I classify "big purchase" as stuff that isn't part of my "regular expenses", and costs around $200 and above.
In comparison, I think I'm really spending a lot lesser than most of my peers. I don't have many expensive hobbies, and I don't splurge on things like bags, chairs, bikes, specs, shoes, etc...
In fact, most of my big purchases are IT gadgets, and I usually hoot only 1 "mega purchase" or 2-3 "major purchase" per year.
So I think it's pretty reasonable right?
Major Purchase - $200 to $1000
Mega Purchase - Above $1000
2006 - Complete PC Overhaul (Core 2 Duo) [MEGA]
2007 - 22' LCD Monitor, Sony Ericssion W950i, Digital Camera
2008 - NEC Versa S3500 Laptop [MEGA]
2009 - Cowon S9, Westone 1, Radeon HD4870
2010 - HTC Desire
2011 - Shanghai Trip, Braun Series 7-790
2012 - Mayday's Noah Ark, Major PC Overhaul (Ivy Bridge) [MEGA], Westone UM2X
2013 will be much, much more bloody (大出血)...
I can forsee:
- An urgent need to upgrade my HTC Desire (3 years liao leh...)
- A vacation trip in mid year
- A bigger size monitor! (Been using the 22' one for > 5 years liao... and really need one for productivity)
- Look for something to replace my aging S9 (Tempting...)
- Update my graphic card if got games to play. (Didn't change it, it's still HD4870)
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Westone UM2
No choice but to change my IEM after I accidentally killed my "Westone 1" :"(
Been looking around for an upgrade ever since, and after trying out many IEMs, it seems that I still can't get over the Westone brand.
I'm no audiophile, so I can't really differentiate anything among the "super-high end" IEMs, where you're supposedly able to hear every single instrument, every detail, etc...
To me, the most important factor in choosing an IEM is comfort - it must fit comfortably and allow long usage without tiring my ears.And of course, there needs to be good isolation and durability.
And personally, I've found nothing that comes close to the Westone products when it comes to comfort.
Seriously love their epic grade cables (light, flexible and durable), over the ear usage (less annoyance and more secure) and their eartips just fit my small ears nicely.
They've definitely got me as a customer for life. ^_^
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
One Two One Two One Two
至于其余的一些事 --- 命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。
P.S: S.H.E 终于再度合体了。这支MV里真是充满了我的青春啊。
就算现在不再像以前那样疯 --- 会去排队几小时拿签名,追看他们的每一个节目,收集每一本杂志封面。。。
至于其余的一些事 --- 命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。
P.S: S.H.E 终于再度合体了。这支MV里真是充满了我的青春啊。
就算现在不再像以前那样疯 --- 会去排队几小时拿签名,追看他们的每一个节目,收集每一本杂志封面。。。
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Reinvented Gaming
This is so true.
It may be hard to believe, but this game has really taught me some important lessons.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Saturday, October 06, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Heavy Rain
Another awesome "Let's play" to introduce.
This is a very unique action thriller that's presented almost entirely using CG animation - unlike anything I've ever seen before.
The plot is frigging amazing too!
An FBI Agent, a private detective, a mysterious hot girl, and a distress father who'll go any length to save his son. Add in the main antagonist - a highly intelligent, sick psychotic serial murderer.
How can this not be good?!
Trust me, you will be hooked after watching the 15 mins prelude.
Watch this if you're interested to jump right into it.
If you're interested to follow the entire series and got the time, I recommend following this player instead. The story is more flashed out - it's his first time playing, he attempts to explore every area, and his commentary is way more entertaining.
This is a very unique action thriller that's presented almost entirely using CG animation - unlike anything I've ever seen before.
The plot is frigging amazing too!
An FBI Agent, a private detective, a mysterious hot girl, and a distress father who'll go any length to save his son. Add in the main antagonist - a highly intelligent, sick psychotic serial murderer.
How can this not be good?!
Trust me, you will be hooked after watching the 15 mins prelude.
Watch this if you're interested to jump right into it.
If you're interested to follow the entire series and got the time, I recommend following this player instead. The story is more flashed out - it's his first time playing, he attempts to explore every area, and his commentary is way more entertaining.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Financial Planning
Many things have happened recently.
Things that made me realized the importance of insurance, wealth management, financial planning.
I've never thought about such things before, but now I'm really committed to start learning.
I'm really thankful for being able to start off from such a clean slate.
I don't want to just dive into these cluelessly and aimlessly though.
Hope to take everything at my own pace.
I wonder if she understands?
Monday, September 10, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
To The Moon
I've played hundreds, possibly thousands of video games in my life - many of them with great story-lines.
But this game...
This game has got to have the most heart wrenching plot I've ever come across.
At least in terms of "love story", this got to be the saddest plot I've seen, even when compared to movies.
Let's just say Titanic has got nothing on this.
Watch through the Let's Play.
Definitely worth your time.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
First Post-Grad Certification!
It wasn't easy.
For weeks we've been told over and over how tough it is.
How it is "normal to fail".
How the passing rate is abysmal.
How the passing rate is abysmal.
Probably 1 of the most stressful moments I can remember for a long long time - when I had to click on the "End Test" button...
Hours and hours of hard work for days and days...
It's been a tough journey.
And it's all coming to an end soon.
The final phase.
The time has come for the chicks to leave the nest.
And it's all coming to an end soon.
The final phase.
The time has come for the chicks to leave the nest.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Texas Holdem - Range
This will be a series of short articles aimed to introduce beginners to the skills and arts behind the game of Texas Holdem. The content will be kept introductory and minimal.
Hopefully it'll spur your interest to learn more about this fascinating game on your own!
Let's get started with the most fundamental of them all - The 2 cards you get.
We know there's a certain % for each combination of 2 cards that you can get.
For example, everyone knows AA is the strongest starting hand in this game, and based on mathematical probability, you'll get them about once every 221 hands.*
KK is the next strongest.
Then comes QQ, then AK / JJ......
Since no one in the right mind folds AA and plays 23, we can conclude something:
The less % of hands one play, the stronger his hand is on average. The more % of hands he plays, the weaker it is on average.
Let's say you meet a super tight opponent that keeps folding - playing only about once every 100 hands, or 1% of all his hand.
What do you think he's playing? Probably only KK and AA.
You can therefore say that his range, the likely cards he's holding, is "KK+", meaning pocket pair KK and stronger.
If you understand the above:
Below is a simplified chart of % of hands played and the range of cards it comprises. You can think of it as arranging all possible combinations of 2 cards from strongest to weakest, with each row representing the top X%.
Now, here's a test.
Suppose you're playing against an opponent who plays about 1 every 10 dealt hands, and the flop comes:
1) 5 6 7
2) A J K
Can you tell which of these 2 flops is most likely to have helped him?
Suppose you have 22, would you rather have the first or the 2nd flop against this particular opponent?
If you can answer this question (and know the reasoning), you would already have a great advantage over many other players in this game.
*There are (52 x 51 / 2) = 1326 possible starting hand combinations. There are (4 x 3 / 2) = 6 possible pocket AA combinations. 6 out of 1326 is 1 every 221 hands.
Hopefully it'll spur your interest to learn more about this fascinating game on your own!
Let's get started with the most fundamental of them all - The 2 cards you get.
We know there's a certain % for each combination of 2 cards that you can get.
For example, everyone knows AA is the strongest starting hand in this game, and based on mathematical probability, you'll get them about once every 221 hands.*
KK is the next strongest.
Then comes QQ, then AK / JJ......
Since no one in the right mind folds AA and plays 23, we can conclude something:
The less % of hands one play, the stronger his hand is on average. The more % of hands he plays, the weaker it is on average.
Let's say you meet a super tight opponent that keeps folding - playing only about once every 100 hands, or 1% of all his hand.
What do you think he's playing? Probably only KK and AA.
You can therefore say that his range, the likely cards he's holding, is "KK+", meaning pocket pair KK and stronger.
If you understand the above:
Below is a simplified chart of % of hands played and the range of cards it comprises. You can think of it as arranging all possible combinations of 2 cards from strongest to weakest, with each row representing the top X%.
Now, here's a test.
Suppose you're playing against an opponent who plays about 1 every 10 dealt hands, and the flop comes:
1) 5 6 7
2) A J K
Can you tell which of these 2 flops is most likely to have helped him?
Suppose you have 22, would you rather have the first or the 2nd flop against this particular opponent?
If you can answer this question (and know the reasoning), you would already have a great advantage over many other players in this game.
*There are (52 x 51 / 2) = 1326 possible starting hand combinations. There are (4 x 3 / 2) = 6 possible pocket AA combinations. 6 out of 1326 is 1 every 221 hands.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
3 Idiots
成为学生后才发现,其实“上学”并不是天天玩耍, 而是学书法,文法,加法,减法。
成为学生后才发现,其实“上学”并不是天天玩耍, 而是学书法,文法,加法,减法。
Friday, July 27, 2012
To My Best Companion In K9
Just received news of his departure this morning...
To My Best Companion In K9
Thank you for being there through my 20 long months as a dog handler - right from the very start.
I can still vividly remembered the initial frustration when I first got you.
Hundreds of hours of sentry through the long silent nights.
Hundreds of miles covered on foot, striding together side by side.
All the times spent running and training together.
And the times when I would pop by just to tell you random rubbish.
In the 20 months, I've definitely spent more time with you than any single living entity in K9.
Thank you for being so obedient.
And for keeping your kennel so clean.
I dare say you have the supreme ultimate cleanest kennel in ALL of K9 - no contest.
I dare say you have the supreme ultimate cleanest kennel in ALL of K9 - no contest.
And sentries with you were always much easier - No barking, no charging, no random diarrhea, no nonsense.
(Prowling is tougher, but then no one is perfect, right :P)
(Prowling is tougher, but then no one is perfect, right :P)
Truly, life would have been much tougher if I didn't get you.
You've lived to a ripe old age and passed away peacefully.
Please be friendly when you meet Ato up there. ^_^
And may you have lots of tennis balls to play with.
Finally, if there's such thing called reincarnation, don't go into the military again.
You will be missed.
(RIP, 25th Jul 2012)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Best Of 4 Years
4 Years,over 200 posts.
Ahh... "Officially" graduating soon.
1. The Discrete Love Poem
2. The Discrete Love Prove
I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is probably the most interesting core module in my course. #_#
3. Memorable Quotes of the Semester
Don't even remember some of them now... :(
4. Mahjong Sunset
A game I picked up during university.
5. Song Status I
6. Song Status II
Every single song status I've posted, on FB, on MSN, about University life.
7. Exams Are Here!
A post I make every semester, and one that I hate to make. Honestly, I don't remember anything from that list now. #_#
8. Dragon's Successor
I hate his brutality.
I really do.
Ahh... "Officially" graduating soon.
1. The Discrete Love Poem
2. The Discrete Love Prove
I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is probably the most interesting core module in my course. #_#
3. Memorable Quotes of the Semester
Don't even remember some of them now... :(
4. Mahjong Sunset
A game I picked up during university.
5. Song Status I
6. Song Status II
Every single song status I've posted, on FB, on MSN, about University life.
7. Exams Are Here!
A post I make every semester, and one that I hate to make. Honestly, I don't remember anything from that list now. #_#
8. Dragon's Successor
I hate his brutality.
I really do.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
WSOP 2012 - The Big One
The biggest game in the history of WSOP with a buy in of ONE FREAKING MILLION.
you learn more about this game, you'll actually start to appreciate
watching shows where they don't actually show the hole cards.
This removes the "result-oriented" kind of thinking that occur because you already know their cards.
Watching top players play without knowing their hole cards first would improve your own play tremendously.

Poker is much more than random bluffing and gut feelings.
It's about probabilities and odds, EV and ROI, patterns and tendencies.
And in a live game - tells and psychology.
This removes the "result-oriented" kind of thinking that occur because you already know their cards.
Watching top players play without knowing their hole cards first would improve your own play tremendously.
Poker is much more than random bluffing and gut feelings.
It's about probabilities and odds, EV and ROI, patterns and tendencies.
And in a live game - tells and psychology.
Even live shows have been influenced so much by online games, they're actually now showing some basic stats on players. (the patterns and tendencies)
Maybe will share some of my 心得 regarding this when I'm free someday.
Maybe will share some of my 心得 regarding this when I'm free someday.
Saturday, July 07, 2012
1 Month After Enlistment
1/3 done with my "BMT"!
4 weeks of endless e-learning, classes, case studies......
Things are finally starting to brighten up, now that I've moved on from the "bare-bone environment" to the "drag and drop" environment.
It's like, is there any reason to know HTML when there's already the all powerful Dreamweaver?
Looking forward to Week 6 and 7, which I think is really the essence of this course.
In other areas, I've been missing out on some of my favourite activities since "enlistment".
Before, I thought I could still play after booking out everyday, but I just feel so drained when I reach home.
And I know it's never a good idea to play when you can't concentrate.
Still, I think I'm extremely lucky.
Like what my OC say, no company is going to pay you full time salary to go for 3 months of training (even 3 days would be a luxury).
While the course is tough, my biggest fear is not actually getting through BMT, but the unit that I'll be posted to after POP.
4 weeks of endless e-learning, classes, case studies......
Things are finally starting to brighten up, now that I've moved on from the "bare-bone environment" to the "drag and drop" environment.
It's like, is there any reason to know HTML when there's already the all powerful Dreamweaver?
Looking forward to Week 6 and 7, which I think is really the essence of this course.
In other areas, I've been missing out on some of my favourite activities since "enlistment".
Before, I thought I could still play after booking out everyday, but I just feel so drained when I reach home.
And I know it's never a good idea to play when you can't concentrate.
Still, I think I'm extremely lucky.
Like what my OC say, no company is going to pay you full time salary to go for 3 months of training (even 3 days would be a luxury).
While the course is tough, my biggest fear is not actually getting through BMT, but the unit that I'll be posted to after POP.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Best Employer
My favourite part of this video is from 4 min - 5 min.
We would have a lot less problems in this world if more businesses are like this.
Orz Boss's Boss's Boss's Boss's...
We would have a lot less problems in this world if more businesses are like this.
Orz Boss's Boss's Boss's Boss's...
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Another Semester?!
Ahhh... It's only the first weekend and I'm already feeling the after-effects of the past 5 days.
I never thought I'll get to experience being a student again. What's more, so soon after graduation.
In fact, I've never felt more like a student than now!
I don't think I've ever consistently study 6, 7, 8 hours a day, every day, during ANY PERIOD of my life.
Not through my toughest uni-semesters.
Not even during the exam periods.
And yet here I am, clearing "modules" at such intensive pace - putting in such long hours.
I don't have a choice - There is just way too much things to clear.
Imagine a university module that you normally take for a semester. Maybe 3 hours of lecture a week?
Now, imagine packing all that content into 3, 4 or 5 days.
You have "8am to 5pm" everyday to finish that module.
It's near impossible unless you put in extra time to clear the chapters.
Looks like I'll be burning my weekends for a while now...
That being said, I've really learnt a lot - So I'm not complaining.
It's only been a week, but I felt that I already know so much more about this field.
The challenges faced by this industry and where it's heading, the rate of adoption and considerations by different sectors, the effort to bring such knowledge into our education system, strengths of different competitors, etc...
I've also seen real life examples and applications of this technology across different sectors and industries.
It truly is limitless - definitely not just restricted to certain specialized domains only.
Anyway, rant too long liao.
I'll stop here and start doing my e-learning.
I never thought I'll get to experience being a student again. What's more, so soon after graduation.
In fact, I've never felt more like a student than now!
I don't think I've ever consistently study 6, 7, 8 hours a day, every day, during ANY PERIOD of my life.
Not through my toughest uni-semesters.
Not even during the exam periods.
And yet here I am, clearing "modules" at such intensive pace - putting in such long hours.
I don't have a choice - There is just way too much things to clear.
Imagine a university module that you normally take for a semester. Maybe 3 hours of lecture a week?
Now, imagine packing all that content into 3, 4 or 5 days.
You have "8am to 5pm" everyday to finish that module.
It's near impossible unless you put in extra time to clear the chapters.
Looks like I'll be burning my weekends for a while now...
That being said, I've really learnt a lot - So I'm not complaining.
It's only been a week, but I felt that I already know so much more about this field.
The challenges faced by this industry and where it's heading, the rate of adoption and considerations by different sectors, the effort to bring such knowledge into our education system, strengths of different competitors, etc...
I've also seen real life examples and applications of this technology across different sectors and industries.
It truly is limitless - definitely not just restricted to certain specialized domains only.
Anyway, rant too long liao.
I'll stop here and start doing my e-learning.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Hebe My Love
歌唱方面真的无可挑剔。她,真的进步太多太多了。 太厉害了。
就算是演唱一些我从来没听过的作品,都能深深吸引观众的目光。(如“尼克拉斯”,Lonely 等)
唯一缺点是曲目真的太冷门了。有超过一半都是十分冷门的歌,很难有所共鸣。感觉有点 Over。
最后是场地很烂。千万不要到 RWS 看演唱会。国家体育场还是最棒的。
Monday, June 04, 2012
9 Months
Sometimes, things could have been radically different due to a small action.
Like "what if you took the effort to click the button one more time?"
Like "what if you prepared fully before venturing into the Monstrous Horrific Asylum?"
So many what ifs, so many possibilities.
But all these are in hindsight now.
It's time to get those rusty engines starting again.
The decision was really nerve-wrecking.
Truthfully speaking, I feel doubtful, yet hopeful at the same time.
I guess it's what you can call a "Leap of Faith".
It's something I have interest in, yet also something I am unsure of.
It's like descending into the dark unexplored mines. Without a map. Without navigation.
You never know what you'll find.
You might uncover precious gems.
You might get yourself killed.
You might find gold, or you might find coal.
I'm really placing my trust and faith in what little information I could find online, because this is something that's so new.
On events happening in faraway lands, which might not reflect local conditions.
Placing my trust on what the experts say.
On little pieces of evidence that support my decision.
On the kind of new courses they're introducing in schools.
Believing in my past experiences,
Placing my faith on something which might be a sign of higher power interference, or maybe complete coincidence.
All these factors led me to believe that I'm making the right choice.
And since I've already decided, I'm going to give my best!
Friday, June 01, 2012
Invincible Taker
Undertaker's match with Edge is the transition from "Undertaker is undefeated at WrestleMania" to "Undertaker cannot be defeated at WrestleMania." The end of the match is what crystallized the Undertaker's deific status at the Grandest Stage of them All: immediately recovering from two consecutive Spears in order to apply Hell's Gate and win the match.
Undertaker's toughness has only increased since then. WrestleMania 25: survives a brutal over-the-top rope dive botch which could have easily broken his neck, manages to keep up with Mr. WrestleMania for a solid half-hour of wrestling, and withstands Sweet Chin Music twice. WrestleMania 26: competes against an even more formidable HBK, the latter obsessed with ending the streak; withstands a moonsault through the table and is also given Sweet Chin Music three times but still won't stay down.
Then, of course, there is WrestleMania 27: competes against a terrifyingly focused incarnation of Triple H, who for all intents and purposes was the embodiment of war in this match; Undertaker withstands a spinebuster, another spinebuster through a table, getting speared/tackled through a glass structure (the Cole Mine), nine chair shots to the spine, a chair shot to the skull, a DDT onto the chair, three Pedigrees, and a Tombstone Piledriver, plus the following night on Raw Triple H said that he was hitting Undertaker "harder than I've ever hit anyone in my entire life," which means we are supposed to understand that even the punches in this match were the most powerful punches HHH has ever thrown. The fact that Undertaker withstood all of this is flabbergasting, even in kayfabe.
Undertaker's toughness has only increased since then. WrestleMania 25: survives a brutal over-the-top rope dive botch which could have easily broken his neck, manages to keep up with Mr. WrestleMania for a solid half-hour of wrestling, and withstands Sweet Chin Music twice. WrestleMania 26: competes against an even more formidable HBK, the latter obsessed with ending the streak; withstands a moonsault through the table and is also given Sweet Chin Music three times but still won't stay down.
Then, of course, there is WrestleMania 27: competes against a terrifyingly focused incarnation of Triple H, who for all intents and purposes was the embodiment of war in this match; Undertaker withstands a spinebuster, another spinebuster through a table, getting speared/tackled through a glass structure (the Cole Mine), nine chair shots to the spine, a chair shot to the skull, a DDT onto the chair, three Pedigrees, and a Tombstone Piledriver, plus the following night on Raw Triple H said that he was hitting Undertaker "harder than I've ever hit anyone in my entire life," which means we are supposed to understand that even the punches in this match were the most powerful punches HHH has ever thrown. The fact that Undertaker withstood all of this is flabbergasting, even in kayfabe.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Typical Idol Drama Storylines
由其是最后一点,简直是老到牙都掉光的剧情,还在不断重复出现 (super cliche and overdone)。
更糟的是,我觉得大多数的故事根本就没有必要用 - 毫无意义,只不过是为了增加多几集的时间罢了。
- 门当户对,家庭反对
- 一方的父母会以金钱/权利威胁自己的儿女跟某第三者在一起,或对方离开己方儿女
- “青梅竹马” 的第三者(通常是单恋狂)会出现
- 双方会背负某种不被接受的社会关系 (例如"兄妹"之类的)
- 一方会(以为自己)身患绝症,为了不伤害另一方,隐瞒提出分手
- 一方会出车祸,昏迷不醒,或,
- 一方会失去记忆
由其是最后一点,简直是老到牙都掉光的剧情,还在不断重复出现 (super cliche and overdone)。
更糟的是,我觉得大多数的故事根本就没有必要用 - 毫无意义,只不过是为了增加多几集的时间罢了。
Thursday, May 17, 2012
PC Upgrade 2012!
Been 5+ years since my last PC overhaul.
This time round though, my main motivation isn't for playing games (I didn't upgrade the graphic card).
It's mainly for the processing improvements.
To place things into perspective, my old CPU is a dual core with a 1.8Ghz clock speed.
The new ivy bridge i5 has double the number of core, and each core has double the clock speed of my previous CPU.
That's how far things have advanced.
Of course, the 6 year old CPU is a bottleneck even for my 2+ year old graphic card.
Still, it's really essential for my work.
Did some benchmarking before I dumped my old system, and I was able to improve the boot times from roughly 85 seconds to 30 seconds.
Processing speed for my analysis of 60K records went from about 5mins 35secs to 1min 35secs.
Overall it's a good investment...
Now all I need is a bigger monitor...
This time round though, my main motivation isn't for playing games (I didn't upgrade the graphic card).
It's mainly for the processing improvements.
To place things into perspective, my old CPU is a dual core with a 1.8Ghz clock speed.
The new ivy bridge i5 has double the number of core, and each core has double the clock speed of my previous CPU.
That's how far things have advanced.
Of course, the 6 year old CPU is a bottleneck even for my 2+ year old graphic card.
Still, it's really essential for my work.
Did some benchmarking before I dumped my old system, and I was able to improve the boot times from roughly 85 seconds to 30 seconds.
Processing speed for my analysis of 60K records went from about 5mins 35secs to 1min 35secs.
Overall it's a good investment...
Now all I need is a bigger monitor...
- Processor
- Intel® Core™ i5-3570K (4 Cores, 3.8Ghz)
- Mainboard
- ASUS P8Z77-V Pro
- Graphics Card
- Powercolor HD4870 1GB GDDR5
- Memory
- G.Skill Ripjaws 1600Mhz DDR3 CL9 4GB x 2
- Storage Drive
- - Seagate 250GB (SATA 2)
- - Seagate 500GB (SATA 2)
- - Western Digital Caviar Black 64MB 1TB (SATA III)
- Crucial m4 SSD 256GB (SATA III) - Display
- Philips 220WS
- Audio
- -
- Optical Drive
- Sony DVD R/W -> HP dvd1270 24X SATA Writer
- Power Supply Unit
- FSP Aurum CM Modular 650W 80 Plus Gold
- Casing
- Coolermaster 690 II Advanced, Black & White Edition
- Operating System
- Windows 7 64-Bit Professional
- Speaker
- Logitech X-230
- Keyboard
- Logitech Wave
- Mouse
- Logitech M705
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Double Edge Sword
Wow, finding a job is really not easy.
Thankfully, I don't have any of the financial obligations (yet) to settle for something that's not to my liking.
It can be a double-edge sword though, since it reduces my urgency to look for one.
Sometimes, I wonder if my side income have anything to do with this.
Through some hard work, I've made enough to pay for my monthly expenses, enough to buy a new system, and (very luckily) enough to even completely repay my study loan.
Most importantly, it's something I really enjoy doing.
And I know it'll be something that I'll enjoy doing for life - which is exactly why I don't want this to turn into a chore.
End of rant.
Thankfully, I don't have any of the financial obligations (yet) to settle for something that's not to my liking.
It can be a double-edge sword though, since it reduces my urgency to look for one.
Sometimes, I wonder if my side income have anything to do with this.
Through some hard work, I've made enough to pay for my monthly expenses, enough to buy a new system, and (very luckily) enough to even completely repay my study loan.
Most importantly, it's something I really enjoy doing.
And I know it'll be something that I'll enjoy doing for life - which is exactly why I don't want this to turn into a chore.
End of rant.
Monday, May 07, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The Codes
This is an amusing "mathematical documentary series".
Yes. I am actually watching something related to maths.
That should prove how interesting this is.
Seriously, I think schools should show such documentary to ALL the secondary school kids. I never knew/care what 'Pi' was. I never questioned why bubbles are spherical. I never knew so much could be explained by mathematics - Not only our behavior, but also the nature, the world, and the universe.
I wished there were these videos back then - It would definitely have foster a little more interest in Mathematics inside of me.
Below are some short clips from the documentary:
Yes. I am actually watching something related to maths.
That should prove how interesting this is.
Seriously, I think schools should show such documentary to ALL the secondary school kids. I never knew/care what 'Pi' was. I never questioned why bubbles are spherical. I never knew so much could be explained by mathematics - Not only our behavior, but also the nature, the world, and the universe.
I wished there were these videos back then - It would definitely have foster a little more interest in Mathematics inside of me.
Below are some short clips from the documentary:
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Current System (2006 - 2011)
- Processor
- Intel Core 2 Duo E6300
- Mainboard
- Graphics Card
- XpertVision 7900GS Sonic -> Powercolor HD4870 1GB DDR5
- Memory
- Kingston DDR II (4x1GB)
- Storage Drive
- - Seagate 160GB IDE
- Seagate 250GB SATA 2 - - Seagate 500GB SATA 2
- - Western Digital Caviar Black 64MB 1TB (SATA III)
- Display
- Philips 220WS
- Audio
- Creative Extreme Music
- Optical Drive
- Sony DVD R/W -> HP dvd1270 24X SATA Writer
- Power Supply Unit
- Ace HEC 480W-> Aerocool V12 600W 80Plus Bronze
- Casing
- Coolermaster 690
- Operating System
- Windows XP Professional -> Windows 7 32-Bit Professional
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Thursday, March 08, 2012
This has become one of my regular activity now given how free I am. :P
In fact, I'm so into this that I actually brought a better racket to replace my $30 (I think) childhood antique. Hopefully, I'll be playing regularly to make this a good investment.
It's so much lighter and I really love its look and feel.
Hope to improve my play as well. Need to learn some proper skills.
In fact, I'm so into this that I actually brought a better racket to replace my $30 (I think) childhood antique. Hopefully, I'll be playing regularly to make this a good investment.
It's so much lighter and I really love its look and feel.
Hope to improve my play as well. Need to learn some proper skills.
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Piece Of Paper
A piece of paper I used to refer to almost every day...
Apparently, I don't seem to need this anymore...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Mayday Noah's Ark
I've always liked their music, but I wasn't really their fan. I don't follow their news or albums, much less go to their concert.
First got the urge to watch their live performance after watching their movie.
It's a really great experience, though still a bit too ex. I didn't even spent this much for any S.H.E concert before. Inflation is scary... :(
- The concert is REALLY LONG. Almost 4 freaking hours. I seriously doubt any other artistes give this much bang for bucks.
- They 'tweak' a lot the live version so that they're not just exactly the same as the CD.
- Their new album is too damn good. It's definitely 1 of the best in recent years.
- I really should have brought the seating area tickets.
- I'm not as familiar as the songs... especially the less well known ones.
- Actually, Ah Xin forgot a lot of the lyrics as well...
- His singing really isn't that good in terms of technique (走音 a lot), but he more than makes up for it with his emotions, intensity and ability to liven up the atmosphere during the high songs.
It's exhilarating to hear him sing this song live!!! (Don't have the clip from this concert, but it's about the same)
My favourite song from their new album.
Awesome way to end the event.
First got the urge to watch their live performance after watching their movie.
It's a really great experience, though still a bit too ex. I didn't even spent this much for any S.H.E concert before. Inflation is scary... :(
- The concert is REALLY LONG. Almost 4 freaking hours. I seriously doubt any other artistes give this much bang for bucks.
- They 'tweak' a lot the live version so that they're not just exactly the same as the CD.
- Their new album is too damn good. It's definitely 1 of the best in recent years.
- I really should have brought the seating area tickets.
- I'm not as familiar as the songs... especially the less well known ones.
- Actually, Ah Xin forgot a lot of the lyrics as well...
- His singing really isn't that good in terms of technique (走音 a lot), but he more than makes up for it with his emotions, intensity and ability to liven up the atmosphere during the high songs.
It's exhilarating to hear him sing this song live!!! (Don't have the clip from this concert, but it's about the same)
My favourite song from their new album.
Awesome way to end the event.
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
First Trip To The Resort
Well, I never wanted to go in the first place - but why not, since someone offered to pay the entry fee.
This is the 2nd time I've been inside a Casino, and my! This is the real deal - one of massive scale and size. Literally hundreds of tables and machines, and many places which I couldn't explore (premium areas for the high-rollers)
As for the place, I guess I can describe it as "vibrant and lively". Full of people, with live performances, music, and walking "God of Fortune" mascot. There are restaurants and drink stations surrounding the "battle-ground", where thousands of people battle for their livelihood every day. I really like that there's a "non-smoking area".
Anyway... The Games!
Surprisingly, there weren't AS MANY variety of games as I thought - It's mostly domniated by the same old bacarrat, dice and roulettes.
Dice and Roulette are what I classify as "super -EV" games. And I have no idea how to play bacarrat.
Then there's good ol' Blackjack - but even the smallest stakes tables are min $25, and a double up would hit $50. It's a bit too nerve wrecking for me.
And then I found a game that looks interesting - "Progressive Texas Holdem".
It's really a brainless game where you bet a fix amount on every street and fight against the dealer - you can almost say there's no skill involved. I really want to try this, but once again, the SMALLEST table require a $25 ante. Combined with bets on each street, it's $125 per hand if you lose. =.=
After scouting the whole floor, the only game I find playable are the Jackpots - which cost like 2 cents per bet. This is the first time I've tried them out, and I finally know why they are so addictive.
It's like buying Toto, but in addition to the "big wins", it lures you back by frequently giving you some payback.
Say you bet $1 per spin, every few spin it'll payout 20cents, sometimes $3, sometimes $1.50. It keeps "replenishing your stock" by letting you hit those small "wins". Then once in a while you hit a "group 6" and maybe win like $20.
The machine is like a succubus - each time you wanna quit, it'll delibrately payout $20 - making you think you can recoup your losses. And then it pays nothing for the next 25 spins.
Basically, it's a game that you can play for a LONG LONG time. It suckers you in, then slowly, gradually, but surely, drains your money bit by bit without you realizing it. Just brilliant.
All in all, it's a good "sight-seeing" trip for me - and overall a fun experience and good entertainment.
I doubt I'll be going there again anytime in the near future though. If you want to make money from gambling, there are better games which you can not only have fun, but most importantly have the advantage. :P
This is the 2nd time I've been inside a Casino, and my! This is the real deal - one of massive scale and size. Literally hundreds of tables and machines, and many places which I couldn't explore (premium areas for the high-rollers)
As for the place, I guess I can describe it as "vibrant and lively". Full of people, with live performances, music, and walking "God of Fortune" mascot. There are restaurants and drink stations surrounding the "battle-ground", where thousands of people battle for their livelihood every day. I really like that there's a "non-smoking area".
Anyway... The Games!
Surprisingly, there weren't AS MANY variety of games as I thought - It's mostly domniated by the same old bacarrat, dice and roulettes.
Dice and Roulette are what I classify as "super -EV" games. And I have no idea how to play bacarrat.
Then there's good ol' Blackjack - but even the smallest stakes tables are min $25, and a double up would hit $50. It's a bit too nerve wrecking for me.
And then I found a game that looks interesting - "Progressive Texas Holdem".
It's really a brainless game where you bet a fix amount on every street and fight against the dealer - you can almost say there's no skill involved. I really want to try this, but once again, the SMALLEST table require a $25 ante. Combined with bets on each street, it's $125 per hand if you lose. =.=
After scouting the whole floor, the only game I find playable are the Jackpots - which cost like 2 cents per bet. This is the first time I've tried them out, and I finally know why they are so addictive.
It's like buying Toto, but in addition to the "big wins", it lures you back by frequently giving you some payback.
Say you bet $1 per spin, every few spin it'll payout 20cents, sometimes $3, sometimes $1.50. It keeps "replenishing your stock" by letting you hit those small "wins". Then once in a while you hit a "group 6" and maybe win like $20.
The machine is like a succubus - each time you wanna quit, it'll delibrately payout $20 - making you think you can recoup your losses. And then it pays nothing for the next 25 spins.
Basically, it's a game that you can play for a LONG LONG time. It suckers you in, then slowly, gradually, but surely, drains your money bit by bit without you realizing it. Just brilliant.
All in all, it's a good "sight-seeing" trip for me - and overall a fun experience and good entertainment.
I doubt I'll be going there again anytime in the near future though. If you want to make money from gambling, there are better games which you can not only have fun, but most importantly have the advantage. :P
Friday, January 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Sunday, January 01, 2012
2012 Rocks!!!
In the end, the PRIZE got SO HUGE that I am too afraid to play any further...
Every single decision, every hand, every move amounts to thousands of gold (literally).
So, I settled for a deal - a split of the prize.
I actually made a little sacrifice by giving some portion of my prize to the other gladiators in order to get them to agree to the deal.
Was it a mistake? Maybe.
It's definitely -EV, and I can't bet so much on a coin flip.
It's definitely -EV, and I can't bet so much on a coin flip.
Yes, the first prize would be GODLY, but I rather play safe and make the deal - guaranteeing a substantial part of the pool.
And that portion of the prize, that is already beyond what I ever thought possible.
It was WAYYYYYYY bigger than any of the prize I've won the past.
It was WAYYYYYYY bigger than any of the prize I've won the past.
It was almost life changing.
1st January 2012.
I will always remember this day.
The day when I fought for over 7 hours to win the greatest prize to date.
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