Sunday, June 29, 2008

Concluding Post - The Songs

I still find it hard to believe that my 23 months of fun-filled, exciting and challenging, career is coming to an end soon. It's been a long journey, and now I'm at its final days. The last 30 or so days.

So, from today onwards, I'll try to do a series of "concluding" posts to sum up my 23 months of exhilarating and fulfilling life.

And what better way to start then with some heavenly music?


Throughout these 23 months, I've "written" over 30 songs dedicated to depict my illustrious career. Some of them are "complete remakes" of the entire songs, others consist of only the chorus, and some only a few verses.

Most of these songs were born when I was "staring into blank space for hours", and these songs have followed me through hours and hours of my life during such times. Some of them are really my heart-felt words, others are just plain humorous jokes.

The ideas for these songs came from everywhere; people in my life, the environment, the time of the days, special occasions, etc... A few are initially thought of by others, and I just borrowed and modified their ideas. Some help to contribute and add on to certain lines in the song to make it even more touching.

Listed below are my personal top 10 and a short description, listed in chronological order. Note that due to legal and copyright issues, I am unable to write down the lyrics of the songs, but I'll write down the title. In brackets are the the original title of the songs.

1. 那 ## 对我说 (那女孩对我说)
Created in the first 3 months of my career. Originally thought of by the talented composers of T3, and I later borrowed the concept and created my first song. This song describes the importance of safety briefing...

2. 一年半以后 (一千年以后)
Created in the 6 - 7 months of my career. It's one of the shortest, yet also one of the most emotional and melancholic . At that time, it totally reflected my feelings of "What will happen in 1 & 1/2 year time?" To this day, I still find it heart-warming to recite this tune...

Created about 9 months after entering the Kindergarten, this song commemorates the leaving of our "Great One" and our dire circumstances at that time. Considered to be my first complete song.

4. 借口 (借口)
Created around the same time as the previous song, this is a song of great agony and pain. It was written during one of the toughest times of the Kindergarten.

5. 一年 (十年)
Written to commemorate 12 months of my career and remain 1 of my favourite to date. This chorus sums up 12 months of my life, and I also took the chance to congratulate those that have graduated by then.

6. 他一定 ###### #(他一定很爱你)
If there was a song that can describe the situation at the Kindergarten during the Nov/Dec 07 period any better, this is the one. A song that is so true to life and close to my heart...

7. 我昏 (黄昏)
Written about 15 months into my career and never released, this song recount the sorrowful times when "staring into blank space". It is also directed at one of our most "popular individual" at that time...

8. 童话 (童话)
A beautiful and melancholic tune, partly dedicated to one of the greatest "heroes" of the Kindergarten. It was written during Dec 07, but was remade recently to add in my own story.

9. 天意 (天意)

Written at my 19th month to commemorate the leaving of my friends, and my pain of being left behind...

10. 我快 ### (我只在乎你)
Possibly my final song in my career. It was conceptualize very very early in the first 3 months, but It wasn't until now that I can recite it with such powerful emotions...

Other Memorable Ones...

1. 从天堂到地狱 (从台北到北京)
2. 哎哎哎 (爱爱爱)
3. 小 # (小薇)
4. ####方式 (关怀方式)
5. 你怎么知道我难过 (你怎么舍得我难过)
6. 第一次 (第一次 )

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