Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Best Employer

My favourite part of this video is from 4 min - 5 min.

We would have a lot less problems in this world if more businesses are like this.

Orz Boss's Boss's Boss's Boss's...

Isn't it time to spread such awesome culture to their smaller international offices as well?


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Another Semester?!

Ahhh... It's only the first weekend and I'm already feeling the after-effects of the past 5 days.

I never thought I'll get to experience being a student again. What's more, so soon after graduation.

In fact, I've never felt more like a student than now!


I don't think I've ever consistently study 6, 7, 8 hours a day, every day, during ANY PERIOD of my life.

Not through my toughest uni-semesters.

Not even during the exam periods.

And yet here I am, clearing "modules" at such intensive pace - putting in such long hours.

I don't have a choice - There is just way too much things to clear.


Imagine a university module that you normally take for a semester. Maybe 3 hours of lecture a week?

Now, imagine packing all that content into 3, 4 or 5 days.

You have "8am to 5pm" everyday to finish that module.

It's near impossible unless you put in extra time to clear the chapters.

Looks like I'll be burning my weekends for a while now...



That being said, I've really learnt a lot - So I'm not complaining.

It's only been a week, but I felt that I already know so much more about this field.

The challenges faced by this industry and where it's heading, the rate of adoption and considerations by different sectors, the effort to bring such knowledge into our education system, strengths of different competitors, etc...

I've also seen real life examples and applications of this technology across different sectors and industries.

It truly is limitless - definitely not just restricted to certain specialized domains only.


Anyway, rant too long liao.

I'll stop here and start doing my e-learning.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hebe My Love



 歌唱方面真的无可挑剔。她,真的进步太多太多了。 太厉害了。

就算是演唱一些我从来没听过的作品,都能深深吸引观众的目光。(如“尼克拉斯”,Lonely 等)

唯一缺点是曲目真的太冷门了。有超过一半都是十分冷门的歌,很难有所共鸣。感觉有点 Over。

 最后是场地很烂。千万不要到 RWS 看演唱会。国家体育场还是最棒的。

Monday, June 04, 2012

9 Months



Sometimes, things could have been radically different due to a small action.

Like "what if you took the effort to click the button one more time?"

Like "what if you prepared fully before venturing into the Monstrous Horrific Asylum?"

So many what ifs, so many possibilities.


But all these are in hindsight now.

It's time to get those rusty engines starting again.

The decision was really nerve-wrecking.


Truthfully speaking, I feel doubtful, yet hopeful at the same time.

I guess it's what you can call a "Leap of Faith".

It's something I have interest in, yet also something I am unsure of.

It's like descending into the dark unexplored mines. Without a map. Without navigation.

You never know what you'll find.

You might uncover precious gems.

You might get yourself killed.

You might find gold, or you might find coal.


I'm really placing my trust and faith in what little information I could find online, because this is something that's so new.

On events happening in faraway lands, which might not reflect local conditions.

Placing my trust on what the experts say.

On little pieces of evidence that support my decision.

On the kind of new courses they're introducing in schools.

Believing in my past experiences,

Placing my faith on something which might be a sign of higher power interference, or maybe complete coincidence.


All these factors led me to believe that I'm making the right choice.

And since I've already decided, I'm going to give my best!


Friday, June 01, 2012

Invincible Taker

Undertaker's match with Edge is the transition from "Undertaker is undefeated at WrestleMania" to "Undertaker cannot be defeated at WrestleMania." The end of the match is what crystallized the Undertaker's deific status at the Grandest Stage of them All: immediately recovering from two consecutive Spears in order to apply Hell's Gate and win the match.

Undertaker's toughness has only increased since then. WrestleMania 25: survives a brutal over-the-top rope dive botch which could have easily broken his neck, manages to keep up with Mr. WrestleMania for a solid half-hour of wrestling, and withstands Sweet Chin Music twice. WrestleMania 26: competes against an even more formidable HBK, the latter obsessed with ending the streak; withstands a moonsault through the table and is also given Sweet Chin Music three times but still won't stay down.

Then, of course, there is WrestleMania 27: competes against a terrifyingly focused incarnation of Triple H, who for all intents and purposes was the embodiment of war in this match; Undertaker withstands a spinebuster, another spinebuster through a table, getting speared/tackled through a glass structure (the Cole Mine), nine chair shots to the spine, a chair shot to the skull, a DDT onto the chair, three Pedigrees, and a Tombstone Piledriver, plus the following night on Raw Triple H said that he was hitting Undertaker "harder than I've ever hit anyone in my entire life," which means we are supposed to understand that even the punches in this match were the most powerful punches HHH has ever thrown. The fact that Undertaker withstood all of this is flabbergasting, even in kayfabe.