Friday, June 30, 2006
Poly Days 5 - Year 1 Sem 2
CD: Aha...the most "slack" lesson. Actually it's more of like a rest time after a hard day work (cause it's at the end of the day). Most memorable event was going to the Bishan Home of course. Very funny man. I think I asked Xinting how to fold a bra cause I didn't know how to. (She also 'agar agar'...) Then there's one where Ken tried to do some stunt when cleaning the floor and fell down. Mwahahaha...
The Lecturer: Lai Fook...Hmmm you know. Nice guy and all. Nothing much to say.
DAUD: Woohoo. This is my most unexpected module to did well. I thought I did really badly. First assignment was assignment 7 pieces to 1 piece. I listen until headache man. 2nd assignment did with Mengzhi and caused me to burn 50 bucks for one stupid recorder which I never used again. (Regret man) 3rd assignmnt is the most fun. Got Zhiwei to act as Gay DJ (Alright I admit he did a great job) and we did a ghost story (Thanks Yuling for that wonderful punch line at the end). I think we really scored for the last assignment.
The Lecturer: Timonthy Teo...stress man. I am not a very "music" person and everytime he played some random stuff and want us to tell him what instrument we heard. I always super scared he will call me. His pet phrase is, "there are some forces out there trying to get you", and likes doing random banging on the table.
DVID: Whew...sometimes I wished I can redo the assignments again. (I could did a much better job) I scored really poorly for the 1st assignment and for the 2nd one we had to combine ideas from our team 1st assignment (When all our ideas didn't really match). In the end, Toby and me went to Adriel house to did all the filming in one night. Turn out to be a scary and lame movie, but it was really a good experience.
The Lecturer: Chun Li...uh...I mean Jennifer. Think Xuan Jie likes her...Another guy is Mr Quek (Frankly the lecture and tutorial is super boring).
STSC: Fun!!! This is one of the more enjoyable module...How can you not enjoy when all you did during the tutorial is watch movies? My worst part of course is drawing the storyboards for the last assignment, but I really enjoyed writing the story for the last assignment. Read some really good stories as well (I still remember parts from John super long story).
The Lecturer: Lau Mun Ying! I think he's a great lecturer (next to Mr Tan) but not many people think so. He's always very stressful (frowning his head). I guess that's what happen when you got all the students coming up to you for appeal. Remembered the electives system screw up and he was soo stress. Haha.
MATH: Really, I don't like Maths. Just did what I had to do.
The Lecturer: Forgot her name...but she's a nice lady...most important influence by her was...Happy Tree Friends! She likes to show us Happy Tree Friends clips when she gives us a small break. (And she's pregnant during that time!) Weird...or not...Haha.
OOPM: First programming module. I picked it up quite fast and at first did some random text adventure game. Later even did a long Sims text adventure on my own. First assignment did a Bomberman Clone. Many of my classmates hate this module......
The Lecturer: He got so many memorable quotes! "Everything under control?", "Everyone's happy?", "Build a toy one first", "I'm a bad typist...", "Oh that's my wife Linda..."...Haha. I would say he knows what he is doing and knows how to teach.
Summary: Fast 2nd semester, and an enjoyable one. I think I got to know Xuan Jie around this time, and start to have more crap with 04 buddy class.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Poly Days 4 - Year 1 Sem 1
DBMS: Hahaha. DBMS grants me the first exposure to some sort of programming and really spark my interest. I kind of enjoy doing the practicals. However, I absolutely hate the theory portion (I totally flopped the assignment portion), especially when you have a lecturer that says...
The Lecturer: "Not to worry", "Not to worry"...Who can forget this pet phrase? Haha. Everything also not to worry...She's quite a nice person and also frequently "call us up" for activites even after she's not teaching us. Other thing I can remember is frequently calling students up to "demonstrate" the answers to the practicals...Heh...
GDIT: Yes. Art. Always my weakest point. Most enjoyable assignment was the designing a CD Cover. That was fun. (My first time borrowing the digital camera and filiming a tree at the back of the building) "Design Principals" was totally "catch no ball" and merely did what I did. Last assignment was designing a series of items, which I think I did with Adriel and forgot who. That was stressful. By the way, I still suck at Photoshop after this module.
The Lecturer: "Fa Chai", "Art Flen", "Luler". Enough said. I don't know how Toby get associated with her. Think it was once when she's in the foodcourt and she raised her...arm. Poor Toby got joked about this for the next 2 years. Leon joined shortly after to teach us.
ICIT: Lame module. Nothing to say. Did the project with the girls.
The Lecturer: Starting was taught by Mr See. Remember he was extremely "soft" at the beginning and we were joking about that. Later he used a mic and it became better. Still remember the joke about the person using the mouse. (Put hand on top of mouse and move the hand) Lame...later it changed to another guy but I forgot his name.
MORG: Again a "art related" module which I kind of suck at. Remember most lame was I did a Jacky Wu funeral and coffin for the first assignment. 2nd assignment did theatre scene with 3 friends. Remember Toby took 2 weeks to model extinguisher! Which at the end got placed at a small corner of the scene. Very stressful when we almost failed to hand in the assignment on time. (All rushing at the last minute) We kept checking whether Kenny is going to collect the CDs at 5:30pm. Turned out it was still in his letterbox the next morning...Grrr...
The Lecturer: Kenny was was during the later part that he got associated with Nuggets. Haha. We always thought he has this "Tu Bo Shu" look...Hee...Another lecturer is "Billionhair" (don't know his name)...He's a nice guy but a bit lame...
WEBP: Woohoo. Favourite module in the first semester. Too bad I flop the Practical. Now I think about it the practical was freaking easy, but i was too "newb" then. Everything also don't know. Couldn't finish it on time and all that...Haizz...Then I look back at the first assignment website I made..."freaking horrendous" (Now I understand why I got such crappy score for it)
The Lecturer: Probably number 1 lecturer. He explains his concepts in a very clear manner, and really make an effort to help you understand. Friendly and give lots of tips. What more can you ask.
OC: Oral Communication. One event I remembered was like the 1st or 2nd lesson, where Mrs Goh got us to back-faced each other and ask some lame questions to each other (Still remember my 'partner' was XinTing). Think she ask me what color underwear I was wearing or something. Super super lame...Then there's one where we wrote down 3 of our characteristics (2 true 1 false or something). Most memorable was Shi Yuan wrote "I draw Hentai"...He's godly man. 2nd Project, teamed up with Adriel for a presentation about "Capital Punishment"...Whew he was so serious...-_-
The Lecturer: Friendly, and knows who to teach. Don't know why some people don't like her.
CRS: Aha! The "General Paper" of the Poly. Basically it's a load of junk stuff that made me took up the pen to write somthing again.
The Lecturer: Ho ho ho! I remember this! Irene Lee! One time, we went to SPGG to play bowling and came back quite late for the lesson. We told her it was Toby birthday...and she believed! ROFL...I think the term "Gien Peng Kia' was borned around then! One event, we had to show some controversial stuff (TV violence or something, and Toby played "Shane getting his XXX electrify by Kane"...Haha. Fun times.
Summary: That's all for the first semester, and also one that I regretted a lot (about the study). I shall be truthful to myself that I did not put in much effort and I got some pretty bad results. Maybe it's that I still haven't adapt to the new lifestyle, or I just dont' like the modules as much...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Poly Days 3 – SP Orientation
One of my most “wasted” time of my life came after the O Levels, where I actually spent more than 3 months entirely on Gaming. To this day I still regretted how I spent those 3 months. It was so painful after that I made a point then everytime I have a long period of break, I must spend some time to “upgrade myself”...Time flies and July 2003 arrived. I was quite nervous at this point because I am the only person from my class that came to this course.
First Day: Remember when I “reported” at the wrong place. I went all the way down to “Mcdonald” area to realized that I've been to wrong place. Then went back to dover MRT area again before I was directed to the auditorium. Nothing much I could recall there except they played a video of SP Life, telling us to not only learn the skills for the next 3 years, but also interact with friends and have a great campus life. Yeah all those. It's also the ONLY time where I saw the Principal (in the video) of the school, which to this day I still have no idea what his name is.
Met my first Personal Tutor that day......Geraldine Tye. First impression was that she's very friendly and all. Could not remember much except she lead us up a long road of hill to an area with benches. There, she wanted us to introduce ourselves...after that...went home I think. I only like recognized Sean and John as my classmate...(Their faces)
Orientation: Aha...again couldn't recall much. One part was they got all of us to line up in a long columns as the ICT leaders talk some gibberish. Somewhere at this point Ben came up to me and asked, “Are you from Xishan?”. What the...! I don't really know him but surprisingly he can recognized me. Turned out he's from 6A, which is sort of like 6B buddy class.
After that, the ICT people wanted us to stay behind to do some lame activities. A LOT (almost all I think) of my class went home and only I (And if I recall, Waicheng) stayed behind to participated in it. I think it was to use some old newspaper to build some figurine....Haha.
Flag Day: There was a Flag Day activity and this is one I can still relive to this day. I went to Jurong Area with Toby, Adriel...and Jerry. Basically we did what we were supposed to do, and I remember Adriel complaining to me that all the passer-by were “donating” to my and not his. Haha. Maybe I more friendly (and cute). After that we went to the back to have lunch at the coffee shop. This Flag Day actually had a very profound and long lasting effect on my entire year 1 Poly Life......because the 3 of them became the only people that I know more in the class. Whether that's a good thing or not...well...
Orientation ended. First lessons is about to start...Time to “pack up my feelings” for a new phase of my life...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Poly Days 2 - Singapore Poly, Here I Come!
Back then, I have not a single idea what the hell "programming" even is. I looked at the prospectus given and totally catch no ball. The only thing that caught my attention was "Game Development". Who doesn't love games. Now that I think about it, it was a really risky choice, considering that I have almost no information about the course. I don't have any friends in the course, I don't have a good idea of what the modules mean.
First stop was Singapore Poly Open House. That basically "sealed my fate", totally "memerized" by the final year projects they put up. (Although it was pretty lame now that I know how to make it myself) Still remember it was a 2D hack and slash game (Kind of like Diablo). One very important thing I feared was...Drawing. My art, frankly, sucks. (Even to this day) My Art, since Primary School, has always been C. Even during Secondary School it was one of my more dislike subjects. Talked to a lecturer at the open house and he said we'll be drawing using computers (Did not even heard of Photoshop back then).
After some consideration I finally decided to study Multmedia at SP. I still remembered Matthew tired to "dissuade" me from doing so (Cause he is sooo physco by our Chemistry Teacher Ms Lai). Ms Lai always said that the next century will be the biology century and life science industry will explode, lots of prospects and stuff. (I think 5 of my class top students went to Life Science course)
Seriously, I don't know if they really have interest in Chemistry or just "go there because there's job". I think it's a very sad thing. But of course if they really have interest then it's great and I wish them well. When I told them I'm going to IT, all sort of "WTF" stuff came out. Like "IT Is dying...", "What job you want to do if you do that Diploma", "IT no use liao cannot find job"...etc...
Unfortunately (or fortunately), I didn't' believe in those bullshit and went for what I believed in, and where my passion lies. Diploma in Multimedia...Singapore Poly....我来也~
Poly Days 1 - Anderson Junior Collage
Whew…3 years of Poly Life is finally “officially” ending…(Well it ended “unofficially” about 3 months ago) Just felt like doing a series of recount of my life at the Poly. Everything, from my decision to go there to study, and the lecturers, the modules, the facilities, the campus and of course my “wonderful” friends~!
JC Lecturers: Really don't have much to say. Basically in JC, the lecturers is "teach and you go study yourself". No more "spoon-feeding" style like the Secondary, which is why the students tends to be more "distant" from the lecturers. If you can't catch up, it's your own problem. 2 lecturers left a very deep impression but I forgot what they teach. 1 of them is a 40 years old plus old hag, always very "Black Face". Attending her tutorial is super duper stress. Sometimes I really don't know how to do those questions. Be prepare to stare at her...
Another is my form lecturer. I talked to her about my decision to leave JC education, and she gave me a lot of advice. Like "why not try on for some more time" and "what you going to do if you leave the JC now" etc...I think she's a really nice person, but at that time my mind was made up to leave JC, at least Anderson JC.
JC Orientation: Still, Anderson left me with some deep memories. I must say their orientation night was extremely well done. Everyone is assigned to a special team and the whole event is based on an event known as “Reconnaissance”. I am from the “Cielo, Sole” team and I still kept the badge as a memory. We went around doing community service and there were 2 leaders, I think known as "Mark" and "Grace". (Hee still remember)
Basically we'll compete and cheer and do all sort of crazy stuff (Even did a stage play together in the hall), and taught to dance some songs as well. Biggest regret now that I've misplaced that "booklet" that contains all the cheers/songs/chants that we used during the orientation. Some of them were really nice/hilarious. Biggest event was the "campfire-style" dance at the end where almost the WHOLE SCHOOL join in and we sing some stuff. That part was totally everyone "high". (Still remember it very vividly)
Goodbye To Anderson: Even though I cannot stay with AJC, I still never regreted going there. It not only allow me to have a taste of JC life (something I'll never experience again, not that I wanted to again), but also left me with some great memories.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
1st Impression of S.H.E New Song Previews...
Ring Ring Ring: A very "easy to catch on" fast song. Very lively, very upbeat from what is most likely to be the chorus. If the verses are as good, it will far surpass their other lively songs like "I.O.I.O" and "Dui Hao Ru Zuo". I wouldn't be suprise if H.I.M decide to make this their "Zhu Da", as recently they've always been going for those "琅琅上口" or more unique style of song to be the first hit.
觸電: Written by Jay......need I say more? (Jay written 3 songs in past for them and all 3 were incredible. This is no exception) Slightly fast-paced, loving and very soothing song. I felt so...hmm...comfortable listening to it. Hebe and Selina coordination is incredible. Very nice song and obviously the best out of the 3. Has the potential to get into my Top 10 S.H.E list...heh...(a bit too early to say)
我們怎麼了: Written by Tank and your typical "抒情" song. The chorus was Ok, not particularly outstanding, but ok. In my opinion, the 30 seconds simply doesn't allowed this song to shine. If the verses help build up this song for the chorus, it will have some great potential.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Very piss off with the M place...
I seriously think they don't know what is a "repeating" background. How do they expect me to produce smooth animation when the background get cuts off ilke that. The whole organization of the items in the file is totally wrong and now I am left with a piece of mess. They expect to throw me some randomly piece together artwork and have me do the 善后...Geez!
Totally pissed...Artwork is half complete (the back part is totally white), background is not repeating, and they give me in 3 different fla files...And they expect me to finish it by this saturday. Don't know what to say about them...At first I thought I'll design some more complicated games for them (with better gameplay), but in the end they give me this. I think they can forever stay in the "3 options, pick 1" standard kind of game liao.
Actually I already expect this when I propose the game (problems with graphics), and I asked them to send me the graphics EARLIER (like draw 1 piece of work and send to me for verification). But in the end, no news. I send email to them and no replies, no feedback, no anything. Then suddenly they send me this and want me to complete it fast. What the hell man...
I finally understand how Ken they all felt when they're doing their FYP...
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Making another game....
In the end, the gameplay aspect of Bluff grew to become so huge that it became impossible for me to keep track of everything that is going at once. Like the saying, "Kill the monster while it's small". Here, I think it's "do the networking part when the program is simple". The gameplay aspects basically exploded with codes flying everywhere and by then it's just too difficult to throw in Networking portion. (Without crashing everything)
Of course a major reason is because I don't have much experience with Java Networking, and yet with Bluff I tried to have 4 PEOPLE send very complicated data to each other, with timer running the background and all sort of complicated actions one could take.
I remember Michael Spicer always said, "Build a toy one first". So this time, I'm going to do a much more basic game. First, I'll worry about how to connect 2 computers together, and actualy make them able to send some meaningful data to each other (like view the same exact screen that will update) first, and then I'll add in the gameplay codes for the game.
This upcoming game is basically a self-learning project about Java-Networking...with just 2 players. My goal is to have the basic foundation up by the end of this week. Say, 2 computers, being able to send very simple game information (like the position of a graphic) to each other. Hope I can succeed~!
Monday, June 19, 2006
How much longer can S.H.E last...
I support them so much because of their seemingly distinct characteristics, their own personal style, their deep and true friendship with each other, their 不做作 attitude and being themselves , and of course most importantly their perfect 和音 when they sing together. Their 默契 together is unmatched by any other of the so called group in the newer generation.
5 years as a group is already unrivalled (See where is 5566, Energy and F4 doing now), but I hope they can continue for as long as they can. Even if 1 day they get married or what they can still continue singing and I'll continue supporting them (Like Selina said, they sing until 80 years old then the fans will support them till 80 years old. Haha).
Seriously though, their position in my heart can never be replaced. (so no use to those people trying to undermine them) Their songs have accompanied me through the toughest of time...during my 'O" levels period I have their songs playing in the background whenever I'm cracking my brain. When I was going for the interview, their song can calm my down and make me less nervous, and recently listening to their songs actually made my morning run enjoyable.
S.H.E already released 8 albums and the 9th one is coming up soon. Their current contract with HIM lasts until 2009. I am not sure if they'll renew the contract then, but I sure hope they do, and I can continue enjoying their great songs. Long Live S.H.E~!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
"The Bluff Game" is GOLD!
The idea of creating Bluff started right after my internship (and I began working on it right away). After working on it for about 3 days, I came up with the basic skeleton and layout~

Shortly after, Zhi Wei approached me and ask If I wanted to do a game! Haha. So "coincidence". I told him I just recently started working on this game and he offered to help me do the graphics!
And thus the real story of Bluff begins. The coding of the card displays is the biggest headache at this stage, but I quickly got it out of the way.
Look at the brand new graphics! So nice! we also did quite a lot of changes to the card graphics (upon my request) because I think the number is too small to be seen.
Basically every card has an animal to represents. We also once thought of the idea to call "Jacky calls 5 elephants"...very scary thought -_-

Aesthetics, and more aesthetics changes. Bluff first ever Main Menu screen is born~!
The in game doesn't have much changes, but there is now a beautiful artistic background image. At this stage we really intended to make the Multiplayer. Don't ask me about that Trademark......Gabble -_- The memories...
The development came to a complete halt after upon reaching here.
The last version was 0.9. I tried coding the the Networking portion for like a week but only manage to make them send text to each other -_-...I search on the net and went to the libraries to do research...but still no progress. With no progress, I first thought to stop development for about 2 weeks first, but in the end we stopped for nearly 2 months! Haha! At first I thought, that's it. Bluff will never be released.
But...until one night. For some reason, I ask the "very free" Zhi Wei to help draw S.H.E Avatar pictures, to place in my MSN area. 9th June an idea struck me. And I did something... unimaginable! I cut the "head" of the avatar he sent me and place it as the AI computer! Haha! It was originally just for fun, but one idea quickly gave rise to another.

Can I say rapid and more rapid progress? (I stayed at home and "chiong" through on all these days. (11th June to 16 June)
Beta 0.1 quickly shot up to Beta 0.8 in within a few days time.

Also, I GREATLY improved the Artificial Intelligence. They went from complete idiots to aggressive "attackers" that will do anything to stop you from reaching 0 cards. Average game time per round went from 5 min to 15 mins as the AI became much better.
Bluff Beta

We're at the final stages! Basically adding avatars for the characters to choose, add Winning Screen, Score System, ability to print screenshot and send it to your friends to show off! Little touchups everywhere, including changing the Main Menu buttons! The final beta version was 0.95 where we dig out the last bits of bugs and release Bluff, on 16th June around 11pm!
Weee! I am soooo happy! This is the FIRST game whichI am not "obliged" to make - meaning it's not because of some assignments or some work I have to hand in. I did this because I WANTED to do it. I did it during my own free time, and I learnt a lot from making this game. Of course having S.H.E in it just makes it better :P
Thanks to Zhi Wei for working so hard with me during these short 1 month (in total) development time of Bluff! (I said I wanted to get release it before he gets enlist on 19th June, and I fufilled my promise!) We met the deadline and complete the game in time~ 3 Cheers!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Long Time Relatives Reunion!
Used to be very close with them when I was younger (Primary school days), but began to see them less after I moved house during Primary 6 to Woodlands. After that only see them like once a year during the New Year. Mainly I only know those more "elderly" ones - Si Qi, Si Yin, Jia Yin, Pei Qi all those. Haha. The rest not much memory and can't even call out their name. Zhen Hong was sooo young then (I think like 5 or 6 years old) and I remember playing with him. Now already Primary 4!!!

Anyway, we mainly did BBQ there (actually the Chalet was organized to celebrate Father's Day). Sadly, some of the adults decide to induldge in their gambling business. Haha. I was mainly showing magic tricks to the little kids. Then we also brought Sammi and Jia Hui to the beach (They were extremely noisy and kept doing a lot of stunt. Example: Shouting some gibberish for absolutely no reason). Luckily got Si Qi and Si Yin to take care of them for me (don't make me so headache)
Also, some of my nieces turn to become very....well...something I does not expect. Young people nowadays...I don't agree with their dress code, their attitude towards relationship and many of their ideas. Hard to imagine. Me 20 years old already have a huge gap in thinking with those 14 years old. The whole is really changing so fast...Also, I realize the more "elderly" people have an emormous sense of noise tolerance level. I CANNOT STAND noise. I will go crazy. Especially in a car. They speak sooo loudy and I am so piss off but of course out of respect I can't do anything. Really "buay tahan". On the way home I suddenly found the "courage" to comment on my Father problem. Geez. I hope he realize what he did wrong in the past because I really wish he can take care of himself, and stop doing stupid things. Haha!
Overall quite enjoyable evening. One disappointing thing is that the room they booked is soo freaking small and there's no place to play anything with all those "bodies of people" sleeping around. They originaly wanted to play DDR but couldn't. Geez. Memorable events includes a video I shot (using the new phone!) of the cake cutting session!
Oh yeah to add. There's this "mysterious tap" where you have to pray to it, and water will come out from it...super lame. Some people actually believed it. I don't know what they are thinking.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
17th Golden Melody Awards...
Totally shocked and disappointed and devestated with the results with the Best Group...All the bets were on either S.H.E or Nanquan Mama. But in the end...the most impossible, the most "ulu", the most unheard of group, known as the "Baijin XiaoJie", WON! The winning ratio of that team is like 1: 1000 and they won! What the hell! That's like saying Singapore won the World Cup.
Haiz...I totally don't know what to say. The judges must be sleeping or blind. I mean I can understand that popularity shouldn't totally determine who should win. But this is tooooo much. Way too over. No one I know have even heard of this team. Who the hell are they anyway. I don't even know how many members they have.
This year also lot of expected singers didn't get nominated. I guess Jay, Jolin, Junjie, Mayday and F.I.R are all dead. The nominations are already "cold", the winners even more "cold". Lucky the "Hu De Fu" guy didn't win...else really throw TV away...
Seriously speaking, "Bu Xiang Zhang Da" is S.H.E most original album (and possibly best if you exclude the Compilation) to date. Still cannot win! Stupid judges...Well, to quote from Yuan Wei Ren
"S.H.E 在我心目中永远是最棒的组合"!
Yuan Wei Ren: S.H.E greatest lyric writer. He is involved in EVERY SINGLE S.H.E album, and of course most notably wrote S.H.E first ever song. The number of great songs he has wrote for them is countless~~~!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Ron Farewell Gathering...On...06, 06, 06?!
Basically I'm quite pissed off with that show...very lousy show. I thought it's going to be those very "horror" show. But no. There are only 2 or 3 seconds where they, for absolutely NO reason, cut to a single frame of some horror picture that will make you "chua tio". (Combined with the suddenly blast in SFX of course) Those serve absolutely reason to progress the story and usually happened as part of a "dream" thing...very lame. It seems like they were put in there just for the sake of putting it there. (To frighten you a bit)
Of course the show is not without good points. I like a number of scenes, particularly the one where the house keeper murdered the wife in the hospital. Very very intense. You can really feel the intensity there. The poison chemical slowly transferring to her body, and she was resisting for all she could. You can really feel that tension in that scene. Other then that, very disappointing ending. All the police troops rushed into the church, the man took up the knife, the boy said "Daddy please don't kill me!" and "Freeze!" and 'Boom!" and...what the hell...cut to the funeral... And then the most frustrating part...The boy turn towards the camera and smile...Credits... -_-
Are they planning for "Omen 2" or what...The ending is left too open. Nothing is resolve at all. Haha...Who is the housekeeper? Who is the photographer? Why the priest at the hospital wanted the main guy to exchange the son...It's all not mentioned at all. I'll be waiting to see if they'll release part 2. Haha.
After the movie, went to walk around with Ron, talk about lot of stuff...He told me about this event that I never knew in Primary School...(Derek shitting on the playground...cause he didn't want to use the Coffee Shop toilet, reason being too dirty)...super lame. Next time if I see Derek must ask him about this. Hahahaha...Basically went to loiter around Orchard until they arrived.
After that we went to Mind Cafe! Talk a lot. How everyone is doing. (Also talk about Wei Hao...haha...) How is everyone life etc...I also put my 3 years "Diploma in Lame Jokes" to good use...Haha. Introduced them to "Niagaria", but they didn't like it a lot. Then we played "Snorta" (The ultimate simple yet fun game) and had lot of fun. Haha.
Also try 2 new games, "Fast Hands", where you have to make hand signals. Lastly, Ron taught us how to play "I'm the boss!".Woo! That game is fun. Haha. At first when you listen to the rules it's a bit confusing, but it become very easy to get the hang of it. Next time must play with my Poly friends. Jia Jun originally said wanted to leave at 8 for her sister's birthday, but in the end we played until 10:30...haha. (Too addictive)
Here are some photos~(Shu Hui is still as "Thirty Eight" as ever...)

Sunday, June 04, 2006
A new phone for me! I "kope" the phone. Basically I also think it's super difficult to use. The designer think they place the keypad in a "curvy" way is very creative...I think it just makes it harder to use. And the buttons are all so close together...I always press wrong (especially the up down left right center). I guess I need some time to adjust to it.
Biggest benefit of the new phone over the old one? The Camera! Gosh...the camera is godly...1 mega-pixel...That thing is like 5 times clearer than the junk camera on the old one...It is just really clear. And what's more, it can record video too! Wee!
Actually, I also don't know how to utilize lots of the features of the new phone. Guess I have to explore around more. I'm a phone newbie...But had lot of fun playing with the camera...Think I'll be able to take more pictures and upload them to my computer~ Ben called me. I was a bit stunt when I recieved the call (First call I recieved on the new phone). Then the name pop up Ben. Didn't know you can so "freely" call outside in the Army...well I never been inside so I don't know. Anyway he just called me to ask about graduation date. Actually wanted to chat with him a bit like how's the life inside (yeah, 2 days of life)...but then didn't find the hmm..."motivation" to do so. Then the situation became quite..."cold". Haha. Should have talk a bit more...don't know what I was doing. Wish him and all my friends good luck (Oh and to myself) that we all have an "enjoyable" life during the NS.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Remaining as friends after breakup?
Zhi Wei : 有人说,如果一对情侣分手后还能做朋友的话,就证明两个人没有真正的爱过。你同意吗?。。。(I Love Her Too Much To Be Friends)
Rain Remember: 如果其中一方真的能够一刀两断,彻彻底底地将感情断绝, 那一方才真正没有爱过
Me: 所有的爱情都是从友情开始的。。。但是爱情结束后还能找回友情吗。。。
Pro right...deep discussion. Haha...2 different past experiences lead to 2 different conclusion....Well...what can I say...Don't think too much. Make me headache only...Think Zhiwei must be read too much love novels these days...suddenly think so much...Happy birthday ^_^
I am a blog newbie......
Wow...the code left me in a bit of shock. Yes, "web presentation" without the use of tables if nothing new, but this is the first time I've actually seen it in action. I mean, I consider myself proficient in HTML, but to design a page without the use of tables. I never knew how to do that.
Peeking through the code was really interesting (that's what I spent most of today doing haha). This sparks my interst to learn CSS many things to learn......One at a time I guess...I still have quiet a lot of time left.
Also wondered how other people blog can have so many features...especially that Adeline -_-... still can track the exact visitor and what they do... like Spyware man...Can check who read your blog, what's his IP, how long he read for, what time...etc...Nothing to say.
So, being the "free man" that I am, I went around the web to hunt for some web add-ons...gosh there were tons of them...Guestbooks, horoscopes, comic stripes, you name it, you got it. Anyway I just pick 3 that I feel is necessary - A Poll Generator, A Chat Box and A Simple Stat Tracker. I don't like to have too many things clutter around all over the place. Same in real life, same on the net. Simple and clean and easy to read is good enough.
So basically I spent the rest of the day putting codes from the add-ons in, and messing around with the CSS positioning code a bit.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
One by friends are going to leave me...
It's sad..50% of my class will be gone by the end of June. Slowly but surely they will be summoned upon to face the wrath of NS...
Wait for me okay guys...