Things happening/happened, news I come across, what I am doing now, etc...
1) Board Games Meetup
My weekends have become much more occupied after participating in the board game meetups. This became especially frequent in May, and has became something I look forward to every week. I've played so many new board games!
In no particularly order off the top of my head: Code Names, Dixit, Cloud 9, Spyfall, Three Kingdoms Redux, Lords of Waterdeep, Bang!, Deception: Murder in Hong Kong, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Secret Hitler, Istanbul, Mascarade, Hands Up, No Thanks, Gang Up, King of Tokyo/New York, Pandemic, Splendor, The Places of Carrara, Isle of Skye, Broom Service, Village, Tiny Epic Kingdoms, Evolution, Imperial, Coup, Condottiere, The Resistance, Sheriff of Nottingham, Telestrations, Monster Fox, Flash Point, Nigeria Falls, I'm The Boss, Citadels, Panic Station, Fake Artist, Avalon, Eat Me If You Can!, Ugly Dolls...
Whew... that was a mouthful. And this is counting only those I can remember.
Perhaps one of these days I'll do a short write-up on them. So far, my favourite kind of games the deception and more light-hearted 'brainless' party games. I don't mind some simple economic games, but no more heavy resource management worker placement please (exception being Three Kingdoms).
Asides from the games, there are also many entertaining and friendly people you get to meet - a cosplaying game master who comes equipped with 'background music' and various props really adds to the atmosphere. There are master-negotiators and entertainers, hardcore enthusiasts who enjoy 5+ hours games and casual ones who prefers party games, from 5 to 50 years old.
There's also a very cute dog that one of the player brings along sometimes!
2) Missing Person
I have been deliberately skipping meetings with a certain group these days, and I guess some of them are wondering why. Or perhaps they do not care.
Anyway, 3 reasons. I want to avoid certain people, I want to "cold turkey" myself, and I want to completely eliminate any reasons (verbal, emotional, etc) I can give myself to "back out". I have made up my mind and this will not change.
3) Tough Decision
I had to make one tough decision in May when I had to reject an "old acquaintance".
Trust me, it was not easy saying 'no' to something you were initially so enthusiastic about, especially when there exists so many "push factors". I took 2 weeks to consider, consulting many friends, family and eventually following my heart & brain.
It was just not worth it - it felt like too big of a risk.
I would be lowering almost every aspect of what I enjoy right now (time, energy, money, flexibility, certainty), in exchange for the POSSIBILITY of greater satisfaction, and MAYBE better benefits down the line. It just doesn't feel right to me.
Regardless, it is all over now, and it's back to the drawing board.
Afternote: There were some good news after I made the decision, which makes me want to believe it is the correct one. The answer would not be revealed until later next month.
4) Debt In Modern Society
Came across an article where Singaporeans are lining up at car showrooms after loans policy were relaxed from 5 to 7 years.
My thoughts: If you are "able to afford" a car just because you can now pay it over 2 extra years, then you CAN'T afford the car in the first place. WHY are people getting themselves into debt for 'wants'?!
I can never understand why people want to take loans and credits for liabilities. The only loan I agree with taking would be a mortgage, but even then only at a level that is reasonable.
My policy is to pay it upfront in its entirety. If you have to pay by installments, you shouldn't buy it. If you have to loan money for it, you can't afford it. Period.
Taking on debts have become so common that everyone is expect to. If you don't have the money, don't buy it.
5) Health & Fitness
I'm getting older and I think my muscles & bones are getting more fragile.
I went for a short FIVE minutes run on one weekday night, and 2 days later my kneecap was swollen and hurts like hell when I walk. Went to see the doctor who told me I injured knee ligament, likely due to lack of warmup and after long periods of inactivity.
Haiz... Lesson Learnt: Always do your warmups.
6) Entertainment Series
More like a self reminder posts of the variety shows and dramas I must keep up with, LOL.
1) 天才冲冲冲 + 封神无双 (Every weekend)
2) Korean Drama Genius
3) Aside from regular ones (Trump's Hearthstone, REACT channel), I've become addicted to these series recently: Jessie Cox's Strange Life, TB's Secret Hitler, Table Top
7) Mayday Concert!
Secured a VIP seat to their concert thanks to "jiejie"! This is the first concert I am attending in 3 years (the previous one being theirs too)! And I can't freaking wait!!!
8) 'Milestones' Battle
An eye opening and experience gaining battle. This was one of my earlier battles but unfortunately I really flunk on some of the SQL.
9) Books
List of various books that I somehow come across, either through blog posts or articles that I might want to read in the future.
Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters
Portfolios of the Poor