Basically I'm quite pissed off with that show...very lousy show. I thought it's going to be those very "horror" show. But no. There are only 2 or 3 seconds where they, for absolutely NO reason, cut to a single frame of some horror picture that will make you "chua tio". (Combined with the suddenly blast in SFX of course) Those serve absolutely reason to progress the story and usually happened as part of a "dream" thing...very lame. It seems like they were put in there just for the sake of putting it there. (To frighten you a bit)
Of course the show is not without good points. I like a number of scenes, particularly the one where the house keeper murdered the wife in the hospital. Very very intense. You can really feel the intensity there. The poison chemical slowly transferring to her body, and she was resisting for all she could. You can really feel that tension in that scene. Other then that, very disappointing ending. All the police troops rushed into the church, the man took up the knife, the boy said "Daddy please don't kill me!" and "Freeze!" and 'Boom!" and...what the hell...cut to the funeral... And then the most frustrating part...The boy turn towards the camera and smile...Credits... -_-
Are they planning for "Omen 2" or what...The ending is left too open. Nothing is resolve at all. Haha...Who is the housekeeper? Who is the photographer? Why the priest at the hospital wanted the main guy to exchange the son...It's all not mentioned at all. I'll be waiting to see if they'll release part 2. Haha.
After the movie, went to walk around with Ron, talk about lot of stuff...He told me about this event that I never knew in Primary School...(Derek shitting on the playground...cause he didn't want to use the Coffee Shop toilet, reason being too dirty)...super lame. Next time if I see Derek must ask him about this. Hahahaha...Basically went to loiter around Orchard until they arrived.
After that we went to Mind Cafe! Talk a lot. How everyone is doing. (Also talk about Wei Hao...haha...) How is everyone life etc...I also put my 3 years "Diploma in Lame Jokes" to good use...Haha. Introduced them to "Niagaria", but they didn't like it a lot. Then we played "Snorta" (The ultimate simple yet fun game) and had lot of fun. Haha.
Also try 2 new games, "Fast Hands", where you have to make hand signals. Lastly, Ron taught us how to play "I'm the boss!".Woo! That game is fun. Haha. At first when you listen to the rules it's a bit confusing, but it become very easy to get the hang of it. Next time must play with my Poly friends. Jia Jun originally said wanted to leave at 8 for her sister's birthday, but in the end we played until 10:30...haha. (Too addictive)
Here are some photos~(Shu Hui is still as "Thirty Eight" as ever...)

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