Sunday, March 30, 2008

My 4th Attempt...

I've taken 4 IPPT so far, excluding the BMT tries...

The first time I took, I passed everything with flying colours but fall short of 3 seconds in the 2.4km run.

The second time I tried, I manage to "just pass", hitting 12 min 20 seconds exact.

The third time was the lamest and most shocking of all. I passed all the stations, but "miraculously" manage to fail by hitting 14 points.

Sometimes, I wonder why my IPPT attempts are always so... "exciting". I always fail by a tiny bit or pass by a tiny bit. My results are so close to the point that failing and passing is just separated by a thread...

Thus, taking IPPT always give me a lot of stress. It's like taking an examination where you know you'll be getting either 49 marks or 50 marks. It always take a toil on my body...




2 more days to my 4th attempt.

Hopefully, it will be my last and final attempt.

I can't take the stress anymore. Everytime kanna stunt...

4th and last, OK?

Please let me pass...

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