Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Immediate Benefits, Delayed Consequences

I think people are sometimes too blinded by the "immediate benefits" to notice the losses or dangers that is accompanied by that course of action.

Wow... sounds chim right...

For example, we take panadols because it can quickly reduce our pain, but we usually don't bother with the long term effects.

There are many times when we are too tempted by those visible and instant rewards, that we forget to consider the long-term implications it may bring. The pros is right in front of you, the cons is hidden behind it.

So... please, before rushing into any action, weigh everything carefully.

For my case...

The idea may sound great on paper, but who knows what else will come into the picture if we decided to bring about such a revolutionary change?

What I'm worried about the most is that they may "make great use" of this privilege given to us to take away "many many other" benefits we already enjoyed.

Anything bad happen, they'll just say "this is a choice you all made. And now you all get to enjoy it. It is only right that you blah blah blah... We also think that since this is given to you, you no longer need that..."

At least now, life is still passable. Why bring about such a great overhaul to the system? If it isn't broken, don't fix it. Better the devil you know.

Of course, it's just my personal opinion. There's no telling whether the change will be a change for the better, or a dive to eternal damnation. Just be sure to scrimp through every little detail that will come with making this all-important choice.

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