Everyone got their own rules for spending money. What's considered a "waste of money" to you may be "money well spent" for others.
Some people scrimp and save for the entire year, only to spend it all on a extravagant vacation.
Some people change their phones every 6 months.
Some women spend thousands of dollars on bags; Some men spend thousands of dollars on IT gadgets.
Some people find to justifiable to splurge hundreds of dollars on a earphone. Others are fine with $10 ones.
Some think spending 90K on a piece of paper is worth it.
Bottom line is, how you wanna spend your money is your business.
Everybody got their own hobbies and interests, and things which they find worthy to spend on.
It's not really for you to judge how another person spend their money. Feel free to spend YOUR OWN money however you like it.
The issue comes when your spending habits "implicates" another person.
If you have to get money from your parents after you become "independent". If you have to cut back on your children expenses or starve them. If you have to borrow from your friends and relatives.
Then it becomes a big no no.
Please at least be responsible to the people around you, and to yourself.