A list generated in the past 4 months.
Try to see if you can identify all the songs.
1. 等下一个天亮, 乖乖的回到学校里去上课好吗?四个月的假期已融化 ,NTU 是我不想去的地方~~~~~~
2. 不懂怎么好好念书的我们, 还以为A+只是古老的传言。 打包能有多痛, 痛有多浓, 当成绩埋在酱难烟雨中, 心碎了才懂。。。
3. 我选上让我奋不顾身的一个COURSE,我以为这就是我所追求的世界, 然而横冲直撞, 被误解被骗, 是否学生的世界背后, 总有残缺
4. 有时候,有时候,我会相信一切有尽头;考好考坏,都有时候,没有什么会永垂不朽。可是我,有时候,宁愿选择逃避不用功;等到我们毕业后,也许你会,陪我看泪水长流 。
5. 你怎么舍得让我的泪流向海~Fail 过的测验永远,不能重来。 你怎么舍得让我的哀流向海~伤心的往事一幕幕,就像潮水,将我掩埋。。。 :(
6. 夜已深,还有什么人,像我这样,在做 assignment? 为何临睡前会想要留一盏灯, 你若不肯说. 我就不问。。。
7. 你哭起来, 我笑起来, 都为了 haiz, haiz, haiz........有一天翻开书海都不明白, 被打败, 被伤害, 死的更畅快。
8. 现在是凌晨三点钟, 读了点书头有点痛~
9. 不知道, 不明了, 不想要, 为什么, 我的心~~~明明是想 STUDY, 却'做博'到黎明~~~
10. 神啊~救救我吧, Deadline 快到了, 一点 Progress 都没有。。。 打包是可怜的, 如果又 Fail 了, 人生是黑白的。。。 :(
11. 天天STUDY, 天天问自己, 到什么时候才能再假期~~~天天STUDY, 天天在做 FYP~~~把我所有(的)时间留给你。。。
12. 考试让人受尽委屈,找不到能 pass 的证据,何时该前进,何时该放弃,连温习都没有勇气。。。考试让人变得贪心,直到一切失去意义,无奈我成绩,每次都是 C , 放遗憾的美丽,停在这里。。。 :'(
13. 雨下整夜, 我的泪溢出就像雨水。。。 院子落叶, 像我的作业厚厚一叠!
14. 我们用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福,就算幸福还有一段路。。。等我们学会忍耐和付出,毕业后一定会有张证书,证明从此不再读~~~
15. 那些烂的成绩,落在春的泥土里,滋养了大地,开出下一个花季。 风中我的泪滴,滴滴落在回忆里,让我们取名叫做 MATI。 :'(
16. 学,一遍一遍一遍一遍,在天空静静缤粪。。。眼看测验,就要来了,而我也将,也将不再生存。。。 :(
17. 紧紧相依的 Deadline 如何 Say goodbye ~~~~
18. 若考试太难了, 想 dropout 要趁早, 就算这次考得很糟, 忘了就好~
19. 明知道老师教的东西我是不可能会, 我还傻傻等到奇迹出现的那一天。。。直到那一天,我会发现, 考不及格的人独自守着伤悲。
20. 这感觉, 已经不对, 我努力在挽回。。。一些些, 应该要交的报告, 我没给。。。很后悔, 许的愿望很卑微, 在妥协。。。
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Senior Citizens Event
Is really a pain sometimes...
Bunch of people you don't know...
Retro hokkien music.
The same old conversation over and over again.
Stone-d for hours...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I Am A Failure
Anyone can lead a team through the good times - when everything is smooth sailing a breeze.
But only a true leader can lead his team through adversity and great obstacles. When the future seems bleak and everything seems impossible.
When your team lost their motivation, when the group loses track and give up - you should be the one to encourage and motivate them. You should try your best to do something that will improve the situation.
I did.
I really tried.
But there is still no progress.
In the end, what I did was let everyone lack of motivation affected me as well - and I gave up too.
I really don't have any leadership qualities.
When I encounter something that I don't have the ability to overcome, and there's no one to turn to for help, I would just give up.
I'm sorry.
But only a true leader can lead his team through adversity and great obstacles. When the future seems bleak and everything seems impossible.
When your team lost their motivation, when the group loses track and give up - you should be the one to encourage and motivate them. You should try your best to do something that will improve the situation.
I did.
I really tried.
But there is still no progress.
In the end, what I did was let everyone lack of motivation affected me as well - and I gave up too.
I really don't have any leadership qualities.
When I encounter something that I don't have the ability to overcome, and there's no one to turn to for help, I would just give up.
I'm sorry.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Endless Tests
心若倦了, 泪也干了,
这次考题, 难料难料
曾经拥有, 好的RESULT,
已不见你, 暮暮与朝朝 (越来越糟糕)
要拿到A, 永远'难'了,
愿来SEM还能, 再度拥抱
考试一次, 要受多少煎熬
怎样面对一切, 我不知道!!!
回忆过去~~~痛苦的想死 (很烂的成绩)忘不了
为何(这次)它又来, 拨动我心跳
这次考题, 难料难料
曾经拥有, 好的RESULT,
已不见你, 暮暮与朝朝 (越来越糟糕)
要拿到A, 永远'难'了,
愿来SEM还能, 再度拥抱
考试一次, 要受多少煎熬
怎样面对一切, 我不知道!!!
回忆过去~~~痛苦的想死 (很烂的成绩)忘不了
为何(这次)它又来, 拨动我心跳
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Joke Music Video
I believe a well-filmed MV can REALLY bring out a song.
I've encountered songs I initially thought were mediocre, but fell in love with them after watching the MV.
A Bad MV on the other hand wouldn't bring down a song as much.
Or so I thought.
Best song of the album, and the worst music video ever.
Seriously, WHY does the whole fight look like some slapstick comedy?!
What's with all the fancy colors, effects, not to mention exaggerated acting and bad choreography. It is a total mismatch from the entire song.
To summarize, "乱七八糟, 完全破坏意境"
It's impossible to have a great MTV that tells a great story, with great presentation etc... everytime - but I think at the VERY LEAST it should at least match the feel of the song.
At worst, it's ok for the whole 4min to just be made up of random scenes of the singer walking around, looking cool and stylo, but at least the speed/pace/objects should not clash too much with the music.
I've encountered songs I initially thought were mediocre, but fell in love with them after watching the MV.
A Bad MV on the other hand wouldn't bring down a song as much.
Or so I thought.
Best song of the album, and the worst music video ever.
Seriously, WHY does the whole fight look like some slapstick comedy?!
What's with all the fancy colors, effects, not to mention exaggerated acting and bad choreography. It is a total mismatch from the entire song.
To summarize, "乱七八糟, 完全破坏意境"
It's impossible to have a great MTV that tells a great story, with great presentation etc... everytime - but I think at the VERY LEAST it should at least match the feel of the song.
At worst, it's ok for the whole 4min to just be made up of random scenes of the singer walking around, looking cool and stylo, but at least the speed/pace/objects should not clash too much with the music.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Boys And Girls
"女人的条件分很多种,但绝对没有十全十美的女人。漂亮的不下厨,下厨的不温柔,温柔的没主见,有主见的没女人味,有女人味的会乱花钱,不会乱花钱的不会打扮,会打扮的不放心,放心的,肯定不能看。。。" --- 夏和杰
"有才华的男人长得丑,长得帅的没有钱,有钱的不顾家,顾家的没出息,有出息的不浪漫,浪漫的靠不住,靠的住的是窝囊废。" --- 徐乃麟
"有才华的男人长得丑,长得帅的没有钱,有钱的不顾家,顾家的没出息,有出息的不浪漫,浪漫的靠不住,靠的住的是窝囊废。" --- 徐乃麟
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Nunchaku Ballad
Old clip I came across...
He did this impromptu in minutes.
And it's so much nicer than the original... =.=
This one is pretty good too... until the Chorus which is darn funny. (Hu Yan Bin is from Mainland China)
He did this impromptu in minutes.
And it's so much nicer than the original... =.=
This one is pretty good too... until the Chorus which is darn funny. (Hu Yan Bin is from Mainland China)
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