Friday, December 06, 2019

The Most Dramatic Day Of My Life

I just want to pen this down for now... maybe I'll fill in the blanks later when I'm in the mood.





Afternote: Things went back to "normal" after that fateful day.

Truthfully speaking, even I am not very sure of my own feelings - perhaps because I am so inexperienced in this.

The only thing to do now is to let nature take its course?

Monday, December 02, 2019

Why Does It Hurt...

I think I am really 犯贱。。。

It is like I did not realize the importance of what things mean to me until I lost them.


I really deserve to be forever alone haha...

Side Note:

Don't know if it is due to age getting on me, but I feel quite emotional with regards to some ridiculous things.

For example, even closing a bank account I used for 3+ years made me kind of sentimental...

I think it is somewhat true that the older you get, the more resistant you become to change.