Woo...it's very very late now and I'm very tired actually, but I wanted to write this down right now. I'm afraid that I may "forget" what I wanted write if I do this tomorrow.
Anyway, today marks a very special date where I attended my first ever TCZ Forum gathering. It's better to be late then never right? Now thinking about it, I quite regret missing it for the past 5 years. Why did I suddenly decide to attend this year's gathering? Well, I suddenly got the urge to (and Adeline pursuaded me a bit). Well I've collected this series for 7 years. Do I really want to let another 7 years pass by and I don't know a single soul from the comic I've supported for so long? If I look back at this 10 years from now, will I regret that I've never attended the gathering? The answer is a big YES when I asked myself. So anyway that's how I finally made a decision to attend the this year's gathering.
Felt strange. For the first time I'm meeting people that I'm been talking in the forum for years, but never got to see them in real-life. It's like you know the person, yet you don't. I first met with Adeline (Wan Si) , Blood Red Sword (Sen Yen) and another girl at the MRT. BRS began to talk about DOTA...how he met me in Warcraft...-_-
Anyway we reached the Book Fair and the situation became quite "cold" as I couldn't really get into the conversation with the bunch of girls...Later now, Wee Tian Beng arrives and after browsing through the TCZ21, I decided that I'll continue collecting. I want to continue to cherish this series and this memory until the day Tian Beng decides not to draw anymore. So I brought the first 3 books for TCZ 21 and asked him to signed on the first book of TCZ 21 and last book of TCZ 2! Haha. I'm also quite disappointed to hear the news that they will no longer be continuing the "Wu Lin Da Wan Jia" as it has so much potential. The characters and the style is so funny, yet intriguing and makes you want to know what happen next. Too bad the artist got married and decided not to continue anymore...Sigh...a pity.
Anyway, we hang around for a while, and later I was left alone as they all mysteriously disappeared. Luckily, I have my trusty TCZ21...haha. Read finished 1 book before meeting up with RBS and Han Ming. We basically talked a lot about Army Stuffs. Have to learn from "seniors". Later at around 6 we left with Qin Jie for Shaw Towers. Met a lot of forum members there like Elendil, Majastar, JingQin and GlitterSword! Wooo! Haha. They were older/younger than I expected. Basically we got to know each other a bit before heading off the catch the movie: X Men III The Last Stand.
The movie was...well, graphic galore I supposed. Lots of stunning special effects and stuffs. In terms of storyline...well...medicore at best. I doubt there's even a story. That show is just for you to enjoy its awesome special effects. (The moving of the entire bridge left me in awe...) Ending was quite "open" as they saw the bad guy still havent lost his "powers"...hmm...(By the way he's the same bad guy in Da Vinci Code...how the hell he act in 2 movies at once)
The movie ended at about 9 and we headed over to the tcc cafe. That' the time I really enjoyed. The conversation eventually splitted into 2 groups - Boys and Girls. The girls talked about what girls talked about...yeah guys. The Guys talked about...no it's not girls. It's the Army. Haha. Basically the other 3 who's in the army are giving advice to GS and me about what to do, and what not to do in the Army. They also shared a lot of interesting stories like Wild Boars, Commanders trying to steal your rifle (unscrew your muzzle), and how you should take the "Commander Lectures"...haha! I will be "looking forward" to that day~!
We talked for a REALLY long time until almost 11:30pm! After that we parted ways and eventually I was left alone with Elendil to catch the last train~Hee. At first didn't know what to talk about with her. Well...what's our common interest? TCZ lah...haha.
So throughout the whole trip was discussing about the TCZ Storyline and the characters in TCZ II. How Die Wu is a bimbo, how the Raving Star and Demon Dragon were saying how powerful they were and then died for some lame cause. Basically TCZ II is very superficial was the conclusion we got. Hahaha...
Well that sums up my first TCZ gathering. Very enjoyable time I had.