Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Stupid haze...
It got so bad yesterday that both nostrails were blocked and I had to breath through my mouth...Then I was shivering all over when I tried to sleep, and difficult to breath.
Doctor said, most likely reason could be the haze, which is making my nose allergic (I never had what allergic nose before, what the hell loh...)
Anyway, he gave me some spray stuffs and some allergic medicines...Haiz...sometimes wonder why I always get all those stupid health problems...
I got the tickets!!!

Premier Seats...Better than even the most expensive tickets you can buy from sistic right now...
I must pray hard that I can attend this event...
Note: Thanks Trenzterra for wenting through so much trouble for getting such good seats for us.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Upgrading COM During NS Period...
But...haiz...my current computer is really really really old...and obsolete. It can BARELY run even some of the year 2005 titles at 800 x 600 with everything at lowest...So I am super depressed...Bookout also cannot have an enjoyable time using my computer...And I think upgrading to a better GFX card only doesn't help in the long run, since I'm still running AGP Mobo, and the CPU will most likely be a bottle neck...
Now NS barely started only...how can I "survive" 2 years on this shitty com...So that came my decision to do an upgrade during the Block Leave in december...Besides, I'll be using the own money I've earned during the June - Sept period...heh...
There's a couple of reasons for upgrading in december and I think it'll be a good time...
1) Block Leave - Time off to play!
2) Direct X10 - First batch of cards release in Nov, should push down DX9 cards significantly.
3) Core Quad? - Not sure how much effect this will have, but it MAY affect C2D prices...
I won't be getting the DX10 cards, as I don't see the point yet...Firstly, those premium cards will definitely be freaking expensive, but most importantly, DX10 games will probably take another 1 - 2 years to slowly enter the market. And I have no plans of upgrading to Vista at the moment, since it's a super resource hog and again, probably 2 years for the software to stabalize and accepted in the market...
For now, every bookout I've been closely following the prices of the hardware. I will most likely aim for the C2D E6400, which prices for bundle still hovering around 600 to 700...hmm...
My budget plan is something around like...
CPU + MOBO Bundle > $600
Graphic Card > $250
Memory > $150
Now the most "Wu Hua" (Value for Money) is the Geforce 7900GS...very good performance, and the price is like $300...
Reference Articles...
Q3 CPU Performance Charts
Creative adverts...
Take a look at the Cheers Campaign ad...funny like hell. The main thing is the music...sibeh dramatic. LOL.
Some others include an Energy Drink and Titanic...
Overseas commercials are so innovative! Hope one day we got more talents like these...Haha.
Wild Arms: The 4th Detonator, Storyline
The story main character is a young kid named Jude, living in the isolated
He's joined by Yulie (A child who's forced in an orpanage, undergoing experiments to gain the ability to drive ARMS), and subsequently Arnaud (magic user who somehow got drag into the events) and Raquel (Proficient swordwomen, travelling around Filgaia in search of remaining beauty).
First part of the game was mainly the team constantly under the persue of Brionac, elite forces of the CK. Yulie was the "key" to unlocking the Divine Weapon which the CK has evacuated at Illsveil. It seems that Kresnik, Yulie's brother, had joined the Brionac as well...Later, they're joined by Gawn, a man who claims he seeks to persue the War Hero Hauser...He became very good friend with the group.
Later in the game, Jude finally located his mother, who had been captured by the Brionac. On the train, it was revealed that all the "villagers" of Ciel were actually researchers of ARMS during the war 10 years ago...the whole party end up in the
Mid story...Jude mother died , and Hauser saves the party. Gawn later reveals himself as the "secret weapon" of the Brionac and captured Yulie and Hauser. Lambda, commander of Brionac, discovered the true motive the CK. The ministers merely wanted to use the Divine Weapon to gain immortality, so they can be the permanent leaders for Filgaia. By then, only 6 of the 11 Brionac Lieutenants remained due to orders to send them 1 by 1... Lambda was furious and rebelled against the CK, slaying all the ministers overnight... The plan to evacuate the Divine Weapon continues however...
End story...Lambda made Hauser lost his mind and activates the Divine Weapon. Kresnik gave up his prototype arm to Jude before falling into the depth of darkness in the final dungeon. Lambda realized that he was wrong in losing trust in humanity, and trust in comrades, which was the reason the Brionac has lost...He gave his final strength to help the party...
After defeating the Divine Weapon, peace returns to Filgaia...Arnaud left with Raquel in search of a cure while Jude and Yulie stayed behind to rebuild the village. They made a promise to see each other again someday.
Ending, 10 Years Later...Jude became the keeper of the forest living among the animals. Yulie stayed in the village as a school teacher. Arnaud married Raquel and they had a child...Raquel never did find a cure for her illness, but she did find something truly beautiful in this world.
The four friends may not have been able to fulfill their promise to meet again, but even now, Filgaia's future continues onward...
The 11 Members Lieutenant of Brionac, also known as the Lambda Elite (Meaning Elite 11). Each is equivelent to a battalion:
Lambda: Commander of the Brionac
Kresnik: The "Lance" of Lambda.
Farmel: The "Shield of Lambda.
Heath, Invisible Stalker - Unable to love anyone, even himself. Ability to remove others perception of him to become invisible. Only love Fiore and
Enil, Dark Whisper - Bring out a person deepest fear and give them physical forms.
Jeremy, Initial Canceller - Cancels person inheritia and ability to attack.
Scythe, Crimson Noble - Ability to control space and time. Beilai, his lover, is actually the real Noble giving him strength...
Hugo, System Cronos - Ability to compress time, and move just before an attack hits him.
Balgaine, Baron of Gore - Nulifies any support magic, possessed godly strength.
Augst - No fighting ability. The "researcher" of the Brionac...
Gawn - The secret 11th Commander, Trumph Card...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Senseless Games...
Last week, Jack introduced us to the "Bear game". It's a very fun and entertaining game that's simliar to murderer and can be played in a huge group.
Basically, there are 2 bears, a cuckoo and a priests as special roles (Subject to change depending on number of players), the rest being normal civillians. Only the cuckoo know who the 2 bears are.
Summary of how the game is play: After the gamemaster assigns the roles, Day 1 starts and everyone wakes up. Discussion assues and after everyone is done, 1 person is voted out and everyone sleeps. Then, the bears will wake up and decides who he wants to kill. The priests will wake up and decides who to heal. After that, Day 2 will starts and the game continues until either the bear or the civilian wins. Kind of tough to explain here, but it's kind of a physcological game. Heh. Great way to pass time.
Now the senseless games we came up with this week. Have to take down so I don't forget them...
- I like, But I Don't Like: I will keep listing items I like and dislike, can you figure out what's the secret to the statement?
- The Magic Cloth / UFO: I use an object to hover in front of you for a while...what's the magic number that will appear?
- How Many Meh Meh Jump Over The Wall?: This takes forever to figure out...how many meh meh jumps over the wall... -__-
- The Eyes, Nose and Mouth: I point to 3 locations, naming them eyes, nose and mouth. Can you figure out whose face I'm referring to?
Taurus Motto - Don't Be An ABC
Interesting? My platoon new tag line is "Tough time don't last, tough men do. When my body says enough, my spirits say NEVER!"
Hmm...for now, I'm extremely worried about the fieldcamp. Full of uncertainties and doubts...don't know if I can survive...
I believe fieldcamp is the "Ultimate test during BMT"...Believe in myself...They say "you'll know who your true friends are during fieldcamp"...Haiz...worst thing is my buddy is OOT -__-
Saturday, October 14, 2006
My health is deteoriating...
Loperamil, Ultracarbon, Hyoscine Butylbromide, Procodi Syrup...
Danzen, Lactool Fort Capsules, Ibuprofen, Linctus...
Just some of the many many medicines I've eaten so far. Haiz. Screw the haze. I think it's contributing greatly to my cough. I went to see outside doctor again, and it costs freaking $45...HAIZ. (Cause see the MO didn't recover)
So far I reckoned I've spent more than $100 just buying stuffs like Limpsin (Which didn't help), Deflamm (Cost freaking $11 bucks and didn't help!), panadols, africian sea coconut drinking (Limited usefulness...) and seeing outside doctor twice.
Crap man. My fitness is improving, but what's the use if my health keeps getting worse with each day? Now, I cough until I can't get to sleep at night...and when I wake up, my throat is BURNING...Geez!
Gonna take the medication (which cause drowziness...) and sleep liao...Can't even enjoy my short bookout in full health...
Tui Hou MV... (Jay Chou)
Today just watch the full version of the MV. Nice manz...you have to watch it for yourself. The storyline is very simple, but the "我已经变了。。。但,也已经来不及了" at the end, how the scene flashes back to the past, it shows Jay selling the drinks, then Hebe appearing...Very good MV.
Factors to consider for my computers...
Anyway, A LOT of stuffs are coming about. Not long ago the release of AM2, followed by the grand opening of Intel Core 2 Duo (Which cause the MASSIVE AMD price cuts). Soon after, AMD brought over ATI...
But that's only the warm up...the REAL big factor will be the impending Windows Vista release, together with Direct X10. Rumors are circulating that Nvidia will be pushing out the Geforce 8 Series in November, ATI in December, aka the first series of Direct X10 cards.
Haiz...headache. So many crap to consider. And WTF! A Window Vista Premium PC requires 1GB of RAM...what bullshit...1GB just to "start up". Vista is the ultimate resource hog...-_-Anyway, the DX10 cards will confirm be super ex when it get released, which also means the DX9 cards will all see a drop in prices.
Been reading through lot of articles about those stuffs lately (even though a lot can change in 2 months time, so I'm still not going into it yet...)
Some of my most anticipated games coming up...Spore, Medieval II: Total War and possibly Heroes V Hammers of Fate, any upcoming patches/expansion for Civ, and Railroads. Heh. Haiz...all those will require a hell of a machine though...
I passed my IPPT!
I think I've grown MUCH more in these 1 month of Army then 4 months of my own training...-_-
These are the results I got for the 1st IPPT Cat Test (When I first entered)
Chin Up: 7, 2 Pts
SBJ: 189cm, 0 Pts
Sit Up: 34, 2 Pts
Shuttle: 11.3s, 0 Pts
2.4KM Run: 12.41 min, 1 Pts
These are the results I got this week, 2nd IPPT Test...
Chin Up: 8, 3 Pts
SBJ: 216cm, 2 Pts
Sit Up: 38, 4 Pts
Shuttle: 10.5, 3 Pts
2.4KM Run: 12.07 min, 2 Pts
Heh...so happy~I never ever thought I could jump SBJ. I guess I've learnt the technique quite well now. My goal for the next IPPT is silver! (No money unfortunately...but plan for the future mah. And anyway I can get the badge. Heh)
By the way I am a "Bobo shooter"...so no chance of marksman :(
Drag your boots, Soldiers!
Basically lot of IMT and IMT this week. Most important event was the 6KM Route March on 12th Oct, which was really...had a great "emotional impact" on me. I felt very very very very weak towards the end but I kept telling myself to push on. I don't want to fall out. I don't want to give up. I must presevere......It's really like a "milestone"...Not to say so much...but I was really overwhelmed that day. I was like in a daze for a long long time...
"I want you guys to leave T3 with memories. I don't want you to think back about of your BMT and say 'Ah...Aiya, T3 ah. Very slack lah.'"
The reasons I don't play online games...
I've tried some MMORPG before, but they never get to me...for a couple of reasons I saw recently on a forum. (which is when I discover they're exactly the same reasons why I don't play).
1) You generally have to pay a fee (at least for MMORPGs) and I feel that once I've bought a game I shouldn't have to incur additional costs to play it.
2) When I did play online, it often become too addictive. I like to be able to turn off the games when necessary without being in the position of letting teammates down. I can already feel this from just playing simple games like Warcraft (Like promising them I'll be joining in for a clan battle) etc...It sorts of become like an extra burden on me. When I play single player, I have the power to start and stop whenever I want.
Heh...It's hard to say whether I'll play MMORPG in the future, but currently I don't see myself doing that...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Meaning behind S.H.E names
Do you want to know why the trio were named Selina Hebe and Ella? Here is why!
-The name Selina was chosen by her company after taking a personality test; it is the name of the Greek goddess of moon, it also represents "gentleness".
-The name Hebe was chosen by her company after taking a personality test, it is the name of the Greek goddess of youth, it also represents "confidence".
-The name Ella was chosen by her company after taking a personality test, it is the name of the Greek goddess of neutrality, it represents "courage".
S.H.E Moving Castle Concert...
Then today due to "mysterious reasons", I lost my card. Early morning I took the card out, wanted to transfer money to Trenz account for the tickets, but the queue downstairs was too darn long, so I headed back home.
During the afternoon, I went to causeway to catch up a bit with Toby, but by then my card is gone! What the hell. I went home, overturn my drawers and search through the bags and wallet, all no have.
Haiz. No choice but to report lost. I know it could be lying somewhere around the house, but for me, I rather pay $5 for the replacement to be safe...If someone else find it and draw out all the money, I can go suicide liao. $5 for a peace of mind is nothing...heh.
Woo...so happy! S.H.E "Moving Castle" concert will be held on 27th Jan...which is a saturday, and after my BMT (It was originally scheduled for Fall 2006, but got pushed back to Early 2007)... This I guess will "greatly increase" my chances of being able to make it for the concert.
I really really really hope I can go for this one, cause this time around, I won't be going just with Toby, but with a HUGE group of people! That means we can scream together, laugh together, shout "encore" together! I think it will be damn high~~~~~~~~~ compared to the last one!
What's the best thing is SHEA has become officially recognized by H.I.M Singapore, and Trenz have got them to reserved 30 "premium seats" for us...(Yep, I got the premium) Now is the preorder period only, which means the "general public" still won't be able to purchase them through SISTIC. It's like the "Best of the $148". I pray and pray and pray that I'll be able to attend...
Side Note: Jerry is very crazy about S.H.E right now! He told me he just email H.I.M and preorder the ticket already as well! LOL! Don't know when he become so "on" as well. Could it be due to my influence... -_-
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Army songs...
CAMERA PHONE 千万不要带 (music)
FALL IN 的时候,别乱乱动 (music)
记得MP 天天在等待
那OC对我说 (那女孩对我说)
Bookout Day
Today is our bookout day~
Today is our bookout day~
bookout bookout day~
No more 5BX, No more CPT~
Today is our bookout day~bookout bookout day~