Finally Year 2...Foodcourt 5 KFC and Co-Op...Foodcourt 6 Prawn Noodes...Foodcourt 4 Western Food...(Antidote)...Hahaha...Foodcourt 6 Western Food Auntie...-_- Most boring day was friday when you have to sit your way from like 8:30 all the way to 12:30 for 3 consecutive lectures...that was godly. Also around this time, we started to "Trivia Contest" in our class channel IRC...and I started the "Memorable Chat Logs" page to record stuffs...
This is the semester that i started to 脱离 from Jerry and do more projects with Zhi Wei/Ben/Glenn gang. Mwahahahahaha......
CANI: First assignment was pretty fun. Basically, animating is more fun than modelling. Did 2nd assignment with Zhiwei, Ben, Glenn, John and Jerry...Jailbreak! Even won a small award at Animania...
The Lecturer: Personal Tutor Ahmad...don't have much to say. Think he's too sarcastic at times. Which place Issac cannot go in Singapore? Newton...cause apples will fall down on him. Went to watch "Dodgeball" with Adhmad once.
DEUI: Probably 1 of my most hated subjects...I remember got one day we went to the 5th floor to do this "Usability Test"......
The Lecturer: Ho Kah Hong...I still remember the first lesson he said a crap load of lame jokes, and at the end he said "you all laugh laugh laugh...later you go back you forget everything. You only remembered you had a good laugh"...sibeh lame...But I would say he's quite a nice guy. We always joked about his "I believe I can fry~~" and "fresh"......and his nose (I think Zhiwei says he look like a clown...)
DSAL: At first I really couldn't catch this module and mostly were my self studying and experimenting...don't know if it's the lecturer or what...Normally before the DSAL class, our group will go up to the 5th floor staircase area to chit-chat and play...Cluedo!!!
The Lecturer: "Fried Egg". Typical lesson goes like this...walk in from the door and says "Wah...very hot ah". During the lesson..."You believe? Don't believe I show you"...End Of lesson..."So I'll let you go off earlier today." Geez...which lecturer tells their student "You just borrow from the library lah...don't know how to ripped come to me"...Heh...
ELIT: Fifty thousand and 5 years, twenty thousand and 3 years. You will go crazy from memorizing these man......(Anyway I've returned all these back to them after the exam)
The Lecturer: Undiputed Champion of Joker Lecturer. The "comedic scenes" he tells you is not just for the sake of laughing but really helps you understand the lesson a lot more, and the examples he showed us is really interesting. One I remember is he teach us about the contract (agreement is made when recieved). Then he and his "old flame" was across a river or something and he shouted across to her "I love you" but she didnt' hear him and in the end married someone else...damn lame...but the story leave such a deep impression that I never forget the theory portion. Haha. Poly Life would be freaking amazing is every lecturer is like him man...(I would actually looked forward to EVERY SINGLE DAY of Poly Life) Favourite Drink: Coke...
ENT: I actually forgot the name of the product I came up with...Zip Wheel or something...Team mates were Glenn, Ben and...huh...Jun Xiang I think. Forgot...some Xiang one. (Mengzhi Boyfriend)
The Lecturer: Wah...I also thought she look alike to Geraldine...wonder if they're twins?
IWED: Erm...very boring lecture (Many people likes to 'pon' this one). Normally during the lecture he'll show us some sites to illustrate design principles. (But most of the time he'll show as "Monc Blanc") Introduce me to this guy call Jakob Nielson...and his very pro site, Assignment did "Mr Coffee" with Glenn...heh...
The Lecturer: Lee Kong Seng (spelling?)...nice guy, but would be better if he can make his lecture more interesting...Mr Tan is assistant during practical.
WWWP: Ok module...did assignment "Movie Craft" with Zhi Wei...Something deadly happened to me during period that left me "cursed" for the next almost 2 years. Some girl (Don't even know her name, hereby after referred to what my classmate known as GGJ) came to me when we were doing our practical to seek help for her assignment. (She's Jolene's -- whom I got to know much later during the ITP, friend) And that left me cursed for the next 2 years...really is...一失足成千古恨。。。
The Lecturer: Lim Chooi Hoe...nice guy, but always don't want to answer your question and want you to go find out yourself. He likes to use the "pen tool" during the lectures...(Ben still say want to buy him a "Tabloid" as a gift...) There's another guy that is the assistant...but he's...not as competent, to be respectful.
Summary: Basically a great semester except the GGJ event which really sucks......Oh yeah. I think during this time, we often went to play Soccer during the lunch time...we played from the stadium area to the basketball court behind FC5...everywhere also play. Also like to slack at the "Cutting Area" and talk about stuff.
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