What happens if my photocard licence is lost or damaged?
You may apply for a replacement licence at Traffic Police Department. The replacement fee is S$25. If your photocard licence is lost, you will have to sign a declaration form and surrender the original licence should it be found subsequently. It is an offence to have 2 driving licences.
Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who have lost their Identity Card (IC) are required to report the loss and apply for a replacement in person within 14 days. A police report is required only if you are a victim of crime. Otherwise, you may execute a Statutory Declaration when you come to ICA to report the loss.
If the registrant subsequently finds the lost IC after receiving a replacement, he/she must return the found IC to ICA.
Documents Required
To report loss of IC, the documents required are:
* One recent passport sized photo which meets the following requirements:
o The photograph must be taken within the last 3 months
o The photograph should be in colour, must be taken against a white background with a matt or semi-matt finish
o The photograph must show the full face (eyebrows cannot be covered by fringe)and the registrant should be without headgear
o The photograph cannot be taken in uniform
* Police report or completed Declaration Form NR 12 (PDF). A police report is only required if you are a victim of crime. Otherwise, you may execute a Statutory Declaration when you come to ICA to report the loss.
First loss : $100
Second and subsequent losses : $300
Payment can be made by NETS or CashCard.
Replace Matriculation Card
If you have lost your matriculation card, please inform the Librarian at any subject library immediately.
Application for replacement of the matriculation card must be made via StudentLink -> Academic Matters -> Matriculation Card Replacement. Replacement will be made only upon payment of a fee of $21.40 (inclusive of GST).
Payment can be made by Credit Card online or Cash, Cashcard, Cheque or NETS at the Office of Finance. Payment once made will not be refundable. Please present the official receipt to Office of Academic Services after payment is made. You may collect your new card 5 working days upon the submission of the official receipt to the Office of Academic Services.
Loss of Library Membership Card
If you lose your library membership card or any of these cards used for library transactions:
* NTUC Link Card
* SAF11B
* School Smart Card
* Singapore Mint Personalised ez-link Card
* Personal CashCard
* Singapore Driving Licence
Please inform the library immediately by phone, fax or in person. If the loss is not reported, any charges incurred on the lost card, such as fines incurred on loans, lost items and reservations, will be charged to you.
NLB only notes the loss in its system. Members have to make separate report to the issuing organisation of the other above-mentioned cards.
Tel: +65 6332 3255
What will happen if I lose my POSB GO! Card or if it gets stolen?
You should report your lost or stolen Card to us immediately by calling 1800 339 6666
To report loss, card holders can call 1800-CALL ONE (1800-2255663) and provide their NRIC number or concession card number and contact number (leave a voice mail if calling after operating hours). The lost card will be invalidated within 48 hours from the time of the report.
For security reasons, the loss report is irreversible once it is lodged in our system and the card, even if found, would no longer be usable. Hence, card holders are advised to search thoroughly for the card before making the loss report.
Please take note that the invalidation is only for transit use of the card. The concession card holder is responsible for informing their own school library and The National Library Board (NLB) of the lost concession card. Please call NLB’s helpdesk at 6332 3255.
Lost Cards
There are two options for replacement of lost card.
1.Immediate application can be made at the Concession Card Replacement Offices.
The charges for replacement of a lost, damaged or defective Tertiary Student Concession card are:
Q13: What should I do if I have misplaced my card?
Please report the loss to us immediately. You may call our 24-hour hotline at 1800 363 3333 or (65) 6363 3333 if you are calling from overseas.