives were lost.
This was the tumultuous Warring States Period (春秋战国). The Kingdom split into 4 States from this division of power and the people of the circle were separated into each of them. Not only did they have to defend themselves against the external evil force, they had to deal with their own people as well...
The greatest Illusionist of that time was banished into the depths of the Great Dungeon after his plot was revealed. More and more of the knights fell as the enemies continued their relentless assault. It spells the ultimate downfall of the kingdom.
During the 8th Eclipse, a powerful wizard managed to purge the evil spirit from the dark minister body, or so the legend says. What exactly happened is unclear; Some said the Evil Spirit was eradicated. Others said it possessed another being... The scariest theory was that the Spirit had transformed itself into another human being... and continues to wreck havoc within the Kay Kingdom...
To this date, no one can confirm whether the Kay Kingdom actually exists or not. It sounds totally like a fantasy tale, but records do show signs of its existence. Unfortunately, no one can verify in which era or which part of the human timeline it actually occurs. Some experts speculate that the civilization may actually have been formed in another world, or more specifically - another dimension.
They refer to this world as the "Nether" or the "Stygian" dimension. (Translated as "Dark Hell")...
It appears that when a person meets a certain set of criteria, he will be "teleported" to this Dimension. Upon reaching this dimension, his soul will be drained from his body, and he will stay in this world until he completed his "mission".
When the moment arrives, the person will walk through the "Portal Of Reincarnation", and returned to the real world...
The Final Letter
"Today, I fought my final battle, and breath my last. I can no longer fight alongside my comrades anymore.
My mission is over, and soon, my time in this world. But the fight against evil will continue on...
The Kay Kingdom will continue its epic & relentless battle against evil.
My story has ended.
My legend has ended.
But the story of the Kay Kingdom will continue on...
The Legend of Kay Kingdom will live on...
Till eternity..."
----------------------- LEGEND OF KAY KINGDOM (END)--------------------------
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hellboy 2 - The Golden Army...
Yeh...finally removed the stitches for the wisdom tooth, but there's still a "hole" back there. Dentist says it's gonna take 2 weeks or more to heal completely.
After that, went to SLS to do a little research. (More on this next time)
Afternoon, meet with Edwin, Wei Long, Benjamin, Geraint, Kenny & Edmund for lunch and movie.

After that, went to SLS to do a little research. (More on this next time)
Afternoon, meet with Edwin, Wei Long, Benjamin, Geraint, Kenny & Edmund for lunch and movie.
Storyline: Ancient times, a King made a pact with the human race for peace, burying his indestructable golden army underground. He split his crown into 3 pieces...
Now, the Prince is back to collect back the 3 pieces in order to awake the Golden Army, and destroy all of humanity.
My View: To me leh... the movie is very average. The "supposedly good" parts isn't even that good. I don't know why, but everything just feels so... "average". From the fight between Hellboy & the Tree, the final battle, etc. It just isn't as "epic & heart-pounding" and they WANTED it to be.
Character design/costumes kind of sucks; The Princess looks like a living-dead... as a matter of fact, she is. The King is not too bad, but I felt the evil prince could be improved on a lot.
If you want me to pick out exactly what I don't like, I don't think I can. There isn't any particular thing that is bad, it's just that everything is too average. There isn't anything spectacular or awesome enough for me to 'WOW!' at.
Edmund actually fell asleep (It's not that bad lah...), but I'll give it 2.5 to 3 stars. Don't pay more than $6 for it.
After that, we went to Mind's since it's just around the corner. Been ages since I've visited... in fact, since I entered Kindergarten.
Since we didn't have much time, we had to play those that are simple to learn and fast to play! So I "introduced" some that I'm familiar with...
Snorta - Whew...I lost quite badly. I thought using 3 chinese characters (or mixed) were much easier. Or maybe I grow older liao... memory and reaction failing me.
First Hand - We played through the entire deck! What the hell... get aimed lor... everything also say I slowest... WTH -_-
Ugly Doll - Introduced by Edmund. It's quite similar to Snorta, but MUCH more violence, much more screaming and much more... well, ugly. Kenny screams can really pierce through your ears...
Taboo - Old classic game.
Hmm... now there the pricing are still very cheap. From 11pm to 6pm, you can get the happy hour package. Basically, you play any 4 hours, with free flow drinks for only $5! I think it's a good place to spend any afternoon.
Now, the Prince is back to collect back the 3 pieces in order to awake the Golden Army, and destroy all of humanity.
My View: To me leh... the movie is very average. The "supposedly good" parts isn't even that good. I don't know why, but everything just feels so... "average". From the fight between Hellboy & the Tree, the final battle, etc. It just isn't as "epic & heart-pounding" and they WANTED it to be.
Character design/costumes kind of sucks; The Princess looks like a living-dead... as a matter of fact, she is. The King is not too bad, but I felt the evil prince could be improved on a lot.
If you want me to pick out exactly what I don't like, I don't think I can. There isn't any particular thing that is bad, it's just that everything is too average. There isn't anything spectacular or awesome enough for me to 'WOW!' at.
Edmund actually fell asleep (It's not that bad lah...), but I'll give it 2.5 to 3 stars. Don't pay more than $6 for it.
After that, we went to Mind's since it's just around the corner. Been ages since I've visited... in fact, since I entered Kindergarten.
Since we didn't have much time, we had to play those that are simple to learn and fast to play! So I "introduced" some that I'm familiar with...
Snorta - Whew...I lost quite badly. I thought using 3 chinese characters (or mixed) were much easier. Or maybe I grow older liao... memory and reaction failing me.
First Hand - We played through the entire deck! What the hell... get aimed lor... everything also say I slowest... WTH -_-
Ugly Doll - Introduced by Edmund. It's quite similar to Snorta, but MUCH more violence, much more screaming and much more... well, ugly. Kenny screams can really pierce through your ears...
Taboo - Old classic game.
Hmm... now there the pricing are still very cheap. From 11pm to 6pm, you can get the happy hour package. Basically, you play any 4 hours, with free flow drinks for only $5! I think it's a good place to spend any afternoon.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
IQ A Levels
Please take a moment and try out the test above.
Don't ruin it by seeing the answers!
Done or given up?
See how many points you got...
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Wisdom Tooth Surgery...
I have no intention initially to remove it, but "opportunity just knocks on my door". So there isn't any good reason to turn it down, right? This event really presents a big challenge to me because it was so unexpected and came in my final month. You have no idea the amount of OD changing I had go through in order to slot this in.
It wasn't causing any major problems for me, but the dentist said food will stuck inside, causing infection and decay. If I don't remove it, it'll cause problems very soon.
My elder bro removed his wisdom tooth like 5 years ago (after NS) and spent nearly $600. So I thought, why waste the money? Might as well eliminate possible future problems.
Of cause there's another very important reason, but I think we all know what it is.
The Process:
I was actually scared out of my wits while waiting for the surgery. Waiting outside was alright, but once I entered the surgery room, signed the "agreement form" and laid down on the chair, I was practically shivering.
I don't know if it's because of the freezing air-con or me being overly nervous (first time in my life I'm actually undergoing a "surgery").
Basically, they'll cover your upper body and your entire face (except your mouth) with the "green cloth". I basically couldn't see anything throughout the whole surgery, not that I wanted to. I just shut my eyes tight and pray it will be fast and painless.
It's much easy than I thought. After the anesthetic sinks it, nearly half your face becomes numb. All I know is that the surgeon kept drilling my tooth, kept spraying some unknown bitter substance and stuffs, but I can't feel a thing. After that, she used a pincer and tugged and pulled really forcefully (your face sort of becomes distorted with all the pulling at your gums). It was over in 5 minutes I think.
Went home after taking my medicine. Changed about 5 gauzes. Every single one covered entirely in blood when I removed them. Face is still numb from the cheeks to the jaws, and I just kept replacing the gauze to stop the bleeding, but it doesn't seem to be stopping. Bleed and bleed.
First 6 Hours:
For the first 6 hours or so, I was literally drinking my own blood. It was really uncomfortable and . Every gulp of water I drink, I can taste my own blood... Eeew...
After about 4 hours, I can feel the anesthetic wearing off. I make do with some milo and white bread (dip the bread into the milo until it becomes "nua", then swallow it.) Ate my medicine quickly and go to bed because I can feel the pain coming liao... Better sleep fast.
Woke up about 2 hours later... argh... can feel the pain liao... my left jaws are mine again. And I'm drinking blood again. Hoot 1 painkiller...
Still got blood when I use the gauze on the wound (much better though), and I don't dare to eat anything. Just drink milo and eat the bread. Eat some "ultra nua" porriage. Don't dare to chew... scared will bleed again. Waiting to eat my next dose of medicine.
Advice For Others:
Bad mistake is I went too early. In the morning, one usually doesn't have the appetite. The "strategy" should be to eat AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE until you're damn full before you go for the surgery. Then don't eat for the rest of the day.
For my case, I try to spam a lot in the morning already... but still felt hungry by afternoon.
Hope I recover soon...
It wasn't causing any major problems for me, but the dentist said food will stuck inside, causing infection and decay. If I don't remove it, it'll cause problems very soon.
My elder bro removed his wisdom tooth like 5 years ago (after NS) and spent nearly $600. So I thought, why waste the money? Might as well eliminate possible future problems.
Of cause there's another very important reason, but I think we all know what it is.
The Process:
I was actually scared out of my wits while waiting for the surgery. Waiting outside was alright, but once I entered the surgery room, signed the "agreement form" and laid down on the chair, I was practically shivering.
I don't know if it's because of the freezing air-con or me being overly nervous (first time in my life I'm actually undergoing a "surgery").
Basically, they'll cover your upper body and your entire face (except your mouth) with the "green cloth". I basically couldn't see anything throughout the whole surgery, not that I wanted to. I just shut my eyes tight and pray it will be fast and painless.
It's much easy than I thought. After the anesthetic sinks it, nearly half your face becomes numb. All I know is that the surgeon kept drilling my tooth, kept spraying some unknown bitter substance and stuffs, but I can't feel a thing. After that, she used a pincer and tugged and pulled really forcefully (your face sort of becomes distorted with all the pulling at your gums). It was over in 5 minutes I think.
Went home after taking my medicine. Changed about 5 gauzes. Every single one covered entirely in blood when I removed them. Face is still numb from the cheeks to the jaws, and I just kept replacing the gauze to stop the bleeding, but it doesn't seem to be stopping. Bleed and bleed.
First 6 Hours:
For the first 6 hours or so, I was literally drinking my own blood. It was really uncomfortable and . Every gulp of water I drink, I can taste my own blood... Eeew...
After about 4 hours, I can feel the anesthetic wearing off. I make do with some milo and white bread (dip the bread into the milo until it becomes "nua", then swallow it.) Ate my medicine quickly and go to bed because I can feel the pain coming liao... Better sleep fast.
Woke up about 2 hours later... argh... can feel the pain liao... my left jaws are mine again. And I'm drinking blood again. Hoot 1 painkiller...
Still got blood when I use the gauze on the wound (much better though), and I don't dare to eat anything. Just drink milo and eat the bread. Eat some "ultra nua" porriage. Don't dare to chew... scared will bleed again. Waiting to eat my next dose of medicine.
Advice For Others:
Bad mistake is I went too early. In the morning, one usually doesn't have the appetite. The "strategy" should be to eat AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE until you're damn full before you go for the surgery. Then don't eat for the rest of the day.
For my case, I try to spam a lot in the morning already... but still felt hungry by afternoon.
Hope I recover soon...
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
World's Most Mentally Tortorous Game
"What is it? A Super Mario Clone? Oh meh... I know the game so well..."
Well, please take 5 minutes and try out this game. It plays with your mind, defy every logical rule in the Super Mario World and hits you at the most unexpected places.
I'll give it to you if you can clear the first stage with less than 20 deaths on your first try. Yes, Super Mario first stage.
If you've given up, check out this review of the game...
Well, please take 5 minutes and try out this game. It plays with your mind, defy every logical rule in the Super Mario World and hits you at the most unexpected places.
I'll give it to you if you can clear the first stage with less than 20 deaths on your first try. Yes, Super Mario first stage.
If you've given up, check out this review of the game...
Ten Promises To My Dog
Today, I DM from my final SW. What an "emo" moment that was... my first OD was at SW. The memories...
Thanks for the wonderful "final night".
Farewell forever, SW.
Been such a long time since I went to see an "emo" movie. And what better choice than a movie about dogs. Haha. Actually, we wanted to watch together in a much bigger group, but it's "physically impossible" to do so.
It was sort of a last minute decision I guess. Anyway, participants include Long Long, Ben Ben, Win Win, Run Run, Jie Jie and "How Beautiful" (多美丽). Went to Suki Sushi for buffet lunch. At first I didn't' really want to... but bo bian... majority mah.
$25 dollars... Food is ok lah... but it makes me even more certain that I don't like Japanese Food. (Sashimi, Sushi, etc).
Xiao Zhang didn't go for the movie cause he said he didn't want to cry... Duh?
Anyway... the movie itself...
Hmm... predictable & very simple story. From the start, you can "agar agar" guess what will happen in the end. But be prepared to shed some tears.
You can probably feel it coming the first time the mother recites the "10 promises". The 2nd time it is recounted, most people wouldn't be able to control themselves.
It's a bit draggy at certain portions, but I guess it is necessary to build up the characters (makes you feel like you've known them for a longer time). I actually think the father is the best character in this movie instead of the female lead.
Anyway, the only complain I have is the CGI effect used on the dog at certain portions. It's very fake looking and "reminds you that it's not real". It's like quite a big "stain".
Overall, a very well-done "emo" film suitable for everyone~ Much better than CJ7.
Thanks for the wonderful "final night".
Farewell forever, SW.
Been such a long time since I went to see an "emo" movie. And what better choice than a movie about dogs. Haha. Actually, we wanted to watch together in a much bigger group, but it's "physically impossible" to do so.
It was sort of a last minute decision I guess. Anyway, participants include Long Long, Ben Ben, Win Win, Run Run, Jie Jie and "How Beautiful" (多美丽). Went to Suki Sushi for buffet lunch. At first I didn't' really want to... but bo bian... majority mah.
$25 dollars... Food is ok lah... but it makes me even more certain that I don't like Japanese Food. (Sashimi, Sushi, etc).
Xiao Zhang didn't go for the movie cause he said he didn't want to cry... Duh?
Anyway... the movie itself...
Hmm... predictable & very simple story. From the start, you can "agar agar" guess what will happen in the end. But be prepared to shed some tears.
You can probably feel it coming the first time the mother recites the "10 promises". The 2nd time it is recounted, most people wouldn't be able to control themselves.
It's a bit draggy at certain portions, but I guess it is necessary to build up the characters (makes you feel like you've known them for a longer time). I actually think the father is the best character in this movie instead of the female lead.
Anyway, the only complain I have is the CGI effect used on the dog at certain portions. It's very fake looking and "reminds you that it's not real". It's like quite a big "stain".
Overall, a very well-done "emo" film suitable for everyone~ Much better than CJ7.
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